Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't lose sight of the source!

Luke 17:15,16 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.

In ancient times, lepers were social outcasts because of their highly contagious disease. In this passage, ten lepers came to Jesus begging for mercy and He graciously healed them.

Can you imagine? These lepers had an awful disease. Their bodies were slowly deteriorating -- and worse, they were shunned from their friends and family and forced to live in a community of only those who were too withering away. Suddenly merciful Jesus comes along and "poof!" the sickness leaves them! How life changing! These people must have been overjoyed! Now they could go back to their families, their homes, their communities and live normal lives!

But as I reread this story today something struck me. Only one of them returned to thank the Lord! But how often do we do the same? We get so focused on our blessing and forget about the One who gave it!

Just as the Samaritan returned to Jesus to thank and worship Him who had redeemed his life, we too must thank God -- for every good and perfect gift comes from Him and He deserves all the honor and the glory! And as a matter of fact, one of the cornerstones of effective prayer is entering His gates with thanksgiving and praise. Let's start thanking God for all His goodness toward us!

So, it's easy to get caught up in the blessing -- God has given us so much! But let’s be sure that we make daily habit of thanking God first!

stand strong!

Luke 8:15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

An official of a mission board, who knew it takes more than just desire to make a missionary, was appointed to examine a candidate for the mission field. He told the young man to be at his house at six o'clock in the morning. The young man complied and arrived a six o'clock sharp. The examiner kept him sitting alone in the room until ten. Then he finally came in and said abruptly, " Young man, can you write your name? A little taken aback by the simplicity of his question, the man paused. Before he could get a word out, the examiner blurted, "What, you don't know what it is?" The mission board official put him through a series of questions of that nature and then went to report to the mission board.

"Okay," he said, "he will do." I tried his patience for hours and hours and he did not break down; Then I insulted him and he did not lose his temper. This candidate answered with patience, fortitude, and gentleness. His faith was vindicated by the very quality of his character. He will make a good missionary."

Whether we realize it or not -- we all are in the mission field. Our patience is bound to be tested in ways we've never imagined and we'll most likely find it unfair and unkind at times. But standing strong in the Lord in the face of offensive treatment and enduring seasons of long-suffering is a testimony in and of itself -- and that will win souls!

So, are you weary from the walk? Get your second wind! Count it all joy! You have endured much and you will see victory! Not only here on earth but when we meet the Lord!

Give thanks with a grateful heart!

1 Chronicles 16:8 Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.

Many years ago, as the story is told, a devout king was disturbed by the ingratitude of his royal court. He prepared a large banquet for them. When the king and his royal guests were seated, by prearrangement, a beggar shuffled into the hall, sat down at the king's table, and gorged himself with food. Without saying a word, he then left the room. The guests were furious and asked permission to seize the tramp and tear him limb from limb for his ingratitude.

The king replied, "That beggar has done only once to an earthly king what each of you does three times each day to God. You sit there at the table and eat until you are satisfied. Then you walk away without recognizing God, or expressing one word of thanks to Him."

How often do we neglect to thank God for the goodness He so graciously bestows upon us? We have so much!

So often we’re asking and asking and asking for the things we want of God. Let’s make thanks giving a regular part, even a greater part of our prayer life!

Where's faith when you need it?!

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

I could tell you about countless difficult and drawn out circumstances over which we have tried to stand firmly in faith until they finally came to pass. Sometimes we made it and sometimes we were weak and began to doubt. But God mercifully came through for us on most of these things, despite our lack of strength to stay faith-ful.

There are some things in our lives that take alot of prayer and a lot of faith to overcome. But why is it so hard sometimes to stand in faith for those things?

I spent many hours praying for faith. I once said, "If all the time I have spent praying for faith was put together, it would be months. I thought that someday faith was going to come down and strike me like lightening. But faith did not come. Then one day I read in the 10th chapter of Romans, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." I now opened my Bible and began to read God's Word and faith has been growing ever since."

Much of what we believers describe as 'faith' has nothing to do with Biblical faith. Our faith must not be based on emotion, or want, and not on the latest exciting conference. But it must be centered on God's Word, on Jesus, His death and resurrection, His salvation. The Living Word is the eternal, everlasting love of God which has been poured out upon our lives.

Let's read, hear, apply and live the Word today, and we will grow strong in faith! There's so much work to be done!

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's not easy to be like Jesus

I’m a good person.

For the most part, I obey the rules. I don’t get in trouble. I try not to upset people or cause any kind of conflict.

I mean, I try to be nice to strangers, cordial to my landlord, considerate to my roommates.

I’m certainly not a bad person – I don’t steal or cheat. I’m not a traitor. I’m just your average good person, trying my best to make it in the world.

The thing about the gospel is, it doesn’t matter that I’m a good person. I could be the best person, and it wouldn’t amount to anything. The thing about the gospel is that I’m a sinner. The truth is that

“all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23.

I’ve sinned. So have you. I’ve sinned against God, just the same as your best friend, your sweet old grandmother, and your worst enemy. Sin makes us the same. In a way, sin makes us equal. As far as God’s glory is above us, we’re in the same boat — a bunch of sinking sinners trying hopelessly to survive, flailing around so as not to drown and inevitably smacking each other around in the pitiful process.

Because remember, as typical and downright normal as it is to be a good person these days, it’s hard to be like Jesus. It’s hard to practice forgiveness toward those who hurt you.

It’s easy to be a ‘good person,’ but it’s impossible to be righteous on our own. Without the saving grace of Jesus, we’d all be goners. Without the empowering presence of the Spirit of Christ, we’d be doomed to the miserable existence of a ‘good person’ bound for hell! Instead, we have the right to become the very children of God! It’s better than being a good person – it’s being an heir with Christ, a member of the family of righteousness, a participant in God’s kingdom come in which all is on earth as it is in heaven.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ephesians 2:11-13

"Wherefore remember, that...at that time ye were without Christ...having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off aremade nigh by the blood of Christ."

If you want that revelation to explode in you, start searching out scriptures that refer to being in Christ. Watch for the words in Him, with Him, through Him, or in Whom. Mark those and meditate on them until the truth of them gets down into your spirit man. They'll give you some powerful ammunition against the attacks of Satan.

When he tries to tell you, for instance, that you're just a sinner and God doesn't want to be bothered with your problems, you'll know he is lying. You'll be able to answer him boldly and say, "Thank God, I was a sinner, but now I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I've been raised up to sit with Him in heavenly places. Now
I'm in Him and you can't touch me at all!"

Be prepared the next time Satan comes at you with doubt, unbelief, and condemnation. Be ready to fight back with the scriptures about who you are in Jesus. You're sure to win once you truly know you're in Him!

SCRIPTURE READING: Ephesians 1:1-14

Philippians 2:9-10

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth."

Once you make up your mind to keep the commands of Jesus and begin to allow the Word to dwell in you richly, the Name of Jesus will become far more powerful to you. It will become more than just a word. It will become a force that will cause every circumstance and every demon that tries to stand in your way to bow its knee to your

Discover for yourself what the exalted Name can do. Begin to speak it with confidence and authority. There is power in the Name of Jesus.


2 Timothy 3:14

"But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been
assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them."

uchinge wazvarwa patsva muna Kristu, une shoke raMwari mumwoyo mako. Unogona kukunda mukurarama kwako.Ungangove usina mhinduro dzose. Ungangove nezvinhu zvakawanda zvausinga nzwisisi mukutenda kwako. Asi hazvisi zvinhu zvingakuparadza. Ndizvo zvinhu zvaunoziva kuti uite asi usingazviite, ndizvo zvinogona kukudonhedza munamata kwako.

Funga uchifamba pakati peusiku murima, zvimbo yausingazive pakati peSango. Asi kumusoro kunechiedza chinokutungamirira kuti urambe uri munzira kwayo. Asi zvino wabva wangokariko pinda mumhindo iyo uriwega. Unofunga kuti chiiko chinoitika kwauri? Unobva wango fenda nokudonha.Kazhizhi-zhinji unobva wakuvara.

Ndizvo zvakafanana mukufamba kwako naMwari. Anoziva zviri kumberi,anokupa chiedza chakakwana kwauri kuti utore nhabwe imwechete panguva imwechete. Unofanira kufamba nechiedza ichocho kusvikira wasvika kwaurikuenda.

Verenga 2 Peter 1:2-11

Philippians 4:4

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."

Zvipire kuna Mwari kuti uchafamba kwete nemweya nerudo chete asi nemufaro zvekare. Ngachive chinhu chakakosha kufara munaMwari nguva dzose. Ende hapana chimwe chinhu Satan chaangaite kana kutaura kukubira kukunda kwako kwauri.

Verenga Mapisarema 84:1-4

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Matthew 14:28-29

"And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come
unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was
come down out of the ship, he walked on the water."

It's easy to be so afraid of making a mistake that you never get around
to stepping out on faith. You can spend all your time wondering, "Is
this faith? Or is it presumption? What if I exercise my faith for
something and find out later I've missed God's will?"

Don't worry. God can handle any mistake you can make. I know
because I've made plenty of them. When I did, I'd just go to the Lord
and He'd tell me, "Stay on the Word, son. Together we'll overcome
this thing." And we always did.

If you act on the Word out of the sincerity of your heart and you
steadfastly stay with the Word, Jesus will never let you down...no
matter how many dumb mistakes you make. He proved that the night
Peter jumped out of the boat in the middle of the lake.

Don't let fear keep you from taking that step of faith. Come on, get
out of the boat today!

SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 14:22-33

Philippians 3:10

"[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him that I may
progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with
Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding [the wonders of
His Person]more strongly and more clearly. And that I may in that
same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection."

The more you fellowship with God around His Word, the more you'll
know the "power outflowing from His resurrection." You'll develop
joy. You'll develop faith. You'll start developing God's own
characteristics... just by fellowshiping with Him. You'll begin to
understand who you really are in Jesus.

Come on, give the devil a scare. Fellowship with your Father around
the Word and start discovering who you really are today.


Matthew 6:24

Matthew 6:24

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

God isn't against your having money. He's against money having
you. He's against your making it your priority and putting your trust
in it instead of in Him.

Make pleasing God your number one priority. Set your eyes on Him
above all else and all these things will be added unto you.