Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Gifts Of The Spirit 6 - 9

The Gift og the SpiritSt. Paul lists in 1 Corinthians 12, nine gifts or manifestations of the Spirit. These are the Supernatural tools or equipment for Christian service. Any Spirit filled Christian can manifest any of these gifts as the Spirit directs.

6. DISCENING OF SPIRITS is a supernatural gift which enables us to discen the differnce between the Holy Spirit, the human spirit and the evil spirits. It is not the descning of character nor of faults.

7. THE GIFT OF PRPHECY is an anointing of the Holy Spirit to speak the words of God. It is always for our direction, upbuilding and encouragement. Sometimes it may be for predicting future events, if God wants us to know them.

8. THE GIFT OF TONGUES is a supernatural means of God's communication with His people. It is a message given in a language unknown to the speaker and is always used in conjunction with the gift of interpretation. The gift of tongues is not to be confused with the use of tongues as the sign of Baptism in the Holy Spirit, or with tongues used in private prayer and intercession, or with some foregn language used as a means of communication between people.

9. THE GIFT OF INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES gives back in ones own language the meaning of what was said in the gift of tongues. These two gifts operating together are equivalent to prophecy.The exeercise of ny of these gifts requires cooperation between us & the Holy Spirit.

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