Monday, June 30, 2014

“Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.”2 Corinthians 5:17

As Believers, we can find ourselves stuck in old patterns…haunted by our habits…unable to make spiritual progress or experience the fullness of God’s promises…and failing to realize the depth of His blessings. What is the answer? We need a new revelation, a new way of thinking, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Like Paul, we need to realize that, through Christ, everything has changed. We are a new creation! We don’t have to be trapped in the past, for everything old is gone. And the process of making things new continues. The Bible tells us that God spoke from His throne and declared, “I am making everything new” (Revelation 21:5). Brothers & Sisters, how easily we can remain conformed to the old patterns. We may need to think new thoughts and get rid of our old ways of looking at things. This will happen as we stand on God’s Word, allow Him to empower us by His Spirit, and believe that all things are possible.

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