Thursday, March 25, 2010


Have you ever wondered what sactification is? and how you become sanctified?

Read: John 17:17-19; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 Peter 1:2

Sanctification is the ongoing process of growing toward holiness. Once you have accepted Christ as your Savior, your salvation is secure, but God isn't finished with you yet. As long as you are alive, he wants you to become more like him. Sanctification is the Holy Spirit's job. Through his leading, you become more and more like Jesus each day.

Sanctification lasts a lifetime. While you're on earth, you'll never be perfect, but you should become more perfect with each passing day. God gives you the tools - the handbook (the Bible), the guide (the Holy Spirit), and the companions ( the church).

You don't have to do anything to get salvation. You just embrace it. It's a gift, pure and simple. But from that moment on, God does expect something from you. He expects you to abandon your old lifestyle and grow into Christ's likeness. It's your part in God's plan.

And have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. (Colossians 3:10)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


1. Pane nguva apo kuranga kunodikanwa. Kana upenyu hwenhengo yechechi huchipesana nedzidziso dzaJesu zvokuti huri kuunza chinyadzo kuchechi uye nokukuvadza basa raKristu, chinove chinhu chafanira kuti chechi imurange.

"Zvino hama dzangu, tinokurairai nezita raShe wedu Jesu Kristu, kuti mubve pahama imwe neimwe isingafambi netsika dzakafanira, isingateereri mirairo yamakapiwa nesu" (2 VaTesaronika 3:6).
"Kuti munhu wakadai aiswe kuna Satani, nyama iparadzwe.." ( 1 VaKorinte 5:5).

2. Kana chechi ichiranga munhu, inofanira kuve nevavariro nepfungwa yakanaka.
"....kuti mweya uponeswe pazuva raShe" ( 1VaKorinte 5:5).
Kana kuranga kuchifanira kuitwa kunofanira kuitwa nechechi mumweya werudo (VaGaratia 6:2). Hakumbofanira kuitwa nemweya wokutsiva kana wokurwadzisa, asi nechido chokuti nhengo isina kuteerera ione chivi chayo, itendeuke uye idzokere mukutevera Ishe Jesu.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1. MUFUNDISI - Mazwi anoti "mufudzi" "mukuru" na"Bhishopu" anoshandiswa kureva chinhu chimwe chete muTestamente Itsva. Muna Mabasa chitsauko 20, Pauro akaraira kuiti kudaidzwe vakuru vechechi yepaEfeso (ndima 17). Mundima 28 anovaudza kuti Mweya Mutsvene wakavaita vatariri (mabishopu), uye kuti vaifanira kufudza (kufundisa) chechi. Petro anozvidaidza kuti mukuru muna 1 Petro 5:1.

Zvichida pachave nomubvunzo unoti, "Ko ndiani anofanira kuve mufundisi wechechi?" Tinowana zvinodikanwa naMwari kuti munhu ave mufundisi zvakapiwa muna 1 Timotio 3:1-7, nomuna Tito 1:7-9. Ndima idzi dzinofanira kudzidzwa zvakanaka nemunhu wose womuchechi.

Chechi inofanirawo kuyeuka kuti Mwari aive nechikonzero zvaakapa zvinodikanwa izvi. Kana chechi ichitsvaka mufundisi, inofanira kuve nechokwadi chokuti murume uyu akakodzera mayererano nezvinotaurwa neBhabheri, asati akokwa kuti ave mufundisi wechechi.

2. MADHIKONI - Machechi omuTestamente Itsva akangawo ane madhikoni. Zvinodikanwa kumunhu kuti ave mudhikoni zvinowanikwa muna 1 Timotio 3:8-13 nomuna Mabasa 6:1-6.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Have you ever wondered.....

- How you can bacome righteous?

- If following the rules is good enough for God?

Read: Romans 3:19-26; 1 John 2:1-2; Provebs 2:7-8

Try to think of someone who was righteous, someone who never did anything wrong. Mother Teresa? No. The Apostle Paul? Hardly. The Pope, Joan of Arc or John the Baptist? None of these characters were righteous of their own accord, and neither are you. There's nothing you can do to make up for your foul behavior.

Sin stinks, and God hates it. Face it: Flowers won't appease him, Gifts and apology cards won't cut it. The grander tributes - an afternoon serving at the city mission, a fat check in the offering plate- won't make you look any better or any more righteous. We always want to do what is right, but somehow, it just doesn't happen.

God's not surprised. Reading Romans chapter three may help you breathe a little easier. Deeds aren't the way to righteousness - Jesus is. He frees you from your sin when you hand over your life to him. Righteousness is a free gift. Take it. Wear it confidently by obeying God's word. Then you will receive all the positive things that God wants to give you along with it.

But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does ( James 1:25)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


SemaBaptist tinotenda kuti takaenzana tose uye tinobatana zvakaenzana mukufambisa basa rechechi. Kutenda uku nokuita kwacho kunowanikwa muzvinhu zvinotevera:

1. Kuve Musoro kwaJesu Kristu: Taona kare kuti Kristu ndiye musoro wechechi. Zvakaita kuchechi zvakafanana nezvakaita musoro kumuviri. Musoro ndiwo unotungamirira nhengo imwe neimwe kana chikamu chemuviri. Nenzira imwe cheteyo. Kristu nemuMweya Mutsvene ndiye anotungamirira muKristu mumwe nomumwe uye nokutungamirira muviri wose zvawo.

2. Kuenzana kweVatendi Vose. Bhaibheri rinotidzidzisa kuti vatendi vechokwadi vose inhengo dzemuviri waKristu, unonzi Chechi. Hapana imwe nhengo imwe chete yemuviri kana kuti chechi ingatonge imwe nhengo yechechi. Nenzira imwe chete ruoko harungaudze tsoka zvokuita. Iro ibasa romusoro. Nyatsodzidza VaRoma 12:3-6 na 1 VaKorinte 12:14-20.

3. Mienzaniso Inoonekwa muTestamente Itsva. Mudhikoni zvaakasarudzwa, zvakaitwa nechechi yose zvayo. (Verenga Mabasa 6:1-6)
Apo maKristu akatarisana nedambudziko rakaipisisa, chechi yose zvayo ndiyo yaisarudza zvaifanira kuitwa. "Ipapo vaapostora, nevakuru, nekereke yose, vakati zvakanaka kuti vasanangure varume pakati pavo, vavatumire Antiokia pamwe chete naPauro naBarnabasi..." (Mabasa 15:22)
Apo paive nedambudziko raida kuranga kwechechi, chechi ndiyo yaibvumidzwa kuita zvayaigona maererano nenhengo yainge yatadza (verenga 1 VaKorinte 5:1-5; Mateo 18:15-17

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Pauro anodaidza Kristu kuti "musoro wekereke" katatu mubhuku reVaEfeso 1:22; 4:15; 5:23). Hapana munhu kana boka ringave musoro wechechi. Ko Bhaibheri rinorevei kana richidaidza Kristu kuti "musoro wekereke"?

Rinoreva zvinhu zvinotevera:
1. Kristu ndiye chete angave mutungamiriri wechechi.
2. Kristu anotungamirira uye nokupa mazano kuchechi.
3. Nzvimbo yorukudzo muchechi inofanira kupiwa kuna Kristu nguva dzose.

Unhengo MuChechi

MuTestamente Itsva tinowna pane zviviri zvinodikanwa zvakapiwa kuitira unhengo muchechi yepanzvimbo imwe neimwe: ruponeso, nerubhapatidzo.

1. Chechi inofanira kuve nevanhu vakaponeswa voga mununhengo hwayo. "....Ishe akawedzera kwavari zuva rimwe nerimwe avo vaiponeswa" (Mabasa 2:47).
Pane dzimwe nguva vanhu vasina kuponeswa vanove nhengo dzechechi yepane imwe nzvimbo. Uku kuita kwemunhu. Hakufambirani nezano raMwari. Vamwe vanhu vanove nhengo dzechechi nokududza kutenda kwenhema. Dzimwe chechi dzinounza vacheche kuti vave nhengo. Mwari anoda avo vakaberekwa kutsva muunhengo hwechechi.

2. Chechi inofanira kuve neavo vakabhapatidzwa voga muunhengo mayo sokudzidzisa kunoita Bhabheri. "Endai naizvozvo, mudzidzise marudzi ose, muvabhapatidze muzita raBaba, neroMwanakomana, neroMweya Mutsvene" (Mateo28:19).
Zvino avo vakagamuchira shoko rake, vakabhapatidzwa: nezuva iro, vanhu vanenge zviuru zvitatu vakawedzerwa." (Mabasa 2:41)

Kubva kundima idzi nokune dzimwe zhinji, tinodzidza kuti Jesu akaraira kuti rubhapatidzo rwuvepo. Machechi anotsanangurwa muTestamente Itsva aibhapatidza vanhu shure kokunge vaponeswa. Ichi ndicho chikonzero nei nhengo dzechechi dzichifanira kubhapatidzwa sokuratidzwa kwazvo muTestamente Itsva. Kunyudzwa pasi pemvura mufananidzo wokuvigwa nokumuka-sokuvigwa kwakaitwa Kristu uye akamuka kuvakafa (VaRoma 6:4,5)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Chechi iboka revatendi vakabhapatidzwa vakabatana pamwe chete kuti vateerere mirairo yaJesu. Nima zhinji dzinotaura nezvechechi muTestamente Isva dzinotaura maerano nesangano revatendi. Chechi yakasimba nguva dzose sephungwa yomuTestamente Itsva isangano revatendi vechokwadi vepanzvimbo imwe neimwe.


Muna Mateo 16:18, Jesu akadvira kumhinduro yaSimoni Petro yokuti Jesu akanga ari Mwanakomana waMwari nokuti, "Neni ndinoti kwauri ndiwe Petro, pamusoro poruware urwu ndichavaka kereke yangu.......

Ko chii chaive ruware apo Kristu aizovakira chechi yake? Zvechokwadi pakanga pasiri pamurume anonzi Petro. Mwari haaizovakira chechi yake pamunhu zvake. Kunze kwezvivi, Testamente Itsva haipe Petro nzvimbo yerukudzo rwepamusoro pakati pevapostora.

Muchitsauko chakarecho Jesu akati, "pamusoro poruware urwu ndichavakira kereke yangu," akatiwo kuna Petro, "...Ibva shure kwangu, Satani! Uri chigumburiso kwandiri, nokuti haurangariri zvinhu zvaMwari, asi zvinhu zvavanhu" (Mateo 16:23).

Ruware apo Jesu akati aizovakira chechi yake rwaive ruware rwokutenda kana kududza kwakaitwa naPetro kwokuti Jesu aive Kristu, Mwanakomana waMwari. Naizvozvo , vose vanotendeuka pazvivi zvavo uye nokupupura Kristu saIshe noMuponesi vanove "semabwe mapenyu" mumba yomweya (1 Petro 2:5,6).


Have you ever wondered why God asks you to obey him?

- If obedience will ever become easier and more natural for you?

Read: James 1:22-25; Romans 6:22; John 8:31-32

Sometimes it seems that rules are posted everywhere to limit our fun. "No running", "No loitering", "No diving", "Shirt and shoes required". Some people equate Christianity with a list of rules and regulations. They assume that God surrounds his children with rules just as the fun is getting started. These verses clarify that God's commands aren't meant to limit you. On the contrary, God's instructions free you. His motivation is love, and his goal is to enhance life, not limit it.

When you live within God's bounderies, you're free-free to enjoy life without worry, free to approach God without guilt, free to begin relationships wothout pain. Because of his blessings, obedience becomes fun. You obey not because you have to, but because you want to.

But now having been set free from sin, and become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. (Romans 6:22


Have you ever wondered why you should go to Church?

- What Christ's Church is supposed to be like?

Read: Ephesians 1:22.23; Acts 4:32-35

Guide was tired of the complaints. Every time his crew of little baseball players ran off the field, He was bombarded with grumbling. "Mark keeps dropping the ball!' "Why can't I play pitcher?" "I am tired of being in the outfield!" "I won't catch if Jimmy pitches!" Guide wasn't at all surprised that his team had yet to win a game.

The Church is a team. The success of the church depends on the commitment of the players. The church can only win when its members cheer each other on. Our Captain knows that his team isn't unified, we will fail. Every time we take the field of life, we can choose to cheer or complain, encourage or criticize, laugh or groan. If we listen carefully to our Coach, we can beat Satan's team in a shoutout!

The church team isn't complete without you. God designed it that way. You are the number one draft pick for God's roster. He wants you to be bold and step up to the plate. On God's team, you have the ability to hit a home run.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)

Monday, March 8, 2010


Have you ever wondered ... If the story of Creation is true?

Why God bothered to create you?

Read: Nehemiah 9:6; Job 26:7-14; Acts 14:15

In the beginning God breathed life into Adam. God formed each living thing out of nothing. God's color palette is richer than any human artist's. His brush strokes are light and precise. The Bible praises God for his creativity. He left his stamp of craftsmanship on each one of us.

When he created you, he deliberately chose the shape of your face and color of your eyes. In addition to your physical features, he combined a unique mix of talents and traits. And since that initial moment of creation, he has watched you ever since. Anyone who would labor so much to form you would naturally care enough to lead you the rest of the way through life. You are his child, his artwork.

Perhaps you're wondered why he bothered creating you. What can you possibly give to God that he doesn't already have? Certainly, you can't bring him power, glory, or holiness, but you can bring him one thing that he dearly wants-yourself. You are the masterpiece that the Great Artist treasures.

By Faith we understand that the world were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11: 3)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Have you ever wondered, what happens after you die? or what heavens like?

Read: John 14:1-4; Revelation 21:1-4

Many people beleave in heaven, but what is it really like? Is it somewhere up in the sky? What will eternity feel like?

Actually, heaven is far greater than we can imagine. The Bible doesn't tell us exactly what heaven will be like, but today's reading gives us an idea. Heaven is a place where there is no more pain, a place where you will never be lonely and you'll never grow old. Heaven is like nothing that we've ever seen or experienced. But best of all, heaven is where Jesus lives, and we'll be there with him. He is waiting for the perfect time for us all to be there together.

Before Jesus returned to heaven, he promised that he was going to prepare a place for us in one of Father's mansions! As a believer, your name is in the book of life. Your place will be worshiping God, and you will never grow tired of it. Heaven is a sigh of relief, a warm hug of welcome, the end of the journey... home.

For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1-2)

Monday, March 1, 2010


- Have you ever wondered............

* If you can lose your salvation?

* If you have to repent over and over again?

Read: John 10:27-29; Romans 8:38-39

Some things just seem too good to be true. For you, heaven might be one of those things - unattainable and out of reach. Maybe you feel like you could never be good enough to deserve going there. The Bible, however, tries to erase that insecurity from your mind. These two verses shout, "Don't worry everybody, God has got you!" Once we yield our lives to hime, God holds us with his strong arm. He never lets go of us, no matter what. It's not our Job to keep our souls from slipping outside of heaven's bounds - it's God's! He is the ultimate protector who grips our souls for eternity.

Once you ask Jesus into your heart, your salvation is a done deal. Your prayer is signed, sealed, and delivered straight to God. First John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The Bible reassures you that at the moment of your repentance, you became God's child. Nothing you can do will change God's mind.

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. (1 John 5:14-15)