Tuesday, November 10, 2015

“Therefore if you have not been faithful in the [case of] unrighteous mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions), who will entrust to you the true riches?”Luke 16:11

Jesus said it was very simple. We demonstrate our readiness to receive God’s true riches by the way we approach the small, practical things of our lives. In fact, if we want “true riches,” He said we can demonstrate that we’re ready by being faithful with “unrighteous mammon.” The Greek word here suggests wealth and property. Clearly, Jesus was describing material things. This means God is watching to see if we are responsible in the treatment of our possessions and the tangible, practical things of our daily lives. This includes our cars and clothes, homes and hobbies, jobs and finances. God cares about our appearance…the way we pay taxes and bills…how we handle our investments and bank accounts…and even the way we organize our desks, offices, and files. This kind of evaluation might seem like an unspiritual approach, and even the opposite of a life committed to following Jesus. But, in fact, Jesus was teaching that God looks at our hearts partly through the lens of our faithfulness in small matters. Indeed, who would entrust us with “true riches” if we are irresponsible in the little things? If we are not trustworthy with “unrighteous mammon,” we probably won’t be trustworthy with “true riches” either. Do you want spiritual riches? Then seek to be faithful in the practical things of your life. God looks to see what you do with your time, talent, and treasure. What are your priorities? Through these practical things, you demonstrate that you are worthy of trust and that the Lord can depend upon you. You show that you are ready to receive the blessings He has prepared for you. Brothers & Sisters Today, commit everything in your life to God. Seek first His Kingdom. Demonstrate your readiness for true riches by being a good steward of the things you have been given. And remain faithful in Sowing Seeds into His Kingdom.

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