Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted (me-u-neh). But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed."Isaiah 53:4-5; "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone."Hebrews 2:9 ; "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."Hebrews 12:2 ; "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."Romans 8:16-18

When I studied Isaiah 53 earnestly,I was taken back by the Hebrew word for "afflicted" In modern Hebrew this word means "tortured". When I was young, and first learned what torture actually involved, my soul was shocked that this could happen to people; in fact that it was happening to people. That a person could be kept alive for the purpose of intentionally causing him intense agonizing pain was an astounding enigma for my young soul. It really frightened me; and I think that fear of torture is probably the greatest fear that humans can experience. We read about people who have been tortured, with a kind of horrified awe. And quietly we wonder inside, "How can this be?" And, "Could this ever happen to me?" Crucifixion was a form of torture which the ancient Romans used frequently. And while I had a concept of the suffering that our Messiah endured for us, for some reason the understanding that He was tortured for our iniquities brought my awareness to a new level. I did not begin to appreciate or fathom the suffering Messiah went through. His identification with our suffering and our sin was total, and His experience of this torture so fully absorbed Him that He experienced what must have felt like infinite isolation and pain. Somehow, this is a deep comfort; to know that the Son of God understands by experience, torture and suffering unthinkable. But then, I suddenly realized that I also could not begin to comprehend the glory that awaited Him after His suffering. And that His suffering purchased for me a portion in that glory as well. It was the other side of the story, and somehow, these two extremes complement one another; suffering, and glory. The apostle Paul states his revelation about our sufferings with almost light-hearted conviction; that they are not even “worthy” to be compared with the glory that awaits us. This, to me, could be the most amazing promise in all of scripture. Brothers & Sisters, suffering is everywhere, a constant part of this life; it may be you, or someone you love, or people you don't even know but are agonizing over and praying for. This world casts suffering in every direction at every level of intensity. But all of it, every flaming ounce of it has been successfully absorbed into the body of Jesus the Messiah. He was tortured for us – suffered death for us – so that our sufferings are trifles in the light of eternity. It's been said this way: from heaven the most miserable earthly life will look like one bad night in a cheap hotel. Thank the Lord. HE UNDERSTANDS OUR SUFFERINGS MORE THAN YOU KNOW!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes."Psalms 118:22-23 ; "Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily."Isaiah 28:16 ; "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."John 15:18

These first two scriptures are speaking of the same "Stone", the prophesied Messiah (Jesus), the "head of the corner". This stone is laid in Zion, a common synonym for Jerusalem, where mount Zion rests. The stone is "tried", that is, tested in every way that a stone can be; the stone is precious and excellent to be set as a sure, reliable, accurate, even everlasting foundation, and a stone which is prepared and set in place by God, Himself. Can you think of a "Stone" more perfect or beautiful than our Messiah? Yet this same "stone" is rejected by the "builders"; but also believed in by others, who will not act hastily. The Hebrew word for "rejected", “ma-as”,is also denoted by it. So the "Messiah", the "Chief Cornerstone" of God is spurned, abhorred, held in contempt, and rejected. Now the builders are the ones who ought to know a good stone for building when they see one. They're responsible for the quality of the building. But this precious cornerstone is abhorred and cast away by them; very sad and irresponsible. Yet the prophet clearly predicts this stone will become the "Chief Cornerstone", even though rejected by the builders -- and that it will be marvelous in the eyes of some...and these will not "make haste"; the Hebrew "chuwsh" means to hurry, or even "to flee in alarm". Apparently these, who believe, will be at peace, they will be relaxed. Brothers & Sisters, the Lord Jesus said that our identification with Him would cause us to be hated and rejected too. And in this world there are quite a few modern "builders" who have also rejected the "Chief Cornerstone", so we can expect that they will reject and abhor us who belong to Him. But the prophet said that believers in this Precious Cornerstone will not make haste, or flee in terror; instead, their belief, their faith, their trust will make them relaxed. Is that you? REJECTED? RELAX...

" And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."Genesis 2:7 ; "And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man."1 Corinthians 15:49 ; "but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."John 4:14 ; " And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts."Revelation 21:6

The first man was called "Ah-dom", we know him as "Adam". The word used for "man", as in "mankind", in Genesis 1, is also the same word – "Ah-dom". "Ah-dom" is rooted in the three Hebrew letters, aleph-dalet-mem, and one of the Hebrew words for earth is "Adamah", which contains the same three letters, however it ends with the Hebrew letter "hay". "Adamah" means "red earth", or "red clay", and this word points to the natural earth elements, the "earth dust" that composed Adam’s body, and the body of every human being since. "Man" is "ah-dom", in a very real sense, "clay". If a piece of clay is to become anything, it has to be molded – and to be moldable it must become wet. Clay has a tendency to dry out quickly and become hardened, and once that happens, there's not much you can do with it. Since we are "ah-dom", made of clay, we are in constant need of water. This is true both physically, and also spiritually. Our bodies need a constant resupply of water to stay alive and function well. Our spirits also need "water", the "water" of the Word [Ephesians 5:26]. If we are constantly drinking this water of the word, our faith, which comes by hearing [Romans 10:17] will result in a magnificent promise from Jesus: "He that believes in me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water!" This water of His Word welling up through His Spirit will prevent us from becoming dry and hardened, and will enable us to "water" others, even to be, ourselves, a spring of living water. Brothers & Sisters, drink from the water of life. You don't want to become a hardened vessel, easily cracked or broken. Soak yourself in Him and in His word, so that God will keep you moldable, useful, and "drinkable" by others. Water is necessary, but it is also deeply refreshing, and Jesus's living water springs up, even to eternal life! DON'T DRY OUT!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men,but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king."1 Peter 2:13-17

Sometimes I saw how politics could get ugly and, more often than not, how it changed people -- not for the better...but often for the worse! Always when the elections are about to be held in my country, there have been some outrageous attacks. And sadly, I feel pretty sure these attacks will only intensify in the days before elections. Nevertheless, I'm encouraged! Why? Because, often, the enemy's destructive intentions and attacks become God's means for testimony and victorious proclamation! Let me give you an example: during the period of history known as "the enlightenment", the "enlightened" philosopher, Voltaire, proclaimed that within twenty-five years the Bible would be forgotten and Christianity would be a thing of the past. Forty years after his death in 1778, Voltaire's house was purchased, and used to print Bibles and other Christian literature. Such is the irony of one man's prophetic folly. His own house became God's platform for proclaiming the message that Voltaire despised. I suggest we may once again witness such an irony in our countries. Brothers & Sisters, don't let the political season shape you for the worse, with bitterness, mockery, sarcasm, rancor, etc... -- but rather, transform the political landscape by who you are -- a king and a priest of the Most High! Be a confident, respectful, and quietly shining beacon of light in this dark (political) world, and continue to pray the Lord's guiding hand upon the leaders who face the tremendous responsibilities and challenges ahead! SHAPING & RESHAPING POLITICS!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"If you will not believe, surely you will not be established."Isaiah 7:9b

This passage in Isaiah contains a poetic play on words which is lost to any reader but one who understands Hebrew. A word for word translation runs something like this: “If not you will believe (lo ta-aminoo), surely not you will be established (lo te-amenoo).” The three letter Hebrew root – "aleph"- "mem"- "nun", is the same in both words, and the Holy Spirit through the prophet Isaiah is clearly playing on this root to emphasize His point. The same root letters are also used in the spelling for the familiar word "Amen" which literally means "truthfully". A study of the root of the Hebrew word for "Amen" reveals numerous related meanings: "le-heet-amen", "to practice or exercise" and "le-ha-amin", "to believe". And finally the same root is found in the Hebrew word for "faith", "emunah". Simply through the inter-relationships of these similarly rooted words it's not hard to see that real faith is intimately connected to real practice or exercise. James put it simply, "Faith without works is dead". True faith is active faith, practicing faith, faith that is exercised-- and finally, faith that is truthful. Brothers & Sisters, this passage speaks of being established. How are you established in your walk? By practicing and exercising your faith truthfully...simple as that. Can you say "Amen" to that? CAN YOU LIVE OUT AN AMEN?!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man comes at an hour when you think not."Luke 12:39-40

When I first became a believer, I thought by simply dealing with my outward sins that I could live a state of sinlessness. But it wasn't long before the Lord began revealing and dealing with my inward sins and attitudes. Now, and the longer I walk with Him, I understand more and more the meaning of daily repentance! If we truly want to be free and walk in His liberty, we cannot avoid this crucial requirement for freedom. Because we cannot receive His forgiveness without it, repentance must be a way of life for us [1 John 1:9]. Brothers & Sisters, staying close to the Lord is His heart's desire for us...but one of the main conditions for it is walking in regular repentance. When we walk in humility and truthfulness about our sin -- we are walking in the light, and the blood of Jesus keeps cleansing us from sin. In that condition we are so much more able to love the Lord and those around us -- with Him, touching one life at a time. So, let's lay down our pride and turn to Him every day....with genuine repentance! REPENTANCE IS A LIFESTYLE; BE READY!

Monday, December 10, 2012

"He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation? For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken. And they made His grave with the wicked-- But with the rich at His deaths [plural in the Hebrew], Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His mouth."Isaiah 53:8-9 ; "and killed the Prince of life [in Hebrew, lives], whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses."Acts 3:15

An interesting parallel exists between these two passages of scripture: Isaiah 53:9 and Acts 3:15. Isaiah renders the "death" of the messiah in the plural form, "deaths". Acts renders the life of the Prince of Life as "lives". Some scholars suggest that the plurality of the word death indicates a violent death this servant would suffer, and that making the noun plural is a way of emphasizing the terrible intensity of his experience. Jewish counter-missionaries suggest that the "death" in plural shows that the suffering servant is not an individual man, but a group of people, specifically the nation of Israel, thus denying that the passage refers to an individual messianic figure. I like to look at this passage as a reminder that Jesus suffered death for me, personally, but also for every one else who would believe in Him. Since we all died with Him on the cross as He died to sin, it could be said that He suffered many deaths for all those He loved. Tracing the parallel to the Acts passage we can understand why it says there that He was the "Prince of Lives". The phrase indicating a plurality of life. In His suffering of deaths, He became the Prince of lives! How many lives did He save? How many kinds of life? We'll find out someday....maybe. Brothers & Sisters, Jesus's death was complete; a finished work of comprehensive grace; totally effective and absolutely personal. His resurrection was equally full, final and personal -- through Him we died to sin, and need no longer walk in it; and through Him we live to God, and can walk in newness of life, abundant life -- for He truly is the Prince of Life! FOLLOW YOUR PRINCE OF LIFE!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."Psalms 51:10-12

David is called a “man after God’s own heart.” Considering that he lusted after his neighbor's wife, committed adultery with her, and had her husband murdered, the Lord's description of him is remarkable. How could a man who was convicted a murderer and an adulterer also be called one after God’s own heart? The answer is simple but profound: God did not regard David according to the actions of his sinful nature, but according to the deepest motivations and disposition of his heart and will; and these were revealed by David's response to the conviction which Nathan the prophet brought upon him; a conviction which brought immediate total confession and repentance, and a broken and contrite heart. This response exemplified the shepherd king's walk with God throughout the entire journey of his life. If, after David had fallen he made excuses, rationalized, or resisted the clear message of his sinfulness it would have been a totally different story. His heart would have revealed a self-justifying, self-righteous attitude with no realization of his absolute need for God's mercy. This would have defeated and defined him as a man after his own heart. But the immediacy and completeness of David's confession qualified him for the Lord's forgiveness and mercy, saving him from death and restoring him to that most treasured relationship of his life, his relationship with God. The consequences of his sin were very serious and followed David all the days of his life. But he demonstrated the genuineness of his repentance by never railing against God for the troubles which followed him as a consequence of his sin with Batsheva. David always rose up, submitted, and humbly praised God, writing wonderful psalms and pouring out his heart before the Lord. He served God and worshiped Him all his life. So the Lord God didn’t reckon David’s life by his fall – but by his walk, and by his heart. Brothers & Sisters, we all stumble in many ways, but God does not define us by our failures. It's our love for Him and our honesty before Him that reveals a true walk of faith! So if you fell, you messed up, your sin got the best of you, then come clean. Make your confession. Accept the consequences without complaining, allow the Lord to forgive and restore you completely, and continue on your journey with Him. That was David's heart. His example is worthy to follow. May you also be one of those that lived their life “after God’s own heart!” IT HAPPENED EVEN TO THE BEST OF THEM!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."Revelation 17:14

Just about every Hebrew prayer begins by saying, Blessed are you O Lord our God, King of the Universe. Now think about it, King of the Universe! Wikipedia defines "universe" as, "the composition of all the planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and energy". Hmm…that’s a lot to be king over! So He’s the King over hundreds of billions of stars, and hundreds of millions of galaxies – the King of everything! Now this might make this King seem somewhat "out of reach" for you and me. But He's not. Because this King decided to walk into His universe as a little human being so that He could relate to us better. He's big. Bigger than you can imagine. But He's also accessible because He made Himself small too. So Brothers & Sisters, don't worry. The distance and size of God are not a problem for Him or for you. He knows and understands all your thoughts, worries, your fears, your anxieties and your troubles! And “If God is for us, who can be against us?” So be at peace my friend, and let Him take care of it all. He truly is “King of Kings” – the King of the Universe, but He's also your best and closest friend. HE IS KING OF KINGS!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"But whoso looked into the perfect law of liberty, and continued therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."James 1:25

How many times have we left a job, a project, a church, an important relationship because we just didn't find it good enough? Some of us make a lifestyle of it! But God wants us to be the kind of remarkable people who don't criticize, complain and go out looking for something better all the time. He wants us to be a people who determine to make a difference in the lives of the people and situations He allows us to face! Your job is boring and you need a change? Ask the Lord how you might grow in your giftings there. Ask Him to help you come up with a creative solution and maybe even improve your workplace altogether! You want to leave your church because it doesn't have an exciting children's ministry? Perhaps the Lord is calling you to help start one up! Brothers & Sisters, let's be a doers! Let's be people of vision! There's much too much to be done for the Lord to be sitting around criticizing. Let's determine to stop being complainers and go forth and do great things for Him! JUST DO IT!

"Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, "What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" And the people answered him in this manner, saying, "So shall it be done for the man who kills him." Now Eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men; and Eliab's anger was aroused against David, and he said, "Why did you come down here? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride and the insolence of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle."And David said, "What have I done now? Is there not a cause?"1 Samuel 17:26-29

David's faith and courage in volunteering to fight Goliath was an embarrassment to his big brother Eliab, an officer in King Saul's army. I imagine his thinking went something like this; “If my little brother wins everybody will ask, 'How come you didn't go out and fight him?'” The Bible records that Eliab “burned with anger at David and asked, 'Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is...'” These are devastating words from an older brother. Before David could defeat Goliath he first had to overcome the attitudes, accusations and words, of those close around him. The defeat of Goliath had massive implications for Israel and for the Lord. Satan had staked a great deal on Goliath's terrifying power. So wherever the enemy had opportunity in the sinful attitudes of David's friends and family he maximized them, realizing that David truly had the anointing of God to turn the tide of battle. And God allowed David to be tested by his own closest kin. If there is a true Goliath in your life and you are appointed to slay him be assured you will face similar tests from those close by. When you make decisions to step out and follow God it will put pressure on others to do the same. Their shame and lack of faith will move them to attack, belittle and criticize you. It will come from among those closest to you, especially if your calling sets you apart! Brothers & Sisters, be careful around those who say, “I knew you when...” in an attempt to label, libel, or limit you – much like David's brother Eliab tried to hinder him. David was empowered by the Lord to slay Goliath – if you have that same Spirit and calling then humbly step aside and say, "What have I done now? Isn't there a real job to be done?" Then go ahead, and do it. WHO ARE YOU NOW?

Monday, December 3, 2012

"Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."Acts 14:22

I don't know about you, but it seems that the tests we're going through are getting harder and harder. Do you remember when you took tests in high school? At the time they may have seemed hard. But imagine if you had to take an elementary school test when you were in high school. You'd probably think – oh this is so simple. So if it seems that the testing of your faith is more intense – it simply means that you're graduating to new levels of faith! Our faith is being tested, and as we pass each "faith" test, we're finding different means of being tested. I suppose in a few years, we'll look back and think to ourselves – wow thatwas a hard test, but now it doesn't look so difficult! Broters & Sisters, if you're going through a tough time right now, be encouraged because it simply means that God is graduating you to new levels of faith! The harder the tests, the greater difficulty – the greater the reward, an increased blessing awaits you! Stay focused, stay alert and remember that God is trying to stretch your faith so that you can accomplish even more for His Kingdom! DOES IT SEEM THAT THE TESTS ARE GETTING HARDER?

Friday, November 30, 2012


• Imi muri vadyi venhaka yavaprofita neyesungano yakaitwa naMwari namadzibaba enyu. Akati kuna Abhurahama, “Marudzi ose apanyika acharopafadzwa kubudikidza navana vako. Mabasa 3: 25. • Sezvinorehwa noRugwaro ruchiti: “Ani naani anotenda kwandiri haanganyadziswi.” Nokuti hapana musiyano pakati pomuJudha kana muHedheni, nokuti Ishe mumwe ndiye Ishe wavose uye anovaropafadza kwazvo vose vanodana kwaari, nokuti ani naani anodana kuzita raShe achaponeswa.” Varoma 10: 11 – 13. • Nokuti veMasedhonia neveAkaya vakafadzwa kuti vagovane nevarombo pakati pevatsvene vari muJerusarema. Nokuti vakaona zvakanaka kuti vaite izvi, uye zvirokwazvo vane ngava kuti vavaitire izvi. Nokuti kana vaHedheni vakagovanawo pazvinhu zvoMweya zvavaJudha, vane ngavawo kuvaJudha kuti vagoverane navo pazvinhu zvavo zvenyika ino. Varoma 15: 26 – 27. • Nyika inonwa mvura inonaya nguva nenguva pamusoro payo uye inobereka zvirimwa zvinobatsira avo vanoirima, ndiyo inoropafadzwa naMwari. Asi nyika inobereka munzwa norukato haibatsiri uye ine dambudziko rokuti ichatukwa. Pakupedzisira ichapiswa. Vahebheru 6: 7 – 8. • Vanhu vakanga vachiuya navana vaduku kuna Jesu kuti avabate, asi vadzidzi vakavatsiura. Jesu paakazviona, akatsamwa. Akati kwavari, “Regai vana vaduku vauye kwandiri, uye musavadzivisa, nokuti umambo hwaMwari ndohwavakadai. Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, ani naani asingagamuchiri umambo hwaMwari somwana muduku haangatongopindi mahuri.” Ipapo akatora vana akavafungatira mumaoko ake, akaisa maoko ake pamusoro pavo akavaropafadza. Mako 10: 13 – 16. • Kubva pakuzara kwake takagamuchira nyasha pamusoro penyasha. Nokuti murayiro wakapiwa kubudikidza naMozisi; nyasha nezvokwadi zvakauya kubudikidza naJesu Kristu. Johani 1: 16 – 17. • Vongai Jehovha nokuti akanaka: nokuti ngoni dzake dzinogara nokusingaperi. Mapisarema 136: 1. • Chipo chose chakanaka uye chakakwana chinobva kudenga, chinoburuka chichibva kuna Baba wezviedza zvokudenga, asingashanduki semimvuri inopinduka. Akasarudza kutibereka kubudikidza neshoko rechokwadi, kuti tive mhando yechibereko chokutanga chezvisikwa zvake. Jakobho 1: 17 – 18. • Kurumbidza ngakuve kuna Mwari Baba vaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, iye akatiropafadza muchadenga nokuropafadza kwose kwomweya muna Kristu Jesu. Nokuti akatisarudza maari nyika isati yasikwa kuti tive vatsvene vasina chavanopomerwa pamberi pake. Vaefeso 1: 3 – 4. • Pamusoro paizvozvo zvose dananai norudo rukuru, nokuti rudo runofukidza zvivi zvizhinji. 1 Petro 4: 8. • Upfumi nokuremekedzwa zvinobva kwamuri; ndimi mutongi wezvinhu zvose. Mumaoko enyu mune simba noushe kuti musimudzire uye musimbise vanhu vose. Zvino, Mwari wadu, tinokuvongai, uye tinorumbidza zita enyu rakanakisa. 1 Makoronike 29: 12 – 13. • Kana uchinge wadya waguta rumbidza Jehovha Mwari wako nokuda kwenyika yakanaka yaakakupa. Dhuteronomi 8: 10. • Mwari ngaavongwe nokuda kwechipo chake chisingagoni kurondedzerwa! 2 Vakorinde 9: 15. • Ndizarurireiwo masuo akururama; ndichapinda ndigovonga Jehovha. Iri ndiro suo raJehovha panopinda navakarurama. Ndichakuvongai, nokuti makandipindura; makava ruponeso rwangu. Mapisarema 118: 19 – 21. • Pazuva regumi romwedzi wokutanga vanhu vakabuda kubva muJorodhani vakavaka misasa paGirigari pamuganhu wokumabvazuva eJeriko. Zvino Joshua akamisa matombo gumi namaviri paGirigari avakanga vatora kubva muJorodhani. Akati kuvaIsraeri, “Mumazuva anotevera kana vana venyu vobvunza madzibaba avo vachiti, ‘Ko, matombo aya anorevei?’ muvataurire kuti, ‘Israeri yakayambuka Jorodhani pavhu rakaoma.’ Nokuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu akaomesa Jorodhani pamberi penyu kusvikira mayambuka. Jehovha Mwari wenyu akaita kuJorodhani sezvaakaita kuGungwa Dzvuku paakariomesa pamberi pedu kusvikira tayambuka. Akaita izvi kuitira ndudzi dzose dzapanyika dzizive kuti vatye Jehovha Mwari wenyu nokusingaperi. Joshua 4; 19 – 24. • Tinogara tichivonga Mwari nokuda kwenyu mose tichikutaurai muminyengetero yedu. Tinoramba tichirangarira pamberi paMwari wwedu naBaba vedu, basa renyu rinobva pakutenda, nokushanda kwenyu kunibva parudo, uye nokutsungirira kwenyu kunobva patariro iri muna Ishe Jesu Kristu. 1 Vatesaronika 1: 2 – 3. • Muchivonga Mwari Baba pazvinhu zvose, muzita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu. Vaefeso 5: 20.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,that no flesh should glory in His presence." 1 Corinthians 1:26-29

If He was a man of the world, Jesus would have chosen the elite of His day to accomplish His mission -- however He used simple fishermen. These men were considered uneducated, lacking "social status", wealth or worldly distinction of any kind -- yet these "simple" men were the ones the Lord selected to build the Kingdom of God. When the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt, God didn't send an army to deliver them, He sent a single man. But a single man of God was shown to be greater than the most powerful kingdom on Earth. Throughout the Bible, we often read of the Lord choosing and using the weak things of the world to confound and shame the wise and powerful. God seems to love revealing His awesome power through humble vessels, so that no flesh can glory in His presence. Brothers & Sisters, don't allow the enemy to convince you that God cannot use you because you are "flawed", weak, or seemingly inconsequential. No, instead, remember that He uses the base, despised, nonentities of this world, ordinary, often broken, do extraordinary things. Our God is not looking at your wealth, your social status or your education -- He's looking at your heart! If your heart is willing and your life is available, then He is more than able to perform miraculous work through you for His Kingdom's sake. With so much work to be done, don't allow the enemy to stifle or steal the Lord's vision for your life –- He has a plan to use you to confound the wise of this world, and to bring to naught the things that are! CONFOUND THE WISE OF THIS WORLD!


• Asi kurai munyasha nomukuziva Ishe noMuponesi wedu, Jesu Christu. Ngaave nokubwinya zvino uye nokusingaperi Amen. 2 Petro 3: 18. • Savacheche vachangoberekwa, pangai mukaka wakachena womweya, kuti mugokuriswa nawo muruponeso rwenyu, sezvo makaravira zvino kuti Ishe akanaka. 1 Petro 2: 2 – 3. • Shingaira kuti uzviratidze pamberi paMwari, somunhu anogamuchirwa, mushandi asingafaniri kunyadziswa uye anonyatsoruramisa shoko rechokwadi. 2 Timoti 2: 15. • Shingairai pazvinhu izvi, uzviite nomwoyo wako wose, kuitira kuti munhu wose aone kupfuurira mberi kwako. 1 Petro 4: 15. • Naizvozvo ngatisiyei dzidziso dzokutanga pamusoro paKristu uye tipfuurire mberi kuti tive vakuru, risingaisizve nheyo dzokutendeuka kubva pamabasa anotungamirira kurufu, uye nokutenda muna Mwari. Vahebheru 6:1. • Nokuda kwaizvozvo, shingairai kuti muwedzere kunaka pakutenda kwenyu; uye pakunaka, muwedzere kuziva; napakuziva muwedzere kuzvidzora; napakuzvidzora, muwedzere kutsungirira; napakutsungirira, muwedzere umwari; napaumwari muwedzere kuda vatendi; napakuda vatendi, muwedzere rudo. Nokuti kana mune zvinhu izvi, zvichiramba zvichiwanda, zvichakuitirai kuti musava nousimbe uye musingashaiwi zvibereko mukuziva kwenyu Ishe wedu Jesu Kristu. 2 Petro 1: 5 – 8. • Nokuda kwaizvozvo, ndinopfugama namabvi pamberi paBaba, avo kubva kwavari mhuri yavo yose iri mudenga uye napanyika inowana zita rayo. Ndinonyengetera kuti kubva papfuma yokubwinya kwavo vakusimbisei nesimba noMweya wavo mumunhu womukati, kuti Kristu agare mumwoyo yenyu nokutenda. Uye ndinonyengetera kuti imi, muve nemidzi uye musimbiswe murudo, muve nesimba, pamwe chete navatsvene vose, kuti mubate kuti kupamhamha, nokureba uye kukwirira nokudzika kworudo rwaKristu kwakadii, uye muzive rudo urwu runopfuura ruzivo, kuti muzadzwe kusvikira pachiyero chokuzara kwose kwaMwari. Vaefeso 3: 14 – 19. • Nokuda kwaizvozvi, kubvira pazuva ratakanzwa nezvenyu, hatina kurega kukunyengetererai uye tichikumbira Mwari kuti akuzadzei nokuziva kuda kwake kubudikidza nouchenjeri hwose hwomweya uye nokunzwisisa. Uye tinonyengetera izvi kuitira kuti mugare upenyu hwakafanira uye kuti mumufadze uye mune zvose: muchibereka zvibereko mumabasa ose akanaka, muchikura mukuziva Mwari, muchisimbiswa nesimba rose maererano nokubwinya kwesimba rake kuti muve nokutsunga kukuru uye nomwoyo murefu, muchifara kwazvo. Vakorose 1: 9 – 11. • Shoko raKristu ngarigare zvakakwana mamuri pamunenge muchidzidzisana muchirayirana nouchenjeri hwose, uye muchiimba mapisarema, nedzimbo uye nenziyo dzomweya muchivonga Mwari mumwoyo yenyu. Vakorose 3: 16. • Zvino isu, vane zviso zvisina kufukidzwa tose tinoratidza kubwinya kwaShe, tiri kushandurwa kuti tifanane naye nokubwinya kunoramba kuchiwedzerwa, kunobva kuna Ishe, anova iye Mweya. 2 Vakorinde 3: 18. • Wakadyarwa muimba yaJehovha, vachakura kwazvo muvanze dzaMwari wedu. Mapisarema 92: 13. • Ndichiziva izvi, kuti iye akatanga basa rakanaka mamuri acharipedzisa kusvikira pazuva raKristu Jesu. Uye uyu ndiwo munyengetero wangu: kuti rudo rwenyu ruwande uye muwanze kuziva nokunzisisa, kuitira kuti mugogona kunzwisisa kuti zvakaisvonaka ndezvipi uye muve vakachena uye mushayiwe chamungapomerwa kusvikira pazuva raKristu. Vafiripi 1: 6, 9 – 10. • Ipapo hatingazorambi tiri vacheche, vanosundirwa shure nemberi vachipepereswa kuno nouko nemhepo ipi zvayo yedzidziso, uye nokunyengetera nousvinu hwavanhu mukutsauka kwokunyengetera kwavo. Asi, tichitaura chokwadi murudo, tichakura pazvinhu zvose maari iye musoro, iye Kristu. Kubva maari muviri wose, wakasanganiswa uye wakabatanidzwa pamwe chete nenhengo dzose dzichiusimbisa, unokura uye unozvivaka murudo, sezvo mutezo mumwe nomumwe uchiita basa rawo. Vaefeso 4: 14 – 16.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."Jeremiah 1:5; "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son," Romans 8:29 ; " just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,"Ephesians 1:4; "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

These past few days, writing about the will of God, has reminded me of the prophet Jeremiah, and how the Lord knew him – even before he was in his mother's womb, and he was sanctified by God as a prophet to the nations. A similar foreknowledge and ordination of God belongs to us who are under the New Covenant. God's foreknowledge of His people is clearly stated in scripture. We were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless, and created in Messiah (Christ Jesus) unto good works which He foreordained that we walk in them. It is clear that a life of holiness and good works is an integral part of our destiny in salvation, a fundamental aspect of His original plan for each one of us. This plan, instilled in us even before the foundation of the world, seems to insure that good works will follow the believers in Jesus. We could never work our way into heaven, our salvation is wholly an act of God – yet, just as Jeremiah's calling was foreknown and foreordained by God, our ordination unto good works was too. Walking in good works is walking in a manner worthy of our calling, it is powerful evidence for the genuineness of our salvation, and it is walking in the will of God. Brothers & Sisters, from the foundation of the world, according to God's plan, you were created and ordained to live a sanctified life filled with good works. If you walk in His will for you, when your life is over, you may expect to hear these wonderful words: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” YOU WERE FOREKNOWN AND FOREORDAINED FOR A PURPOSE!


• Vose vanodanwa nezita rangu, vandakasikira kukudzwa kwangu vandakaumba uye ndikaita. Vanhu vandakazviumbira, kuti vaparidze kurumbidzwa kwangu. Isaya 43: 7, 21 • Asi nguva inouya uye yatouya zvino apo vanamati vechokwadi vachanamata Baba mumweya nomuzvokwadi, nokuti ndivo vanamati vanotsvakwa naBaba kuti vamunamate. Mwari mweya, uye vanomunamata vanofanira kumunamata mumweya nomuzvokwadi. Jahani 4: 23 – 24. • Varidzi vehwamanda navaimbi vakabatana pamwe chete sevane inzwi rimwe chete, vachirumbidza nokuvonga Jehovha. Zvichabatana nehwamanda makandira nezvimwe zviridzwa vakasimudzira manzwi avo vachirumbidza Jehovha vakaimba vachiti: “Iye akanaka; rudo rwake runogara nokusingaperi.” Ipapo temberi yaJehovha yakafukidzwa negore, uye vaprista vakatadza kuita basa ravo nokuda kwegore iroro, nokuti kubwinya kwaJehovha kwakanga kwazadza temberi yaMwari. 2 Vakoronike 5: 13 – 14. • Nemiwo, semabwe mapenyu, muri kuvakwa muimba yomweya kuti muve uprista hutsvene muchipa zvibayiro zvomweya zvinogamuchirwa kuna Mwari kubudikidza naJesu Kristu. Asi imi muri vanhu vakasanangurwa, uprista hwamambo, rudzi rutsvene, vanhu vamwari chaivo, vaakadana kuti muparidze kunaka kwaiye akakudanai kuti mubve murima, muuye muchiedza chake chinoshamisa. 1 Petro 2: 5, 9. • Naizvozvo, kubudikidza naJesu ngatirambei tichipa kuna Mwari chibayiro chokumurumbidza, ndicho chibayiro chemiromo inopupura zita rake. Uye musakanganwa kuita zvakanaka nokugoverana navamwe, nokuti Mwari anofadzwa nezvibayiro zvakadai. Vahebheru 13: 15 – 16. • Makafanira, Ishe naMwari wedu, kugamuchira mbiri nokukudzwa, uye nesimba, nokuti makasika zvinhu zvose, nokuda kwenyu zvakasikwa, uye zviripo nokuda kwenyu. Zvakazarurwa 4: 11. • Uye pasina kutenda hazvibviri kufadza Mwari, nokuti ani naani anouya kwaari anofanira kutenda kuti ariko uye kuti anopa vanomutsvaka nomwoyo wose mubayiro wavo. Vahebheru 11: 6. • Nokuda kwaizvozvi, kubvira pazuva ratakanzwa nezvenyu, hatina kurega kukunyengetererai uye tichikumbira Mwari kuti akuzadzei nokuziva kuda kwake kubudikidza nouchenjeri hwose hwomweya uye nokunzwisisa. Uye tinonyengeterera izvi kuitira kuti mugare upenyu hwakafanira uye kuti mufadze iye mune zvose: muchibereka zvibereko mumabasa ose akanaka, muchikura mukuziva Mwari. Vakorose 1: 9 – 10. • Naizvozvo, ndinokumbira zvikuru kwamuri, hama dzangu, netsitsi dzaMwari, kuti mupe muviri yenyu sechibayiro chipenyu, chitsvene uye chinofadza Mwari, uku ndiko kunamata kwenyu kwomweya. Musaramba muchizvienzanisa namaitiro enyika ino, asi mushandurwe nokuvandudzwa kwepfungwa dzenyu. Ipapo muchakwanisa kuti muedze uye mugoziva kuti kuda kwaMwari ndokupi, kuda kwake kwakanaka, kunomufadza uye kwakakwana. Varoma 12: 1 – 2. • Naizvozvo, pakutanga kwezvose, ndinokurayirai kuti vanhu vose vakumbirirwe, vanyengetererwe, vavongerwe. Izvi zvakanaka uye zvinofadza Mwari muponesi wedu. Ndinoda kuti varume kwose kwose vasimudze maoko matsvene pakunyengetera, vasina kutsamwa kana nharo. 1 Timoto 2:1, 3, 8. • Muromo wangu uchataura kurumbidzwa kwaJehovha. Zvisikwa zvose ngazvirumbidze zita rake dzvene nokusingaperi-peri. Mapisarema 145: 21. • Ndicharumbidza Jehovha nomuromo wangu zvikuru; paungano huru, ndichamurumbidza. Mapisarema 109: 30. • Uchirai maoko, imi vanhu vose; pururudzai kuna Mwari nokudanidzira kwomufaro. Mapisarema 47: 1. • Jehovha anofadzwa naavo vanomutya, vanoisa tariro yavo parudo rwake rusingaperi. Mapisarema 147: 11. • Rumbidzai Jehovha. Imbirai Jehovha rwiyo rutsva, rumbidzo yake paungano yavatsvene. Israeri ngavafarire Muiti wavo; vanhu veZioni ngavafarire Mambo wavo. Ngavarumbidze zita rake vachitamba, uye vamuridzire nziyo namatambureni nembira. Nokuti Jehovha anofarira vanhu vake; vanozvininipisa anovashongedza korona noruponeso. Vatsvene ngavafare nokukudzwa kwake, uye vaimbe nomufaro vari panhoo dzavo. Kurumbidzwa kwaMwari ngakuve pamiromo yavo. Mapisarema 149: 1 – 6a. • Avo vanotongwa nenyama havagoni kufadza Mwari. Asi imi hamutongwi nenyama asi noMweya, kana Mweya waMwari achigara mamuri. Uye kana munhu asina Mweya waKristu, haazi waKristu. Varoma 8: 8 – 9. • Uye tinogamuchira kubva kwaari zvose zvatinokumbira, nokuti tinoteerera mirayiro yake uye tinoita zvinmufadza. 1 Jahani 3: 21. • Runako rwenyu ngarurege kubva pakushonga kwokunze, kwakadai sebvudzi rakarukwa uye nekushonga zvishongo zvegoridhe nenguo dzakaisvonaka. Asi, runofanira kuva rwomunhu womukati, iko kunaka kusingaori kwounyoro nokwomweya wakapfava, kunova ndiko kunokosha pamberi paMwari. 1 Petro 3: 3 – 4. • Asi Jehovha akati kuna Samueri, “Rega kutarira chiso chake kana munhu wake, nokuti ndamuramba. Jehovha haatarisi zvinhu zvinoonekwa navanhu. Munhu anotarisa zviri kunze, asi Jehovha anotarisa pamwoyo. 1 Smueri 16:7. • Zvino, sezvo tichiziva kuti kutya Ishe chii, tinoedza kugombedzera vanhu. Zvatiri zviri pachena kuna Mwari, uye ndinovimbawo kuti zviri pachena kuhana dzenyu. Hatisi kuedza kuzvirumbidza kwamuri zvakare, asi tiri kukupai mukana wokuti muzvirumbidze nokuda kwedu, kuti mugone kupindura vaya vanozvirumbidza nokuda kwezvinhu zvinoonekwa panzvimbo yezvinhu zviri mumwoyo. 2 Vakorinde 5: 11 – 12. • Kana tichireurura zvivi zvedu, iye akatendeka uye akarurama, uye achatikanganwira zvivi zvedu agotinatsa pakusarurama kwose. 1 Johani 1:9.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."Romans 12:1-2

Over the past few days, I've been discussing the will of God and how to walk out His will daily in our lives. The Lord's general will involves the development of our character and the ways in which we relate to Him and to our fellow man. Much of this is the same for every believer. But each of us is unique, and each has a potential life vision unlike any other. God has an individual will for every soul that belongs to Him, an individually shaped destiny which varies according to our gifting and calling and purpose in His Body. Not every believer knows or even desires to walk fully in that vision, calling, or destiny. At times we may try to think about or shape a vision for our lives, but the scripture says that we ought to be able to test and approve what is God's good, pleasing, and perfect will. How do we do this? First, Paul urges that we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. What does this mean? It means that we make a conscious decision to devote our entire lives to the Lord, holding nothing back, to give ourselves to Him without reservation. The Old Testament sacrifices were animals which were totally offered to God and usually were burned on the altar in fire. Their aroma was pleasing to Him, as their flesh was consumed by the fire. As living sacrifices, we remain alive... but given over, as though we were burning on His altar. Our life is not our own, but is devoted to His purpose and pleasure. This is a conscious decision, a choice which every believer is urged to make. The Lord is then free to shape our lives, our experiences, our discipline, according to His perfect will and purposes for the best possible result. Paul expands on this decisive act of devotion, saying we must not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. So the act of devoting our life to Him involves a decisive renunciation of the ways of thinking and the values of this present world. (Much could be said about this.) And it also involves a process of renewing our thoughts and values according to the thoughts and values of our Lord. These, then, are the conditions which the apostle gives that we may be able to test and approve what is God's good, pleasing, and perfect will for our lives. Brothers & Sisters, it's often said that "God has a wonderful plan for your life." To me that has always sounded a bit "robotic", as though I were a rat who needed to find His way through the maze of some "Cosmic Scientist". But now I know that God's "plan" for me is anything but mechanical. Rather, it involves the profound realities of my unique individuality; things that He has placed in me and no one else, such that He can beautifully express Himself through my life, my personality, my gifts, relationships, and unique position in the world. Indeed, it is a "wonderful plan". But in order for Him to shape this destiny, He requires my unreserved consent, my offering... of MY BODY, a LIVING SACRIFICE. OFFER YOUR BODY!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


• Tidzidzisei kuverenga mazuva edu zvakanaka, kuti tiwane mwoyo wouchenjeri. Mapisarema 90: 12. • Akati kwavari,”Hazvizi kwamuri kuti muzive nguva kana musi wakatarwa naBaba nesimba ravo pachavo. Mabasa 1: 7. • Ko, mushandi anowanei kubva mukushanda kwake kwose? Ndakaona mutoro wakapiwa vanhu naMwari. Akati chinhu chimwe nechimwe chakanaka nenguva yacho. Akaisawo zvisingaperi mumwoyo yavanhu; kunyange zvakadaro havangagoni kunzwisisa zvakaitwa naMwari kubva pakutanga kusvika pakupedzisira. Ndinoziva kuti hakuna chinhu chakanakira munhu kupfuura kuti afare uye kuti aite zvakanaka achiri mupenyu. Kuti munhu wose adye uye anwe uye azviwanire kugutsikana kubva pakushanda kwake kwose, ichi ndicho chipo chaMwari. Ndinoziva kuti zvose zvinoitwa naMwari zvichagara nokusingaperi; hapana chingawedzerwa pazviri uye hapana chingabviswa pazviri. Mwari anozviita kuti vanhu vamukudze. Muparidzi 3: 9 – 14. • Ani naani zvake achateerera murayiro wake haangawani chinomukuvadza, uye mwoyo wakachenjera uchaziva nguva yakafanira namaitiro akafanira. Nokuti kune nguva yakafanira namaitiro akafanira pazvinhu zvose, kunyange nhamo yomunhu ichimuremera zvikuru. Sezvo pasina munhu anoziva ramangwana, ndiani angamuzivisa zvichauya. Muparidzi 8: 5 – 7. • Usazvionza nokuda kuwana pfuma; iva nouchenjeri hunoita kuti uzvibate. Kungoti tarisei pfuma, wanei yaenda nokuti zvirokwazvo inomera mapapiro igobhiruruka ichienda kudenga segondo. Zvirevo 23: 4 – 5. • Mwoyo wamambo uri muruoko rwaJehovha; anouendesa kwaanoda sehova dzemvura. Zvirevo 21: 1. • Shamwari inoda panguva dzose, uye hama yakaberekerwa nhamo. Zvirevo 17: 17. • Maoko aneusimbe anoita kuti munhu ave murombo, asi maoko anoshingaira anopfumisa. Uyo anounganidza zvirimwa muzhizha, mwanakomana akachenjera, asi uyo anorara munguva yokukohwa, mwanakomana anonyadzisa. Zvirevo 10: 4 – 5. • Maoko anoshingaira achatonga, asi usimbe hunopedzisira mukushanda somuranda. Zvirevo 12: 24. • Kana munhu ari simbe, denga remba rinosakara; kana achigarira maoko, imba inobvinza. Muparidzi 10: 18. • Shoko rataurwa nenguva yakafanira rakafanana namaapuro egoridhe mumidziyo yesirivha. Zvirevo 25: 11 • Mwanakomana wangu, nyatsoteerera zvandinotaura; Usaite kuti abve pameso ako, achengete pakati pemwoyo wako; nokuti upenyu kuna avo vanoawana uye noutano kumuviri wose womunhu. Pamusoro pazvo zvose, chengetedza mwoyo wako, nokuti ndicho chitubu cheupenyu. Bvisa nhema pamuromo wako; kutaura kwakaora ngakuve kure nemiromo yako. Meso ako ngaatarire mberi bedzi, ramba wakatarira mberi kwako. Gadzirira tsoka dzako gwara ugofamba munzira dzakasimba chete. Zvirevo 4: 20 – 26. • Nokuti nzira dzomunhu dziri pachena pamberi paJehovha, uye anoongorora nzira dzake dzose. Zvirevo 5: 21.

Monday, November 26, 2012

"Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thes 5:14-18

The apostle Paul's epistle to the Thessalonians contains clear and powerful exhortations concerning the will of God for believers. These exhortations express the specific will of God in relationships with others, with ourselves, and with the Lord. Packed into these short verses are patterns of life and behavior which receive His blessing in all these relationships. "Warn them that are unruly"; people who are idle, undisciplined, pleasure seeking, need to know the danger they are in. "Comfort the feebleminded"; comfort people who are disheartened; come alongside them with brotherly affection and encouraging words, and pray for them. "Support the weak"; our natural tendency is to despise and neglect weaker people, to stay away from them since they have nothing to offer us, and can damage our reputation. Jesus says no, find them, and lift them up however you can. "Be patient toward all men"; realizing how patient God is with you, and that "patient" is the first thing that love is, [1 Cor. 13:4]. It means waiting in love and hope, with prayer, for people to see what they need to see, do what they need to do, change how they need to change. "See that none render evil for evil;" do not allow evil men in this world to corrupt your own behavior and character. This is a constant temptation throughout life because evil people are everywhere, including the church. "Follow that which is good"; being and doing good of every kind is our lifelong mandate as believers; there are millions of ways to obey it. This is God's will for us toward all men – even those who don't deserve it! "Rejoice evermore"; Jesus has rescued your eternity from unspeakable misery and pain to everlasting joy and pleasure. The constant reality of your life is undergirded by an ecstatic future forever. You can afford to be quite happy about it. "Pray without ceasing"; 'impossible', you say. Given the fact that your relationship with the Lord is wide open to communication with Him , why not continually include Him in your words and thoughts? "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you"; gratitude is a life saver, apart from being the most appropriate response to having been created, redeemed, and blessed by our loving Lord. Thankfulness in all things turns you into the beautiful soul your were intended to be. Gratitude in the midst of suffering is a special perfume for the Lord. Brothers & Sisters, the will of God is not so hard to figure out when we read these simple statements. Just obeying these exhortations is enough to do for a lifetime. Wherever the Lord calls you, He calls you to this lifestyle. God's Holy Spirit inspired these words, and He alone gives the power to carry them out. Our part is to believe and act, He will fill us as we do. WALKING OUT THE WILL OF GOD!

"While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, Behold, your mother and your brothers stand outside, desiring to speak with you. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brothers? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brothers! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."Matthew 12:46-50 ; "Then came to him his mother and his brothers, and could not reach him for the crowd. And it was told him by some who said, Your mother and your brothers stand outside, desiring to see you. And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brothers are these who hear the word of God,and do it." Luke 8:19-21

As I continue this series of devotionals on "understanding the will of God", I'd like to talk about a story which is told in all the synoptic gospels, except that Luke's account gives a significant nuance. (Many skeptical Bible "critics" point out differences in the gospels to argue that they can't be reliable -- yet it's actually the differences which support the validity of these accounts because they reveal that the events recorded were simply experienced and told from slightly different viewpoints, a very common circumstance when people are telling a story.) The gospels of Matthew and Mark give an account of the Lord's mother and brothers arriving to see Him, and wanting to speak with Him, though they were hindered because there were so many people around Him. Jesus takes this opportunity to define a broad new "family" principle when He says, ".. whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." But Luke's account adds something, "those who hear the word of God and do it!" The word of God is going out across the whole world, and many are hearing it. Those who are acting on what it says are defined as the true family of Jesus! Brothers & Sisters, here, then, is another simple approach to living in the will of God. Read His Word -- and don't be a hearer only -- but be a doer, one who acts according to what he hears or reads. If you do, you reveal that you are a close relative of the Son of God, and that's a relationship better than any other in the world! BE A HEARER -- AND A DOER!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. " Philippians 2:13

Throughout the years of writing daily devotions, I'm often asked how do I find the will of God? I believe in order to find the will of God, you must begin at the very basics -- to understand the will of God then you must understand the heart of God. When you have the heart of God, you'll search to desire the things that God desires. To be passionate about what God is passionate for. To be broken over the things that break God's heart. Brothers & Sisters, so to begin to understand the will of God for your life, simply start with the heart of God in the things you do. Find out what God is passionate for -- and make that your passion. When you run after the heart of God -- the will of God will follow you! HOW DO I UNDERSTAND THE WILL OF GOD!

Monday, November 19, 2012

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."Proverbs 17:17

A careful reading through the life of the Apostle Paul will yield insight concerning those who surrounded him. In this brief devotion, I want to focus on two of Paul's friends -- Luke and Demas. Luke was a true and faithful friend to Paul, staying with and supporting him to the very end of his life, even through the worst adversities (2 Timothy 4:11). Then, there was another friend, whose name was Demas, about whom Paul wrote positively at first, (Col. 4:14; Philemon 1:24) but who did not remain faithful to the end. Paul records that Demas forsook him because he "loved this present world." (2 Timothy 4:10) As the end of the age approaches, we also will be tested as to where our love lies; with the Father, or with the world. The apostle John writes, "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (1 John 2:15) I do not believe that Demas lost his salvation, but he did lose his capacity to sense and express the love of the Father, which damaged his testimony, his spiritual relationships, and undoubtedly cost him heavenly rewards. What kind of friend will we be to God? Will we be faithful, or will we allow the love of this world to quench our fire, and compromise our relationships? Brothers& Sisters, my encouragement to you is to be faithful until the end. Don't forget that Jesus gave a warning to end-time saints, saying, "because iniquity abounds, the love of many shall grow cold." Become a friend like Luke, and learn from the life of Demas -- do not allow love for the world to quench your love for God. Don't forget, a true friend all times! BE FAITHFUL TO THE END!

"And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."Revelation 21:3-4

One of the mysteries of God is how He has placed the prophetic clock according to the Hebrew calendar. The feast of tabernacle is a harvest feast, which is also known as the feast of ingathering. This is one of the few feasts that has not yet been fulfilled prophetically. To give you an idea of how God is working according to the Hebrew calendar, when Messiah was crucified, and became the Lamb of God for the world, it was on Passover. When He rose from the dead, it was precisely on the feast of first fruits. After His ascension to heaven, and 50 days after Passover was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. This indicated the beginning of the harvest season. We have been in the midst of the great harvest for the past 2000 years. In the world, the focus of life is -- NOW! The world focuses on youth, beauty, health and ability. In the autumn of life, there's less celebration because according to the world, life goes downhill. But with God, it's completely opposite! God is saving the best for last! While things of the world get worse, become old and fade away. The things of God only get better! Rejoice and look toward the day when there is no more death, no more sorrow, no more pain because in Him all these things will pass away. Throw away all the worldly pursuits and pursue God because the greatest celebration awaits us! Brothers & Sisters, keep going, even if it gets tough -- because it only gets better in God! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"On the twenty-third day of the seventh month he sent the people away to their tents, joyful and glad of heart for the good that the LORD had done for David, and to Solomon, and for His people Israel. And Solomon finished the house of the LORD and the King's palace, and Solomon successfully completed all that came into his heart to make in the house of the LORD and in his own palace, he has caused to prosper. And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him, "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. If I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, if My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."2 Chronicles 7:10-14

Roughly 3000 years ago during this month, King Solomon dedicated the Temple he had built for the Lord. So it was in the Hebrew month of the fall feasts of Israel, that the presence of the Lord fell and the glory of God was displayed in the Temple. Its occurrence 3000 years ago is also significantly highlighted -- by a visitation from God -- to King Solomon. You see, it was on this night, after the feast was over, that God appeared to Solomon by night, and said, “If my people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Yes, God gave us here an eternal promise with a set of conditions; one which is quoted by everyone who seeks revival for his nation. Brothers & Sisters, let's take God at His Word and turn this "IF" into an "I WILL"...humble myself, and pray, and seek Your face, and repent of my wicked ways...and thank you for answering from heaven, and forgiving my sin, and Praise You for healing our land! SEE THE POWER OF GOD!

"Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life."John 8:12 ; "Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took "their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard: 'Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!' Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' But the wise answered, saying, 'No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.' And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut."Matthew 25:1-10

"Be thou praised, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who makest light and causes darkness, who makest peace and createst all: the light of the world as the treasure of life…" Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world.". God is Light, He loves light, He creates light, He sheds light, He desires light. Lamps with oil produce light, both for those who carry them and for those who see the light bearers. "You are the light of the world", He said. So the Lord also expects light from and His people. The light of God in our lives comes from His Holy Spirit, and oil has always been associated with the Spirit's ministry in the lives of believers. Burning oil produces light. If we are spiritual "virgins"because we are betrothed to one Heavenly Husband, we ought to bear His light in this dark world. Yet He has told us that some virgins will not have the wisdom to do it, so it is a warning to us; a warning not to quench the Spirit, but be filled with Him and be the light of the world. Brother & Sisters, some of us, though virgins, have been walking in darkness. This could change. The choice to light our lamps belongs to us. The gift of the Holy Spirit has been given to all true virgins. The wise among us will "buy oil" and maintain our lamps thoroughly filled. To "buy oil" means to "spend time" with the One who supplies it, asking Him to fill us up, and to clean out the impurities in our "lamps". You know what this means for you personally, and I know what it means for me. We ought to think about the joy of the wedding, and prepare our hearts with His light... illuminated beautifully for all the world to see, and to be ready! At midnight, when the Bridegroom suddenly appears, our joy will be unspeakable. FILL YOUR LAMPS!

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Behold, God is my salvation (Jesus in Hebrew), I will trust and not be afraid; 'For the LORD JEHOVAH, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation (Jesus). Therefore with joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation (Jesus)."Isaiah 12:2-3 ; " On the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If any man thirsts, let him come to Me, and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, "out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."John 7:37-38

During the Feast of Tebanacle, the Jewish people took part in a water drawing ceremony on the last day of the feast. They would go down to the Pool of Siloam, draw water and bring it to the Temple Mount. Then they would pour out the water and recite Isaiah 12, "and with joy you shall draw water out of the wells (springs) of salvation." In Hebrew, the word salvation (Jesus, in Hebrew), are the same. Imagine the scene at the time of Jesus' appearance. It is likely that in the midst of this ceremony, He stood up and proclaimed, "If anyone is thirsty, let Him come to Me and drink." He who believes in Me as the Scripture said, "from His innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." Brothers & Sisters, this promise is true for us today. Our Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever. He did not promise a sprinkling or a tiny stream. He promised rivers of living water. Claim this promise today -- claim the fullness of life in Him. Draw from Him the peace that passes all understanding. Draw from Him pure love -- agape love. Draw from Him the joy that makes the trees clap. Draw all that you need, but in order to draw from Him -- you must go to Him. One cannot draw water from a spring unless one goes to the spring. Go to the spring that never runs dry -- go to your spring of Jesus! DRAW FROM THE SPRINGS OF JESUS!

Then He entered into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat. When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." But Simon answered and said to Him, "Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, nevertheless at Your word I will let down the nets." When they had done this, they caught such a great quantity of fish, and their nets began to break; so they signaled to their partners in the other boat that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both of the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' feet, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!" For he was astonished, and all that were with him, because of the catch of the fish which they had taken, And so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, "Fear not, from now on you will catch men." So when they brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed Him." Luke 5:3-11

We read in Luke that Jesus told His disciples to go into the deep waters and let down their nets for fish. When they did, their nets were filled up with fish to the point of breaking. Being fishermen and businessmen, they may have been tempted to start doing business. I mean, think how much they could make! But God had a different purpose. The disciples' occupation as fishermen was just a vehicle for God to demonstrate His great power and love. He wasn't blessing them with fish so that they would get excited about fishing -- He was blessing them with fish so that they could get their eyes off their fishing and on to the greater call He had for them! Thankfully, they left the fishing business and went off with the Lord to do great and mighty things. Let's make sure we're not getting up wrapped up in fish! We seek the Lord for His blessings, prosperity, and success. But true discipleship is focusing not on the blessings of the Lord, but on the Lord of the blessings! Brothers & Sisters, we can rejoice in our blessings, but let's not dwell on them! Let's set our eyes on the Lord and the calling He has for us. When He sees that we have pure and willing hearts, He will be faithful to use us to accomplish His glorious plan! LOOK TO THE LORD OF BLESSING!

Friday, November 9, 2012

"Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto the LORD thy God in the place which the LORD shall choose: because the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the works of thine hands, therefore thou shalt surely rejoice."Deut 16:15

The Feast of Tabernacles commemorates the time in which God led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years, providing them with every need on a daily basis – shelter, food, water and clothing. Interestingly, during the Feast, the book of Ecclesiastes is read in the synagogues-- but Ecclesiastes speaks of the vanity of materialism. How can we find a balance between feasting in God’s provision and wallowing in worldly materialism? The answer is simple. If our focus lies on all of our abundance without acknowledging the Provider, then it is all vanity! But if our focus is on the Lord and His desire for our lives, then He provides us with all that is pure and holy. Brothers & Sisters, feast in the Lord for all that He has provided and enter into the season of The Feast of Tabernacles! HE IS PROVIDING - SO REJOICE!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


• Auyise pamwe chete zvinhu zvose zviri kudenga nezviri panyika pasi pomusoro mumwe, anova Kristu. Uye Mwari akaisa zvinhu zvose pasi petsoka dzake akamugadza kuti ave musoro wezvinhu zvose nokuda kwekereke, iwo muviri wake, kuzara kwaiye anozadza zvinhu zvose munzira dzose. Vaefeso 1: 10, 22 – 23. • Nokuti akatinunura kubva pasimba rerima uye akatiuyisa kuumambo hwoMwanakomana waanoda. Ndiye musoro womuviri, iyo kereke; ndiye wokutanga uye ndiye dangwe ravakamuka kuvakafa, kuitira kuti pazvinhu zvose iye ave mukuru. Vakorose 1: 14, 18. • Akabvunza akati, “Ko imi munoti ndini ani?” Simoni Petro akapindura akati, “Ndimi Kristu, Mwanakomana waMwari mupenyu.” Jesu akapindura akati, “Wakaropafadzwa iwe Simoni mwanakomana waJona, nokuti izvi hazvina kuzarurirwa kwauri nomunhu asi naBaba vangu vari kudenga. Ndinoti kwauri, iwe ndiwe Petro, paruware urwu ndichavaka kereke yangu, kunyange masuwo eHadhesi haangaikundi. Mateo 16: 15 – 18. • Makavakwa panheyo dzavapostori navaprofita, naKristu Jesu pachake ari dombo rapakona. Maari imba yose yakabatanidzwa pamwe chete uye inokura kuti ive temberi tsvene muna She. Uye maari nemiwo makavakwa pamwe chete kuti muve ugaro hwaMwari muMweya. Vaefeso 2: 20 – 22. • Zvino iye anogona kuita zvikuru zvisingagoni kuyerwa kupfuura zvose zvatingakumbira kana kufunga, maererano nesimba rake riri kushanda mukati medu, ngaave nokubwinya mukereke uye muna Kristu Jesu kumarudzi namarudzi, nokusingaperi-peri! Ameni. Vaefeso 3: 20 – 21. • Rangarirai vatungamiri venyu vakakuparidzirai shoko raMwari. Cherechedzai kuguma kwokufamba kwavo muupenyu uye mugotevera kutenda kwavo. Jesu Kristu anogara akadaro zuro nanhasi nokusingaperi. Teererai vatungamiri venyu, muzviise pasi pavo nokuti vanochengeta mweya yenyu, savanhu vachazobvunzwa pamusoro penyu. Vateerei kuitira kuti basa ravo rive mufaro, kwete mutoro, nokuti izvozvo hazvingakubatsirei chinhu. Vahebheru 13: 7 – 8, 17. • Vakazvipira pakudzidzisana kwavapostori napakuwadzana, pakumedura chingwa uye napakunyengera. Vanhu vose vakabatwa nokutya, uye zvishamiso zvizhinji nezviratidzo zvakaitwa navapostori. Vatendi vose vaiva pamwe chete uye vakagoverana zvinhu zvose. Vachitengesa zvavaiva nazvo nenhumbi dzavo, vakazvipa kuna ani naani aishayiwa. Mazuva ose vairamba vachiungana pamwe chete mutemberi. Vaimedura chingwa mudzimba dzavo uye vachidya pamwe chete nomufaro uye nomwoyo wakanaka, vachirumbidza Mwari uye vachidikanwa navanhu vose. Uye Ishe akawedzera pauwandu hwavo zuva rimwe nerimwe avo vakanga vachiponeswa. Mabasa 2: 42 – 47. • Pana izvozvo zvose, hakuna munhu akatongovenga muviri wake, asi anoupa zvokudya uye anouchengeta, sezvinoita Kristu kukereke, nokuti tiri nhengo dzomuviri wake. Vaefeso 5: 29 – 30. • Muone kuti parege kuva nomunhu anokutapai nokutaura kusina maturo kunonyengera, kunosendamira patsika dzavanhu uye nezvokuvamba kwenyika ino, asingateveri Kristu. Nokuti muna Kristu kuzara kwouMwari kunogara maari pamuviri, nemiwo makapiwa kuzara uku muna Kristu, iye ari pamusoro poushe hwose nesimba. Vakorose 2: 8 – 10. • Nokuti sezvatino muviri mumwe une mutezo mizhinji, uye mitezo iyi yose haina basa rimwe chete, saizvozvo muna Kristu isu tiri vazhinji, tinoumba muviri mumwe chete, uye mutezo mumwe chete mumwe nomumwe mutezo wavamwe. Tine zvipo zvakasiyana-siyana, maererano nepatakapiwa napo nyasha. Kana chipo chomunhu kuri kuprofita, ngaachishandise maererano nokutenda kwake. Kana kuri kushumira ngaashumire; kana kuri kudzidzisa ngaadzidzise; kana kuri kukurudzira, ngaakurudzire; kana kuri kupa kuna vanoshayiwa, ngaape nomwoyo wose; kana kuri kutungamira, ngaabate nokushingaira; kana kuri kunzwira ngoni, ngaaite nomufaro. Varoma 8: 4 – 8. • Muviri chinhu chimwe chete, kunyange une mitezo mizhinji; uye kunyange mitezo yawo iri mizhinji, inoumba muviri mumwe chete. Ndizvowo zvakaita Kristu. Nokuti tose takabhabhatidzwa noMweya mumwe mumuviri mumwe, vangava vaJudha kana vaGiriki, varanda kana vakasununguka, uye tose tikapiwa kuti tinwe Mweya mumwe. Zvino muviri hauna kuumbwa nomutezo mumwe, asi mizhnji. Kana rutsoka rukati, “Nokuti handizi ruoko, saka handizi muviri nokuda kwechikonzero ichocho. Uye kana nenzeve ikati, “Nokuti handisi ziso, saka handisi chikamu chomuviri.” Haringaregi kuva chikamu chomuviri nokuda kwechikonzero ichocho. Kana kuti dai muviri wose waiva ziso, kunzwa kwaizovepiko? Kana kuti dai muviri wose waive nzeve, ko, kunhuhwidza kwaizovepiko? Asi zvino Mwari akaisa mitezo pamuviri, mumwe nomumwe wayo, sezvaakada kuti ive. Kana dai yose waiva mutezo mumwe, ko, muviri waizovepiko? Sezvazviri, kune mitezo mizhinji asi muviri mumwe. Ziso haringati kuruoko,” Handinei newe!” Uye musoro haungati kuritsoka,” Handinei newe!” Asi kutoti mitezo yomuviri inenge isina simba, ndiyo inodikanwa, uye mitezo yatinofunga kuti haikudzwi ndiyo yatinokudza kwazvo, asi mitezo yakanaka haidi kushongedzwa. Asi Mwari akabatanidza mitezo yomuviri uye akapa kukudzwa kukuru kumitezo iya isingakudzwi, kuitira kuti parege kuva nokupesana pamuviri, asi kuti mitezo ichengetane zvakaenzana. Kana mumwe mutezo uchitambudzika, mitezo yose inotambudzika pamwe chete nawo; kana mutezo mumwe ukakudzwa, mitezo yose inofara pamwe chete nawo. Zvino imi muri muviri waKristu, uye mumwe nomumwe wenyu mutezo wawo. Uye mukereke, Mwari akagadza pakutanga vapostori, vechipiri vaprofita, vechitatu vadzidzisi, tevere vaiti vezvishamiso, uye navamwe zvipo zvokuporesa, navanobatsira vamwe, navaya vane zvipo zvokufambisa basa, uye navaya vanotaura nendimi dzakasiyana-siyana. 1 Vakorinde 12: 12 – 28. • Zvino tinokukumbirai, hama, kuti muremekedze avo vanoshanda nesimba pakati penyu, vari pamusoro penyu muna She uye vanokurayirai. Muvakudze zvikuru murudo nokuda kwebasa ravo. Garai murunyararo nomumwe nomumwe wenyu. 1 Vatasaronika 5: 12 – 13. • Ndiye akapa vamwe kuti vave vapostori, vamwe kuti vave vaprofita, vamwe kuti vave vavhangeri, uye vamwe kuti vave vafundzi navadzidzisi, kuti vagadzirire vanhu vaMwari pabasa rokushumira, kuitira kuti muviri waKristu uvakwe kudzamara isu tose tasvika pahumwe hwokutenda uye nomukuziva Mwanakomana waMwari napamunhu akura, asvika pachiyero chose chokuzara kwaKristu. Vaefeso 4: 11 – 13. • Zvakana uye zvinofadza sei kana hama dzichigara pamwe chete mukubatana. Mapisarema 133: 1.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"And Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, "This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn nor weep." For all the people were weeping, when they heard the words of the Law. Then he said to them, "Go your way, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."Nehemiah 8:9-10

Roughly 2500 years ago, there was a special Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem. The people of Israel were exiled and dispersed all across the Babylonian empire. Later, they were given the right to return and start construction on the 2nd temple of Israel. Nehemiah 8 speaks of the special celebration that happened at that time. We read how Ezra taught the people out of the book of the law and how they responded in weeping and repentance before the God of Israel. Interestingly, Feast of Tabernacles is a holiday in which the people were commanded to rejoice, yet they were weeping in repentance. And then, in verse 9, they did! Isn’t it true that joy always comes after the mourning? Brothers & Sisters, the word for strength in Hebrew is "mah-oz". Not only does it mean strength, but it also means fortress and rock. When we commit our lives to walking in repentance and practicing holiness, then we will live in a constant state of joy. As the Apostle Paul said, Rejoice always! In our joy we find our fortress, our rock – the stability of our lives! THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!


• Ipapo Jehovha Mwari akaita mukadzi kubva parumbabvu rwaakanga abvisa pamunhu, uye akamuuyisa kumurume. Genesisi 2: 22. • Uyo anowana mudzimai anowana chinhu chakanaka, uye anogamuchira nyasha kubva kuna Jehovha. Zvirevo 18: 22. • Wananai mugova nevanakomana navanasikana; tsvakirai vakomana venyu vakadzi uye muwanise vasikana venyu, kuti naivowo vave navanakomana navanasikana. Muwande ikoko; musadzikira pakuwanda. Jeremia 29: 6. • Ndichatsidza kukuwana uve wangu nokusingaperi; Ndichatsidza kukuwana mukururama uye nomukururamisira, murudo netsitsi. Ndichatsidza kukuwana mukutendeka, uye uchabvuma kuti ndini Jehovha. Hosea 2: 19 – 20. • Asi nokuda kwoupombwe, murume mumwe nomumwe ngaave nomukadzi wake, nomukadzi numwe nomumwe ngaave nomurume wake. Murume ngaape mukadzi wake zvakafanira, uye nomukadzi adarowo kumurume wake. Muviri womukadzi hausi wake oga asi kuti ndowomurume wakewo. Zvimwe chetezvo, muviri womurume hauzi wake oga asi kuti ndowomukadzi wakewo. Musanyimana, kunze kokunge matanderana uye kwenguva duku, kuti mumbova nenguva yokunyengetera. Mushure mezvo mosanganazve kuitira kuti Satani arege kukuedzai pakusazvidzora kwenyu. 1 Vakorinde 7: 2 – 5. • Naizvozvo ndinoti kuchirikadzi duku ngadziwanikwe, kuti dzibereke vana, dzichengete dzimba dzadzo uye kuti dzisapa muvengi mukana wokupomera nawo. 1 Timoti 5: 14. • Saizvozvo nemiwo vakadzi, muzviise pasi pavarume venyu kuiitira kuti, kana mumwe wavo asingatendi shoko, angadzorwa namafambiro avakadzi vavo pasina shoko rarehwa, pavanoona kuchena nokuremekedzwa kwoupenyu hwenyu. 1 Petro 3: 1 – 2. • Saka Mwari akasika munhu nomufananidzo wake, akamusika mumufananidzo waMwari; akasika murume nomukadzi. Mwari akavaropafadza akati kwavari, “Berekanai muwande; zadzai nyika uye mubate ushe pamusoro payo. Muve nesimba pamusoro pehove dzegungwa napamusoro peshiri dzedenga napamusoro pezvisikwa zvipenyu zvinokambaira panyika. Genesisi 1: 27 – 28. • Kuwanana ngakukudzwe navose, uye nhoo yewanano ngairege kusvibiswa, nokuti Mwari achatonga mhombwe navose vanofeva. Vahebheru 13: 4. • Muzviise pasi pomumwe nomumwe muchitya Kristu. Vakadzi, muzviise pasi pavarume venyu sezvamunoita kuna She. Nokuti murume musoro womukadzi saKristu ari musoro wekereke, iwo muviri wake, iyo yaari muponesi wayo. Varume, idai vakadzi venyu, saKristu akada kereke uye akazvipa nokuda kwayo kuti aiite tsvene, akaishambidza nokushambidza kwemvura neshoko, uye ayiuyise kwaari sekereke inobwinya, isina gwapa kana kuunyana kana chipi zvacho chinopomerwa. Nenzira imweyo, varume vanofanira kuda vakadzi vavo semiviri yavo chaiyo. Uyo anoda mukadzi wake anozvida iye pachake. Pana izvozvo zvose, hakuna munhu akatongovenga muviri wake, asi anoupa zvokudya uye anouchengeta, sezvinoita Kristu kukereke, nokuti tiri nhengo dzomuviri wake. “Nokuda kwaizvozvi, murume achasiya baba namai vake uye asanganiswe nomukadzi, uye vaviri vachava nyama imwe chete”. Ichi ndicho chakavanzika chakadzika, asi ndiri kutaura pamusoro paKristu nekereke. Kunyange zvakadaro, mumwe nomumwe wenyuwo anofanira kuda mukadzi wake sezvaanozvida iye, uye mukadzi anofanira kuremekedza murume wake. Vaefeso 5: 21 – 23; 25 – 33. • Naizvozvo, varume, garai zvakanaka navakadzi venyu, uye muvabate norukudzo somudziyo usina simba uye savadyi venhaka pamwe chete nemi, yechipi chinokosha choupeenyu, kuti parege kuva nechinodzivisa minyengetero yenyu. 1 Petro 3: 7. • Musasungwa zvisina kufanira pajoko rimwe chete navasingatendi. Nokuti kururama kungava noukama hweiko nokusarurama? Kana kuti chiedza chingawadzana Seiko nerima? Ko, Kristu angawadzana Seiko naBheriari? Ko, mutendi angava nemugove weiko neasingatendi? Ko, temberi yaMwari ingetenderana Seiko nezvifananidzo? Nokuti tiri temberi yaMwari mupenyu. Sezvakarehwa naMwari, achiti, “Ndichagara pakati pavo ndigofamba navo, uye ndichava Mwari wavo, ivo vagova vanhu vangu.” 2 Vakorinde 6: 14 – 16. • Kana muchindida, muchateerara zvandinokurayirai. Johani 14: 15. • Jesu akapindura akti, “Ida Ishe Mwari wako nomwoyo wako wose, nomweya wako wose, nokufunga kwako kose.’ Uyu ndiwo murayiro mukuru uye wokutanga. Wechipiri wakafanana nawo unoti, ‘Ida muvakidzani wako sokuda kwaunozviita iwe.’ Mteo 22: 37 – 39. • Uye ngatirangarirei kuti tingakurudzirana sei kuti tive nerudo namabasa akanaka. Vahebheru 10: 24.

"For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood of another-- He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation."Hebrews 9:24-28

Jewish Day of Coverings, can be a day of deep reflection on what the Lord has done for us. As Jesus died on the cross 2000 years ago, the Gospel describes how the veil in the Temple was torn in two. This profound spiritual event reveals that the Lord gave all whose sins are covered by His blood access to the Holy of Holies, as He had become our High Priest in addition to being, Himself, the perfect sacrifice for sin. Although the Temple was not finally destroyed until 70 AD, Orthodox Judiasm recounts in the Talmud that, beginning in 30 AD, God no longer accepted the animal sacrifices commanded in the Torah for the Day of Atonement. Throughout the ages, while the Temple stood, the High Priest would cast lots for the two goats which were to be offered as sacrifices. One lot was for the goat to be sacrificed on the altar, and the other, the goat cast out into the wilderness for the removal of sins [Leviticus 16:7-10]. Traditionally, as the Priest cast the lot, finding it in his right hand was a good omen, indicating that God had accepted the sacrifice. However, if the High Priest drew it in his left hand, this indicated the Lord's displeasure and even rejection of the sacrifice. Brothers & Sisters, we believe that the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, 40 years after the sacrifice of Jesus, followed a period of testimony and testing for the Jewish people concerning the fact that the sacrificial system had been consummated by Jesus's death on the cross. 40 is a typical number of testing throughout the Bible. While animal sacrifices continued to be offered in the Temple while it stood, and many believing Jews continued to participate in them, it was clear that something new and definitive had opened the way for all people to enter the Holiest place and to know the Lord intimately and personally. Without intending to, the Talmud offers historical support for the significance and reality of the events in 30 AD which consummated the sacrificial system given in the Torah; i.e. the death and resurrection of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, who died for the sins of the whole world. ENTER HIS PRESENCE, YOU ARE COMPLETELY COVERED!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


• Ndichatsidza kukuwana uve wangu nokusingaperi; Ndichatsidza kukuwana mukururama uye nomukururamisira, murudo netsitsi. Hosea 2: 19. • Zvino kune vasina kuwana nechirikadzi ndinoti: Zvakanaka kwavari kuti vasawana, sezvandiri. Asi kana vasingagoni kuzvidzora, vanofanira kuwana, nokuti zviri nani kuwana pane kutsva. Zvisinei hazvo, mumwe nomumwe ngaararame upenyu hwaakagoverwa naIshe uye hwaakadanirwa naMwari. 1 Vakorinde 7: 8 – 9, 17. • Asi kana ukawana, hauna kutadza; asi kana mhandara ikawanikwa haina kutadza. Asi vaya vachawana vachasangana nematambudziko mazjinji muupenyu uye ini handidi kuti musangane nawo. 1 Vakorinde 7: 28. • Ndinoda kuti murege kuva nokufunganya. Murume asina kuwana anofunga zvaShe, kuti angafadza Ishe sei. Asi Murume akawana anofunga pamusoro pezvinhu zvenyika ino, kuti angafadza mukadzi wake sei. Ndiri kutaura izvi kuti zvikubatsirei, kwete kuti ndikudzivisei, asi kuti murarame munzira yakarurama muchizvipira kuna She zvizere. 1 Vakorinde 7: 32 – 33, 35. • Kuwanana ngakukudzwe navose, uye nhoo yewanano ngairege kusvibiswa, nokuti Mwari achatonga mhombwe navose vanofeva. Vahebheru 13: 4. • Nokuda kwaizvozvo, shingairai kuti muwedzere kunaka pakutenda kwenyu; uye pakunaka, muwedzere kuziva; napakuziva muwedzere kuzvidzora, napakuzvidzora, muwedzere kutsungirira; napakutsungirira, muwedzere umwari; napaumwari muwedzere kuda vatendi; napakuda vatendi, muwedzere rudo. Nokuti kana mune zvinhu izvi, zvichiramba zvichikura, zvichakuitai kuti musava nousimbe uye musingashayiwi zvibereko mukuziva kwenyu Ishe wedu Jesu Kristu. 2 Petro 1: 5 – 8. • Kana mumwe achifunga kuti ava kuita zvisina kunaka kumhandara yaakatsidzira, uye kana ava namakore akafanira kana achida kumuwana, ngaite zvaanoda. Haasi kutadza. Vanofanira kuwanana. Asi uyo munhu anenge azvifunga mupfungwa dzake, asina zvinomumanikidza iye kana achizvidzora, uye kana akatema mumwoyo make kuti haadi kuwana mhandara iyi, murume uyu aitawo chinhu chakanaka. 1 Vakorinde 7: 36 – 37. • Vimba naJehovha nomwoyo wako wose urege kuzendamira panjere dzako; munzira dzako dzose umutende, uye acharuramisa nzira dzako. Usazviita munhu akachenjera pameso ako; itya Jehovha uvenge zvakaipa. Zvirevo 3: 5 – 7. • Farikana muna Jehovha, uye iye achakupa zvinodikanwa nomwoyo wako. Mapisarema 37: 4. • Saka, hama dzangu, nemiwo makafa kumurayiro kubudikidza nomuviri waKristu, kuti muve vomumwe, kuna iye akamutswa kubva kuvakafa, kuitira kuti tigobereka chibereko kuna Mwari. Varoma 7: 4. • Mumwe nomumwe anofanira kuedza mabasa ake. Ipapo angazvikudza hake, asingazvienzanise nomumwe munhuwo. Vagaratia 6: 4.

""Come now, and let us reason together", says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur in Hebrew, was the single most important day during the time of Jesus and still holds utmost significance in Israel and among Jews worldwide today. I mentioned that every year the high priest would sacrifice a goat and sprinkle its blood on the altar for the atonement of the people. But there were actually two goats sacrificed on this day. One’s blood was sprinkled on the altar but the other was led to a cliff in the wilderness, where it would meet its end. This goat was called the "scapegoat" – it represented the "carrying away" of the iniquities of the children of Israel. An interesting tradition arose which is mentioned in the ancient Jewish commentary. A crimson colored sash would be placed on the door of the Temple before that second goat was sent into the wilderness. When the goat died, somehow the sash would mysteriously turn to white. And this was a sign to Israel that God had accepted their sacrifice and their sins were forgiven. However, that something mysteriously happened in 30 AD, approximately forty years before the destruction of the Second Temple. Despite the continued goat sacrifices each year, the sash never turned to white again. Hmm. What other very significant thing happened about this very time? (Jesus) died. Brothers & Sisters, two thousand years ago, the final sacrifice was made for the atonement of our sins and for the sins of all who would believe. Yes! Jesus is the Messiah! He has died and risen again! He rules at the right hand of our Father and He is interceding for us right now! Let's pray for the world's eyes to be opened today! There's so much work to be done! WHO IS YOUR SCAPEGOAT?

Monday, November 5, 2012

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that he has done, whether good or bad."2 Corinthians 5:10

But we ought to realize...there are nine verses in the Bible, Old and New Testament, which clearly state that we will be judged and rewarded for our works. (The final one is Revelation 22:12). Salvation is by grace through faith; and all who believe have their names written in the Book of Life.[Eph 2:5], but our rewards will be determined solely by what we have done. One day, when this life is over, we will all stand before the judgment seat of Messiah (Christ). Once we breathe our last breath we will never again be able to prepare for eternity! These are our days of awe; not just once a year, but every single day of our life. Our everyday deeds on earth will determine our destinies in eternity. Brothers & Sisters, each of our days -- these Awesome days --should be held in awe and used to the fullest. Use them wisely! Get right with God, every morning; tie up the loose ends, forgive others their offenses, be filled with His Spirit, and walk in love. You won't need to fear the Days of Awe, but instead look forward to a rich reward in God's Eternity-- yes, in fact we are... truly we're living in the Days of Awe! WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF AWESOME DAYS!

Friday, November 2, 2012


• Vasati vadana ndichavapindura; vachiri kutaura ndichavanzwa. Isaya 65: 24. • Kumbirai mugopiwa, tsvakai mugowana, gogodzai muugozarurirwa. Nokuti munhu anokumbira anopiwa, anotsvaka anowana; uye anogogodza anozarurirwa musuwo. Mateo 7: 7 – 8. • Kana muchitenda, muchagamuchira zvose zvamunokumbira mukuntengetera. Mateo 21:22 • “Ndinokuudzai zvakare kuti kana vaviri venyu mukabvumirana pane chamunokumbira kuna Baba vangu vari kudenga, muchachiitirwa. Nokuti panoungana vaviri kana vatatu muzita rangu, neni ndiripo pakati pavo. Mateo 18: 19 – 20. • Naizvozvo ndinoti kwamuri, zvose zvamunokumbira mukunyengetera, tendai kuti mazvigamuchira, uye zvichava zvenyu. Uye paunomira uchinyengetera, kana mumwe munhu akakutadzira, muregerere, kuitira kuti Baba vako vari kudenga vagokuregerera zvivi zvako. Mako 11: 24 – 25. • Uye ndichaita zvose zvamunokumbira muzita rangu, kuitira kuti Mwanakomana avigire Baba kukudzwa. Kana mukakumbira chinhu chipi zvacho muzita rangu, ndichachiita. Johani 14: 13 – 14. • Kana muchigara mandiri uye mashoko angu achigara mamuri, kumbirai zvose zvamunoda, uye muchazvipiwa. Johani 15: 7. • Asi paunonyengetera, pinda mumba mako, ugopfiga musuwo uye ugonyengetera kuna Baba vako avo vasingaonekwi. Ipapo Baba vako avo vanoona zvinoitwa pakavanda, vachakupa mubayiro. Mateo 6: 6. • Pazuva iro hamuzondibvunzizve kana chinhu. Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, Baba vangu vachakupai zvose zvamuchakumbira muzita rangu. Johani 16: 23. • Ngatiswederei tisingatyi pachigaro choushe chenyasha, kuitira kuti tigogamuchira ngoni uye tigowana nyasha, tibatsirwe panguva yokushaiwa. Vahebheru 4: 16. • Farikana muna Jehovha, uye iye achakupa zvinodikanwa nomwoyo wako. Isa nzira yako kuna Jehovha; uvimbe naye uye iye achaita izvi. Mapisarema 37: 4 – 5. • Achadana kwandiri, uye ndichamupindura; ndichava naye pakutambudzika, ndichamurwira uye ndichamukudza. Ndichamugutsa noupenyu hurefu, uye ndichamuratidza ruponeso rwangu. Mapisarema 91: 15 – 16. • Jehovha ari pedyo navose vanodana kwaari, kuna vose vanodana kwaari muchokwadi. Anozadzisa zvido zvaavo vanomutya; anonzwa kuchema kwavo uye anovaponesa. Jehovha anochengeta vose vanomuda, asi achaparadza vakaipa vose. Mapisarema 145: 18 – 20. • Jehovha ari kure nowakaipa, asi anonzwa munyengetero woakarurama. Zvirevo 15: 29. • “Zvanzi naJehovha, iye akaita nyika, naiye akaiumba nokuisimbisa, Jehovha ndiro zita rake, ‘Danai kwandiri uye ndichakupindurai uye ndichakuudzai zvinhu zvikuru zvakavanzika zvamusingazivi.’ Jeremia 33: 2 – 3. • Uye uyu ndiwo murayiro wake: kutenda muzita roMwanakomana wake, Jesu Kristu, uye nokuda mumwe nomumwe wedu sezvaakatirayira. Avo vanoteerera mirayiro yake vanogara maari, uye iye mavari. Uye izvi ndizvo zvinoita kuti tizive kuti iye anogara matiri: Tinozviziva noMweya waakatipa. 1 Johani 3: 23 – 24.


• Asi kana kushumira Jehovha kusingakufadzei, zvino zvisarudzirei nhasi wamuchashumira, vamwari vaishumirwa namadzitateguru enyu mhiri kwoRwizi kana vamwari vavaAmori, munyika mamugere. Asi kana ndirini neimba yangu tichashumira Jehovha. Joshua 24: 15. • Musarega kutaura kwakaora kuchibuda mumiromo yenyu, asi chete zvinobatsira pakuvaka vamwe maerenano nezvavanoshayiwa, kuti zvigobatsira avo vanonzwa. Uye musachemedza Mweya Mutsvene waMwari, uyo wakaitwa chisimbiso chenyu pazuva rokudzikinurwa. Bvisai shungu dzose, hasha nokutsamwa, kupopota namakuhwa pamwe chete nokuvenga kwose. Muitirane mwoyo Munyoro uye munzwirane tsitsi, muchikanganwira mumwe nomumwe wenyu, sezvamakakanganwirwa naMwari muna Kristu. Vaefeso 4: 29 – 32. • Dzidzisa mwana nzira yaanofanira kufamba nayo, uye kana achinge akura haazotsauki kubva pairi. Zvirevo 22: 6. • Vakapindura vakati, “Tenda kuna She Jesu ugoponeswa, iwe neimba yako.” Mabasa 16: 31. • “Kudza baba vako namai vako, kuti ugorarama mazuva mazhinji munyika yaunopiwa naJehovha Mwari wako. Ekisodho 20: 12. • Herino shoko rechokwadi: kana munhu achitsvaka basa romutariri, anoda basa rinokudzika. Anofanira kubata imba yake zvakanaka nokuona kuti vana vake vanomuteerera uye vachimukudza zvakanaka. (Kana munhu asingazivi kubata imba yake zvakanaka, angachengeta Seiko kereke yaMwari?). 1 Timoti 3: 1, 4 – 5. • Vanakomana inhaka inobva kuna Jehovha, vana mubayiro unobva kwaari. Semiseve mumaoko emhare ndizvo zvakaita vanakomana voujaya. Akaropofadzwa murume ane goba rizere navo. Havanganyadziswi pavanokakavadzana navavengi vavo pasuo. Mapisarema 127: 3 – 5. • Iye achadzosera mwoyo yamadzibaba kuvana vavo, uye mwoyo yavana kumadzibaba avo; kana kuti ndichauya ndigorova nyika nechituko.” Maraki 4: 6. • Vana vevana ikorona kune vakwegura, uye vabereki ndivo kukudzwa kwavana vavo. Shamwari inoda panguva dzose, uye hama yakaberekerwa nhamo.Mwanakomana benzi anorwadzisa baba vake, uye anoitisa shungu uyo akamubereka. Zvirevo 17: 6, 17, 25. • Mirayiro iyi yandinokupai nhasi inofanira kuva mumwoyo yenyu. Uzvisimbise kuvana vako. Taura pamusoro payo kana ugere mumba mako uye kana uchifamba munzira, kana uchivata pasi uye kana uchimuka. Isungirire pamaoko enyu sechiratidzo mugoisungirira pahuma dzenyu. Muinyore pamagwatidziro emikova yedzimba dzenyu uye napamasuo enyu. Dhuteronomi 6: 6 – 9. • Ranga mwanakomana wako, ipapo achakupa Rugare; achauyisa mufaro kumweya wako. Pasina chiratidzo, vanhu vanoramba kuzvidzora; asi akaropafadzwa uyo anochengeta murayiro. Zvirevo 29: 17 – 18. • Munhu akanaka anosiyira vana vevana vake nhaka, asi upfumi hwomutadzi hunounganidzirwa vakarurama. Zvirevo 13: 22. • Vakaropafadzwa vose vanotya Jehovha, vanofamba munzira dzake. Uchadya chibereko chokushanda kwako; maropafadzo nkubudirira zvichava zvako. Mapisarema 128: 1 – 2. • Baba vomunhu vakarurama vane mufaro mukuru; uyo ane mwanakomana akachenjera anofadzwa naye. Baba vako namai vako ngavafare; mai vakakubereka ngavafare kwazvo! Zvirevo 23: 24 – 25. • Teerera, mwanakomana wangu, gamuchira zvandinotaura, ipapo makore oupenyu hwako achava mazhinji. Ndinokudzidzisa nzira youchenjeri uye ndiri kukutungamirira panzira dzakarurama. Zvirevo 4: 10 – 11. • Zvino tinokukumbirai, hama, kuti muremekedze avo vanoshanda nesimba pakati penyu, vari pamusoro penyu muna She uye vanokurayirai, Muvakudze zvikuru murudo nokuda kwebasa ravo. Garai murunyararo nomumwe nomumwe wenyu. Uye tinokukurudzirai, hama, kuti muyambire avo vano usimbe, mukurudzire vanotya, batsirai vasina simba, muite mwoyo murefu kuvanhu vose. Muve nechokwadi kuti murege kuva nomunhu anodzorera chakaipa nechakaipa, asi edzai kuva nomwoyo Munyoro kuno mumwe nomumwe wennyu uye nokuna vose. 1 Vatesaronika 5: 12 – 15. • Maari uye kubudikidza nokutenda kwaari tigone kusvika kuna Mwari takasununguka uye tisingatyi. Naizvozvo, ndinokukumbirai, kuti murege kuora mwoyo nokuda kwamatambudzoko angu nokuda kwenyu, ndiko kukudzwa kwenyu. Vaefeso 3: 12 – 13. • Asi chibereko chomweya ndirwo rudo, mufaro, Rugare, mwoyo murefu, unyoro, kunaka, kutendeka, kupfava uye kuzvidzora. Hakuna murayiro unopesana nezvizvi. Avo vari vaKristu Jesu vakaroverwa pamuchinjikwa nyama nokuchiva kwayo uye nezvainoshuva. Vagaratia 5: 22 – 24. • Rugare rwaKristu ngarutonge mumwoyo yenyu, sezvo senhengo dzomuviri mumwe makadanirwa kurugare. Uye munofanira kuvonga. Shoko raKristu ngarigare zvakakwana mamuri pamunenge muchidzidzisana muchirayirana nouchenjeri hwose, uye muchiimba mapisarema, nedzimbo uye nenziyo dzomweya muchivonga Mwari mumwoyo yenyu. Uye zvose zvamunoita, mushoko kana mumabasa, itai zvose muzita raIshe Jesu, muchivonga Mwari ivo Baba kubudikidza naye. Vakorose 3: 15 – 17. • Ndinokupai murayiro mutsva wokuti: Dananai. Sezvo ndakakudai, saizvozvo munofanira kudanana. Nokuda kwaizvozvo, vanhu vose vachaziva kuti muri vadzidzi vangu kana mune rudo pakati penyu. Jahani 13: 34 – 35. • Muzvininipise zvachose uye mupfave; muite mwoyo murefu, muchiitirana mwoyo murefu murudo. Mushingaire kuchengeta humwe hwoMweya kubudikidza nechisungo chorugare. Vaefeso 4:2 – 3. • Muzviise pasi pomumwe nomumwe muchitya Kristu. Vaefeso 5: 21. • Itai zvose musinganyunyuti kana kukakavara, kuitira kuti mugova vasina chavangapomerwa uye vakachena, vana vaMwari vasina mhosva murudzi urwu rwakakombama uye rwakatsauka, rwamunovhenekera senyeredzi munyika. Vafiripi 2: 14 – 15. • Mwanakomana wangu, nyatsoteerera kuuchenjeri hwangu, teereresa kumashoko angu oungwaru, kuti ugare wakachengeta kungwara uye kuti miromo yako ichengetedze zivo. Zvirevo 5: 1 – 2. • Vana, teererai vabereki venyu muna She, nokuti ndizvo zvakanaka. “Kudza baba namai vako,” ndiwo murayiro wokutanga une chipikirwa,” kuti uitirwe zvakanaka uye kuti ugare upenyu hurefu panyika.” Vaefeso 6: 1 – 3. • Iva norudo rukuru mumwe kuno mumwe savadikani. Mumwe nomumwe wenyu ngaakudze mumwe kupfuura kuzvikudza kwaanozviita iye. Musatomborega kushingaira, asi pisai pamweya, muchishumira Ishe. Farai mutariro, tsungirirai pakutambudzika, rambai muchinyengetera. Goveranai navanhu vaMwari vanoshayiwa. Itirai vaeni rudo. Varoma 12: 10 – 13. • Zita rakanaka rinodiwa kupfuura pfuma zhinji; kuremekedzwa kuri nani pane sirivha kana goridhe. Zvirevo 22: 1.


• Vakapindura vakati, “Tenda kuna She Jesu ugoponeswa, iwe neimba yako.” Mabasa 16: 31. • Iye achakuvigirai shoko richaponesa iwe neveimba yako yose. Mabasa 11: 14. • “Imi munofungei? Kana munhu ane makwai zana, rimwe chete rawo rikarasika, haangasiyi makumi mapfumbamwe ane pfumbamwe mumakomo anotsvaka rakarasika here? Nenzira imwe cheteyo Baba venyu vari kudenga havafariri kuti mumwe wavaduku ava arasike. Mateo 18: 12, 14. • Nokuti ndichadurura mvura panyika ine nyota, nehova pamusoro pevhu rakaoma; ndichadurura Mweya wangu pamusoro porudzi rwako. “Zvanzi naJehovha, Mambo waIsraeri noMudzikinuri, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose: Ndini wokutanga uye ndini wokupadzisira; kunze kwangu hakuna Mwari. Isaya 44: 3, 6. • Ishe haanonoki kuita zvaakavimbisa, sokunonoka kunonzwisiswa navamwe. Ane mwoyo murefu nemi, haadi kuti ani zvake arasike, asi kuti vose vatendeuke. 2 Peter 3: 9. • Mwari pachake, iye Mwari worugare, ngaakuitei vatsvene kwazvo kwazvo. Mweya wenyu wose, nomwoyo uye nomuviri zvichengetwe zvisina mhosva pakuuya kwaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu. Iye anokudanai akatendeka uye achazviita. 1 Vatesaronika 5: 23 – 24. • Jehovha akazivisa ruponeso rwake uye akaratidza kururama kwake kundudzi, Akarangarira rudo rwake nokutendeka kwake kuimba yaIsraeri; migumo yose yenyika yakaona ruponeso rwaMwari wedu. Mapisarema 98: 2 – 3. • Ndiani pakati penyu anotya Jehovha, uye anoteerera shoko romuranda wake? Ngaafambe murima, iye asina chiedza, ngaavimbe naMwari wake. Isaya 50: 10. • Asi imi, iyemi Mwari, muchaburutsira vakaipa pasi mugomba rokuora; vanhu vanokarira ropa navanyengeri havangararami hafu yamazuva avo. Asi kana ndirini, ndinovimba nemi. Mapisarema 55: 23. • “Zvanzi naJehovha, “Chengetedzai kururamisira mugoita zvakanaka, nokuti ruponeso rwangu rwava pedyo, uye kururama kwangu kuchakurumidza kuratidzwa. Isaya 56: 1. • Asi ndiri kukutaurirai chokwadi kuti: Zvakakunakurai imi kuti ini ndava kuenda. Kana ndikasaenda, Munyaradzi haangauyi kwamuri: asi kana ndikaenda, ndichamutumirai kwamuri. Kana asvika achapa nyika mhosva pamusoro pechivi napamusoro pokururama nokutongwa: pamusoro pechivi, nokuti vanhu havatendi kwandiri. Jahani 16: 7 – 9. • Dzidzisa mwana nzira yaanofanira kufamba nayo, uye kana achinge akura haazotsauki kubva pairi. Zvirevo 22: 6.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


• Akati kwavari, “Endai munyika yose muparidze vhangeri kusvisikwa zvose.” Mako 16: 15 • Asi muchagamuchira simba kana Mweya Mutsvene auya pamusoro penyu; uye muchava zvapupu zvangu muJerusarema, nemuJudhea mose, nomuSamaria, uye kusvikira kumagumo enyika.” Mabasa 1: 8. • Imi muri munyu wenyika. Asi kana munyu usisavavi ungavaviswa nei? Hauchabatsiri chinhu, kunze kokuti uraswe ugotsikwa zvawo nevanhu. Imi muri chiedza chenyika. Guta riri pamusoro pegomo haringavanziki. Uye vanhu havangatungidzi mwenje vagouisa pasi pedengu. Asi kutoti vanouisa pachigadziko kuti uvhenekere vose vari mumba. Nenzira imwe cheteyo, chiedza chenyu ngachivhenekere pamberi pavanhu kuti vaone mabasa enyu akanaka, vagokudza Baba venyu vari kudenga. Mateo 5: 13 – 16. • Nokuti ndakanga ndine nzara mukandipa chokudya, ndakanga ndine nyota, mukandipa chokunwa, ndakanga ndiri mweni mukandipa mumba, ndakanga ndisina zvokupfeka mukandipfekedza, ndakanga ndichirwara mukandipepa, ndakanga ndiri mutirongo mukandishanyira.’ “Ipapo vakarurama vachamupindura vachiti, ‘Ishe, takakuonai riniko mune nzara tikakupai chokudya? Takakuonai riniko muri mweni tikakupinzai mumba, kana musina zvokupfeka tikakupfekedzai? Takakuonai riniko muchirwara kana muri mutirongo tikakushanyirai? “ Mambo achapingura achiti, ‘Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, chose chamakaitira mumwe wavaduku vehama dzangu idzi, makazviitira ini.’ Mateo 25: 35 – 40. • Uye kana munhu akapa mukombe wemvura inotonhorera kuno mumwe wavaduku ava nokuda kwokuti iye mudzidzi wangu, ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti haazorasirwi nomubayiro wake.” Mateo 10: 42. • Kana munhu asingachengeti hama dzake, uye zvikuru sei veimba yake, arasa kutenda, uye akaipa kukunda asingatendi. 1 Timoti 5: 8. • Dzidzisa mwana nzira yaanofanira kufamba nayo, uye kana achinge akura haazotsauki kubva pairi. Zvirevo 22: 6. • Mwari haazi asina kururama; haangakanganwi basa renyu nerudo rwamakamuratidza pamaibatsira vanhu vake uye kuti muchiri kuramba muchivabatsira. Tinoda kuti mumwe nomumwe wenyu ave nokushingaira kumwe cheteko kusvikira kumagumo, kuitira kuti muve nechokwadi chetariro yenyu. Hatidi kuti muve simbe,asi kuti muve vateveri vaavo vanodya nhaka yakavimbiswa kubudikidza nokutenda nokutsungirira. Vahebheru 6: 10 – 12. • Kana hama kana hazvadzi ikashaiwa zvokufuka nezvokudya zvezuva rimwe nerimwe, uye mumwe wenyu akati, “Endai henyu, mufambe zvakanaka; mudziyirwe uye mugute,” asi asina chinhu chaamuitira chinodikanwa nomuviri wake, zvakanaka here izvozvo? Saizvozvowo, kutenda kwoga, kana kusina basa, kwakafa. Jakobho 2: 15 – 17. • Vanhu vazhinji vakati, “Zvino toita sei?” Johani akapindura akati, “Munhu ane nguo mbiri ngaagovane neasina, uye naane zvokudya ngaadye navamwe.” Ruka 3: 10 – 11. • Hama dzangu kana mumwe akabatwa ari muchivi, imi vari mumweya munofanira kumudzora nounyoro. Asi muzvingwarire pachenyu, kuti murege kuedzwa. Takuriranai mitoro yenyu, uye nokudaro muchazadzisa muratiro waKristu. Kana munhu achifunga kuti iye chinhu iye asiri chinhu, anozvinyengera. Mumwe nomumwe anofanira kuedza mabasa ake. Ipapo angazvikudza hake, asingazvienzanise nomumwe munhuwo, nokuti mumwe nomumwe anofanira kutakura mutoro wake. Ani naani anogamuchira dzidziso mushoko anofanira kugovana nouno mudzidzisa pazvinhu zvose zvakanaka. Vagaratia 6: 1 – 6.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the Most Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."Hebrews 9:11-12

The Jews marked the Day of Atonement which marks the holiest of all holy days on the Hebrew calendar. It is the anniversary of the fall of man and it is the climax of the time of repentance. On this holy day, all around the world, the religious will fast from food and water and read prayers in the synagogue, as will the majority of traditional Jews. Atonement means "covering". On this day, according to the Scriptures, the High Priest would slay a goat and sprinkle its blood on the Ark of the Covenant so that the sins of the people might be cleansed and they could have favor in the sight of God. This act was clearly a foreshadowing of the covering that would come when Messiah would die for our sins, our perfect and innocent Lamb. Today, there are no more sacrifices and no more Temple. Yet the religious are convinced that their sins will be atoned for by doing their best to keep the law and doing good works. Sadly, there is only one recipe for true atonement -- trusting in the One of whom was prophesied long, long ago Jesus the Messiah. His blood has covered over all of us who believe so that our sins might be washed away, that we might have favor in the sight of God and that we might have our names inscribed in the Lamb's Book of Life. Brothers & Sisters, let's take some time to repent and get right with the Lord, ourselves -- allow the Lord to reveal our sins, both known and unknown. Perhaps God will call you to fast and pray along with us. We look forward to the wonderful day when ALL man shall be saved! TAKE US TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES!


• “Nokuti kana mukaregerera vanokutadzirai, Baba venyu vari kudenga vachakuregereraiwo. Asi kana musingaregereri vamwe zvitadzo zvavo, Baba venyu havazokuregererai zvitadzo zvenyu. Mateo 6: 14 – 15. • Ipapo Petro akauya kuna Jesu akamubvunza achiti, “Ishe kanganiko kandingaregerera hama yangu kana achinditadzira? Kanomwe here?” Jesu akapindura akati, “Kwete kanomwe chete, asi kakapetwa makumi manomwe ane nomwe. Mateo 18: 21 – 22. • Saka zvingwarirei. “Kana hama yako ichitadza itsuure, uye kana akatendeuka, umuregerere. Kana akakutadzira kanomwe pazuva, uye akadzoka kwauri kanomwe achiti, ‘Ndatendeuka,’ muregerere.” Ruka 17: 3 – 4. • Uye paunomira uchinyengetera kana mumwe munhu akakutadzira, muregerere, kuitira kuti Baba vako vari kudenga vagokuregerera zvivi zvako. Mako 11: 25. • Munzwirane tsitsi uye mukanganwirane pamhosva ipi zvayo yamunenge matadzirana. Mukanganwire sezvamakakanganwirwa naShe. Vakorose 3: 13. • Asi ini ndinokuudzai kuti, ‘Idai vavengi venyu, mugonyengeterera avo vanokutambudzai. Mateo 5: 44. • Regai kudzorera chaipa nechakaipa kana kutuka nokutuka, asi namaropofadzo,nokuti ndizvo zvamakadanhirwa izvozvo kuitira kuti mugare nhaka yokuropofadzwa. Nokuti, “ Uyo anoda upenyu nokuona mazuva akanaka anofanira kudzora rurimi rwake pane zvakaipa nemiromo yake pakutaura zvinonyengera. 1 Petro 3: 9 – 10. • Bvisai shungu dzose, hasha nokutsamwa, kupopota namakuhwa pamwe chete nokuvenga kwose. Muitirane mwoyo Munyoro uye munzwirane tsitsi, muchikanganwira mumwe nomumwe wenyu, sezvamakakanganwirwa naMwari muna Kristu. Vaefeso 4: 31 – 32. • Hama, handioni kuti ndatochibata. Asi ndinoita chinhu chimwe: Ndinokanganwa zviri shure ndichinanavira zviri mberi, ndinoshingaira kunharidzano kuti ndiwane mubayiro wandakadanhirwa naMwari kudenga muna Kristu Jesu. Vafiripi 3: 13 – 14. • “Chikanganwai zvinhu zvakare; musarambe muri pane zvakapfuura. “Ini, iyeni, ndinodzima kudarika kwako, nokuda kwangu, handizorangaririzve zvakaipa zvako. Isaya 43: 18, 25. • Nokuti zvinorumbidzwa kana munhu achitsungirira ari pasi pokurwadziwa nokutambudzika kusakafanira nokuti anoziva kuti Mwari ariko. Asi mungarumbidzwa sei kana muchirohwa nokuda kwokuita zvakaipa uye muchisunga mazviri? Asi kana muchitambudzika nokuda kwokuti munoita zvakanaka uye muchitsunga mazviri, izvozvo zvinorumbidzwa pamberi paMwari. Makadanirwa izvozvi, nokuti Kristu akatambudzika nokuda kwenyu, akakusiyirai muenzaniso, kuti mutevere makwara ake. “Iye haana kutadza, uye kunyengera hakuna kuwanikwa mumuromo make.” Pavakamutuka, haana kudzorera; paakatambudzika, haana kutyisidzira. Asi, akazviisa kune iye anotonga nokururama. 1. Petro 2: 19 – 23. • Vakaropofadzwa vanotambudzwa nokuda kwokururama nokuti umambo hwokudenga ndorwavo. “ Makaropofadzwa imi kana vanhu vachikutukai, vachikutambudzai uye vachikupomerai zvakaipa zvose nokuda kwangu. Farai mufarisise kwazvo nokuti mubayiro wenyu mukuru kudenga, nokuti nenzira imwe cheteyo vakatambudza vaprofita vakatungamira. Mateo 5: 10 – 12. • Nokuti tinomuziva iye akati, “ Kutsiva ndokwangu; ini ndicharipira,” uyezve, “Ishe achatonga vanhu vake.” Vahebheru 10: 30. • Vadikani, musashamiswa nokurwadza kwokutambudzika nemiedzo, sokunge chinhu chisingazikanwi chaitika kwamuri. Asi farai kuti munogovana naKristu mumatambudziko, kuitira kuti mufare kwazvo pakuonekwa kwokubwinya kwake. Kana muchitukwa nekuda kwezita raKristu, makaropafadzwa, nokuti mweya wokubwinya ndowaMwari unogara pamuri. 1 Petro 4: 12 – 14. • Usakundwa nezvakaipa, asi ukunde zvakaipa nezvakanaka. Varoma 12: 21.


• Naizvozvo, ivai vateveri vaMwari, savanna vanodikanwa. Vaefeso 5: 1. • “Ndini muzambiringa wechokwadi, uye Baba vangu murimi. Davi rimwe nerimwe riri mandiri risingabereki vanoritema, asi davi rimwe nerimwe rinobereka michero vanorichekerera kuitira kuti rigozobereka michero yakawanda. Imi matonatswa nokuda kweshoko randataura kwamuri. Garai mandiri, uye ini ndichagara mamuri. Hakuna davi rinobereka michero riri roga; rinofanira kugara mumuzambiringa. Nemi hamungabereki zvibereko kunze kwokunge magara mandiri. Johani 15: 1 – 4. • Ngatirege kuneta pakuita zvakana, nokuti nenguva yakafanira tichakowa kana tisingaori mwoyo. Naizvozvo, zvatine mukana, ngatiitei zvakanaka kuvanhu vose, zvikuru kuna avo vari mumhuri yavatendi. Vagaratia 6: 9 – 10. • Naizvozvo savasanangurwa vaMwari, vatsvene uye vanodikanwa kwazvo, zvifukidzei netsitsi, neunyoro, nokuzvininipisa, nokupfava uye nemwoyo murefu. Munzwirane tsitsi uye mukanganwirane pamhosva ipi zvayo yamunenge matadzirana. Mukanganwire sezvamakakanganwirwa naShe. Uye pazvinhu zvose izvi fukai rudo, runokusunganidzai pamwe chete muhumwe hwakakwana. Rugare rwaKristu ngarutonge mumwoyo yenyu, sezvo senhengo dzomuviri mumwe makadanirwa kurugare. Uye munofanira kuvonga. Shoko raKristu ngarigare zvakakwana mamuri pamunenge muchidzidzisana muchirairana nouchenjeri hwose, uye muchiimba mapisarema, nadzimbo uye nenziyo dzomweya muchivonga Mwari mumwoyo yenyu. Uye zvose zvamunoita, mushoko kana mumabasa itai zvose muzita raIshe Jesu, muchivonga Mwari ivo Baba kubudikidza naye. Vakorose 3: 12 – 17. • Naizvozvo kana munhu ava muna Kristu, ava chisikwa chitsva; zvakare zvapfuura, zvinhu zvose zvave zvitsva. 2 Vakorinde 5 – 17. • Tsungirirai pamwe chete nesu somurwi akanaka waKristu Jesu. 2 Timoti 2: 3. • Kwazisai Pirisira naAkwira, vanobata neni muna Krustu Jesu. Vakaisa upenyu hwavo panjodzi nokuda kwangu. Kwete ini ndoga asi kuti nekereke dzose dzavaHedheni dzinovatenda zvikuru. Kwasisaiwo kereke inosangana mumba mavo. Kwasisai Epenetasi mudikani wangu, ndiye akava chibereko changu chokutanga muna Kristu munyika yeEzhia. Varoma 16: 3 – 5. • Ipapo mumwe munhu akasvika akti,”Tarirai! Varume vakaiswa mujeri vamire mutemberi vachidzidzisa vanhu”. Pakazvinzwa, mukuru wavarindi akabva aenda navabati vake akandouya navapostori. Havana kuzviita nokumanikidza, nokuti vaitya kuti vanhu vangavatake namabwe. Vakati vauya navapostori, vakavamisa pamberi peDare Guru kuti vabvunzwe nomuprista mukuru. Akati, “Takakurayirai, zvakasimba kuti murege kudzidzisa muzita iri. Asi mazadza Jerusarema rose nedzidziso yenyu uye munoda kuti tive nemhosva yeropa romurume uyu”. Petro navamwe vapostori vakapindura vachiti, “Tinofanira kuteerera Mwari kukunda vanhu! Mabasa 5; 25 – 29. • Jehovha ndiani angagara munzvimbo yenyu tsvene? Iye anofamba asina chaanopomerwa uye anoita zvakarurama, anotaura chokwadi zvichibva pamwoyo wake, uye asina makuhwa parurimi rwake, asingaitiri wokwake zvakaipa uye asingatuki waagere naye, anozvidza munhu akaipa asi anokudza vaya vanotya Jehovha, anochengeta mhiko yake kunyange kana zvichirwadza, anokweretesa mari yake asingarevi mhindu uye asingagamuchiri fufuro pamusoro pousina mhosva. Munhu anoita izvi haangatongozununguswi. Mapisarema 15: 1 – 5. •


• Nokuti vose vakatadza uye vakasasvika pakubwinya kwaMwari, uye anoshairwa mhosva nenyasha dzake kubudikidza nokudzikinura kuri muna Kristu Jesu. Varoma 3: 22 – 24. • Naizvozvo tichatiiko? Titadze here nokuti hatisi pasi pomurayiro asi pasi penyasha. Kwete napaduku pose! Varoma 5: 12. • Nokuti mubayiro wechivi ndirwo rufu, asi chipo chaMwari chokungopiwa ndihwo upenyu husingaperi muna Kristu Jesu Ishe wedu. Varoma 6: 23. • Kutsamwa kwaMwari kunoratidzwa kuchibva kudenga pamusoro pokusada Mwari kwose nokusarurama kwose kwavanhu vanodzivisa chokwadi nokusarurama kwavo. Nokuti izvo zvose zvingazivikanwa pamusoro paMwari zviri pachena kwavari, nokuti Mwari akazviisa pachena kwavari. Nokuti kubvira pakusikwa kwenyika izvo zvisingaonekwi zvaMwari, iro simba rake rinogara nokusingaperi nouMwari hwake, zvakanyatsoonekwa kwazvo, zvichizivikanwa kubva pazvinhu zvakaitwa, kuitira kuti vanhu varege kuva nepembedzo. Varoma 1: 18 – 20. • Asi Mwari anoratidza rudo rwake kwatiri pakuti: Tichiri vatadzi, Kristu akatifira. Zvino sezvo takashayiwa mhosva neropa rake, tichaponeswa zvikuru sei naye kubva pakutsamwa kwaMwari.Varoma 5: 8 – 9. • Akati kwavari, “Engai munyika yose muparidze vhangeri kusvisikwa zvose. Ani naani anotenda uye akabhabhatidzwa achaponeswa, asi asingatendi achatongwa. Mako 16: 15 – 16. • Mweya waShe uri pamusoro pangu, nokuti akandizodza kuti ndiparidze vhangeri kuvarombo. Akandituma kuti ndiparidze rusununguko kuna vakasungwa uye kuti vasingagoni vaone, kuti ndisungure vakamanikidzwa, kuti ndiparidze gore rakanaka raShe. Ruka 4: 18 – 19. • Ishe haanonoki kuita zvaakavimbisa, sokunonoka kunonzwisiswa navamwe. Ane mwoyo murefu nemi, haadi kuti ani zvake arasike, asi kuti vose vatendeuke. 2 Peter 3: 9. • Nokuti Mwari haana kutuma Mwanakomana wake panyika kuti atonge nyika, asi kuti nyika iponeswe kubudikidza naye. Johani 3: 17. • Handina kuuya kuzodana vakarurama, asi vatadzi kuti vatendeuke. Ruka 5: 32. • Nokuti Mwanakomana woMunhu akauya kuzotsvaka nokuponesa chakarasika. Ruka 19: 10. • Jesu akapindura akati, “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, hakuna munhu angaona umambo hwaMwari kana asina kuberekwa patsva. Johani 3: 3. • Nokuti Mwari akada nyika nokudaro, kuti akapa Mwanakomana wake mumwe oga, kuti ani naani anotenda kwaari arege kufa asi ave noupenyu husingaperi. Johani 3: 16. • Vakapindura vakati,”Tenda kunaShe Jesu ugoponeswa, iwe neimba yako. Mabasa 16: 31.