Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Simba reBhaibheri chiratidzo chokuvepo kwaMwari.

Simba reBhaibheri chiratidzo chokuvepo kwaMwari.

Bhaibheri rakanyorwa naMwari. Ichi chinyorwa chokuzviratidza kwaMwari pachake kumunhu. Pakuongorora chinyorwa ichi, tinoona kuti uchapupu hwacho ndewechokwadi. Kuedza kwose kwakaitwa nevarume vakaipa kwokuda kuparadza chokwadi ichi kwemakore mazhinji akapfuura kwakakundikana. Richaramba riripo kana ranyorwa mumwoyo yevanhu.

Munhu akawana zvizhinji maererano naMwari muzvinhu zvaanoona, mukufunga zvakadzama, uye nomune dzimwe nzira zhinji. Zvisinei, Bhaibheri ritora zviratidzo izvi uye nokutipa mufananidzo uzere uye nokutiratidza Mwari sezvaari.
(Verenga Deuteronomio 4:1,2; 17:19; Mapisarema 119:89; Isaya 40:8; Johane 5:39; VaRoma 16:25,26 ; 2 Timotio 3:16,17; VaHeberu 4:12; 2 Petro 1:19-21.)

Nzara yomunhu yokuda kuziva Mwari inotiratidza kuti kuna Mwari.

Nzara yeMunhu yokuda kuziva Mwari inotiratidza kuti kuna Mwari.

Mwari akaita nyika. Mukati mayo akaisa zvaizogutsa nzarayomunhu munyama. Munhu anonzwa nzara. Zvokudya zvinopiwa kuitira dumbu rake. Anonzwa nyota. Mvura inopiwa kuti ipedze nyota yake. Mapapu edu anoda mweya uye uyu unopiwa.

Mweya wemunhu unonzwa nzara yaMwari. Izvi zvinoratidzwa nokutsvaka kwake kusingaperi kwechimwe chinhu chikuru kwaari. Mwari akaita munhu aine nzara iyi kuitira kuti munhu agomutsvaka. Kusvikira munhu aziva Mwari mumwoyo make, nzara iyi haingagutswe.

Mwari akapa kune zvinoshaikwa nemunhu zvenyama. Nenzira imwe cheteyo, akazviita kuti avepo kuti atarisane nenzara yemunhu yemweya.

Verenga Mapisarema 42:1 naMateo 5:6

Kuziva Chivi Kwemunhu Kunoratidza kuti Kuna Mwari

Kuziva chivi kwemunhu kunoratidza kuti kuna Mwari.

Kana munhu akatarisa mukatikati memoyo wake, anoziva kuti akatadza. Anoziva kuti akaita zvinhu zvakaipa. Anoziva kuti akakundikana kuita zvimwe zvinhu zvaifanira kunge akaita. Bhabheri rinodaidza izvi kuti chivi. Saka kana munhu akatadza, panotofanira kuve naMwari waanotadzira.

Mwari akapa mimwe mirairo. Mwari anoisa mirairo iyi mumwoyo womunhu. Kutyora mirairo iyi chivi, chinotadzirwa Mwari. Izvi zvinodzidzisawo munhu maererano nokuvepo kwaMwari uyo angatadzirwe.

Bhaibheri rinotiudza kuti Mwari akasika munhu mumufananidzo wake. Naizvozvo, zviri mumunhu kuti atsvake Mwari. Anoshuva kuva nokuwadzana naMwari, Musiki wake.

Verenga Genesis 1:26; Mapisarema 42:1; Mateo 7:7,8; VaRoma 2:15; Jakobo 4:17

Monday, January 18, 2010



Kutenda kwakakosha kupfuura kumwe kwose ndeuko kuri maererano naMwari. Zvinhu zvose zvinozendamira pakuvepo nepamamiriro aMwari. Pasina Mwari kungadai chimwe chinhu kunze kwenyonga-nyonga.

1. Ko ndokupi kwatinodzidza nezvaMwari?

- Zvinhu zvakasikwa chiratidzo chebasa raMwari soMusiki. Zvinhu zvaktipoteredza zvatinoti makomo, nenzizi, nyika nedenga, zvinomera nemhuka, uye nemunhu pachake, zvinotiita kuti tizive kuti mumwe munhu akazvisika. Masikirwo akarurama akaitwa zvinhu izvi anoratidza kuti harisi basa rakaitwa nemunhuwo zvake. Kusikwa kwezvinhu kwakanyatsorongwa. Somuenzaniso, muti wose womuchero unobereka muchero werudzi rwawo. Nguva dzedu dzemasikati nedzousiku uye nemwaka yegore zvinotevera gwara kwaro.

Ko zvinhu izvi zvaizoitika sei? Ko ndiani aigona kuita basa rakadai kunze kwaMwari?
MuBhaibheri ndimo munowana munhu ruzivo ruzere rwokuti Mwari ndiye Musiki.
(Verenga Genesis 1:1; Mapisarema 19:1; VaRoma 1:20)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Have you ever wondered..

* How you could forgive an enemy?

* What sins are unforgivable?

Read: Genesis 45:4-15 and Matthew 18:21-35

It goes beyond our human nature to forgive the unforgivable. We hold grudges and harbor resentment. We battle and bicker among ourselves. It is God's nature, hwever, to forgive anything and everything. The worst crime ever committed? God can forgive that. Your worst mistakes and harshest moments? God can forgive those, too. Even when you feel that God would never accept you as you are, he invites you to come just as you are, and he forgives you completely.

Joseph's brothers did the unforgivable - they sold their litle brother into slavery. What an awful thing to do! They did not deserve to be forgiven. As readers, we long for a moment of vengeance, when Joseph can get back at them for the years of pain and rejection they caused him. But Joseph held off. He could have gloated, mocked, yelled, or punished. Instead, he embraced them. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he forgive them. As Jesus taught in Matthew 18:35, Joseph manged to forgive his brothers from his heart.

Perhaps you can empathize with Joseph's situation. Maybe you're face-to-face with someone who doesn't deserve to be forgiven. Through Jesus' grace, you can forgive. Only when you are
bathed in God's forgiveness can you extend that same, rich ungradging forgiveness to others.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On You Feet in Praise

Have you ever wondered.........

- Why worship is so important?

- How to praise the Creator of the univers?

Read: Psalm 150; Luke 19:36-40

We shouldn't hesitate to give a standing ovation. We should always be on our feet, lifting our hearts and our voices to him in praise. Psalm 150 clearly tells us that he deserves all the credit. Creation cannot help praising the Creator. Jesus said that if people did not praise God, then the stones would cry out a hearty "Bravo!" to their God.

We can spend hours in worship of our Lord, but if our praise comes from an insincere heart, our efforts are wasted. God listens attentively, his head resting in his hand, peering into our hearts. He isn't impressed if our lips move without our hearts moving as well. Worship isn't a duty. It's a privilege, an act of obedience, an urge to satisfy a heart that longs to praise God.

God is the focus, the reason, and the joy of our worship. No matter what problems you're facing, don't let them distract you from focus. Because of his work on the cross - for that reason alone - he deserves an unending stream of praise from our lips forever.

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. - John 4:23-24

The Holy Spirit

Have you aver wondered...

- What the Holy Spirit's role is in your life?

- What the Holy Spirit is Like?

Before he left earth, Jesus promised to send someone to be with us continually to send the comforter, one who would bear our burdens, warm our hearts, and urge us to pray. He knows our worries, desires, feelings, and thoughts. At those times when you feel like you can't express your thoughts to God, the Holy Spirit acts as your liaison.

The Holy Spirit is not a ghost that haunts Churches. He is God. He is equal to and synonymous with the father and Son, but he plays a different role. He knows you better than anyone else on earth does. He lives in you, so you are never alone. When you struggle with feelings of pain and depression, the Holy Spirit comforts you. When you're listening hard for God's voice, the Holy Spirit speaks to you. When you're down to your last ounce of strngth, the Spirit lifts and carries you.

Jesus didn't leave us to fend for ourselves when he returned to heaven. He left us with the Holy Spirit. He lives in you, understanding every thought, emotion, and desire that you ever feel. You can't earn his services. As soon as you embrace Christ, the Holy Spirit lives within you.

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith..
Ephesians 3:16-17

Monday, January 11, 2010

No Appointmet Necessary

Have you ever wondered...

- How to talk to God?

- If God really listens to you?

Read: Mark 11:20-24; James 5:15

Maybe it seems too good to be true that you have immediate access to the Creator of the Universe. No appointment is necessary. You don't need to ask his secretary if he is busy. You can bypass the lobby, phones, and security guards and walk right into his office. His focus is completely on you, and his time is unlimited.

You would expect nothing less from your father, right? God doesn't treat you like a stranger or a business partner. You are his child, dearly loved and cherished. If you believe that God loves you, then you can trust that he will listen to your prayers.

In Mark 11, Jesus told us to waste our words in prayer if we do not believe that God will answer us. But, if we are confident that he will meet our requests, then be ready! Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God wants to bless us beyond our dreams.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them - Mark 11:24

Sunday, January 10, 2010

God Is Love

Have you ever wondered.......

- Just how much God really loves you?

- If you fall out of God's love?

- Why you deserve to be loved so much?

God's Word is the most beautifull expression of love ever written. Shakespeare's sonneets pale in comparison to the Bible's descriptions of love. His love tanscends every kind of earthly love. His love is stronger than any bond between parent and child or husband and wife. No earthly image can accurately portray God's love for us.

Galtians 2:20 explains that Jesus loved you enough to die in your place. He chose to accept your punishment so that you could you could spend eternity with the father. In his death, Christ committed the greatest act of love ever seen by human eyes.

With a love so devoted, so sacrificial, so extreme - nothing can ever inerfere. Nothing can squelch or diminish that love. You cannot fall beyond the reach of his love. You can't lose it. You can't change it, win it, or control it. Hi love extends before and beyond time, and he loved you before you knew him. When you choose to accept his love, you begin the most amazing relationship of your life.
The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you." - Jeremiah 31:3

Coming Home To Your Father

Have you ever wondered.........

- What it means to be a child of God?

- If you have run too far to come home?

Read: Romans 8:15-16; Luke 15:11-32; 2 Corinthians 6:18

When you hold up your arms to your heavenly Father, he reaches down to scoop you up. These passages remind us that accepting God's gift of salvation is not a formal business deal. It's the pisture of a father welcoming home his rebellious child, just like the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32.

Just like the ungrateful son, we have run far from God. At some point in our lives, we've tried to live on our own, apart from Hime. We packed a knapsack, bought a bus ticket, and took off for the lights of the city. Somehow, the plan didn't work out as we expected. But God, your Father, was waiting up for you when you came home.

With joy in his eyes, God adopted you as soon as you held up your arms to Him. He's your Abba Father. It doesn't matter how far you have run or how long you've been gone. His lovve doesn't change. Your are his Child.

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons - Galatians 4:4-5

Jesus Our Savior

Have you ever wondered.......

. Why Jesus Came to Earth?

. If there are any other ways to get to heaven?

Read: John 10:10; John 15:6; Acts 4:12 & 1 Timothy 1:15

Many people search for faith like they shop for clothes. They browse the racks of religion, pick an item, and try it on for size. If it doesn't fit, they throw it right back on the rack. If it's comfortable and makes them look good, then they buy it. Besides, it can always be returned.

Some people claim that Christianity is too narrow. Jesus clearly said that there's only one way to heaven and one narrow path that leads to God - and He is the way. He's not the least bit tolerant or accepting of other methods, sincere as they might be.

Why is that so hard to accept? In every other area of life, we accept absolutes. When we bake, we put in the exact ingredients. When we drive somewhere, we follow the directions. When we seek God, he requires only one thing - CHRIST - and tha's the only way to God.

We are not saved by a system of religion. Salvation is beautifully, incredibly simple. Jesus is the one Savior, and He's free for the taking.

The woman said to Hime, "I know that Messiah is coming" (who is called Christ). "When He comes, He will tell us all things." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am He". John 4:25-26