Monday, December 30, 2024
"So the woman came and told her husband, saying, "A Man of God came to me, and His countenance was like the countenance of the Angel of God, very awesome; but I did not ask Him where He was from, and He did not tell me His name. 17 Then Manoah said to the Angel of the Lord, "What is Your name, that when Your words come to pass we may honor You?" 18 And the Angel of the Lord said to him, "Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?" 21 When the Angel of the Lord appeared no more to Manoah and his wife, then Manoah knew that He was the Angel of the Lord. 22 And Manoah said to his wife, "We shall surely die, because we have seen God!" Judges 13:6
The children of Israel were delivered into the hands of the Philistines for 40 years for doing evil in the sight of God. Then a wonderful event takes place: an announcement to a barren and childless woman that she will conceive and bear a son. The announcement is given by one who is called "malach-God", literally "Angel (of) God". This messenger, in two separate appearances, reveals God's commandments concerning the boy to be born. At the angel's behest, the couple offers a sacrifice to God, then they ask to be told his name.
What happens next opens the eyes of the woman's husband, Manoah. The angel asks why do they desire his name for it is, "פלאי", a Hebrew word translated variously as, "miraculous", "wonderous", "supremely wonderful", "secret", "beyond understanding", and a word seeming to be used as both an adjective and a noun. But then, as the flame of their sacrifice blazes up from the altar toward heaven, this angel of God ascends in the flame! At this, Manoah exclaims to his wife, "We are doomed to die! We have seen God!" From this, we conclude that the Image of God, the pre-incarnate Jesus has once again appeared to His beloved servants for deliverance at a critical moment in the history of His people Israel.
Forty years, often described as a number of testing, a long season during which time the Lord allows the sins of His people to produce their inevitable fruit of judgment and subjugation. Then, at His chosen moment, our God returns for deliverance. And He returns in Person, with unequivocal authority and deep wonder.
Brothers & Sisters, are you also wondering, "When will God show up!?" The story of the birth of Samson may hold an answer. God will show up precisely when His time of testing has been accomplished! And when He does, you may need to deal with the divine impact of His revelation, and as you worship Him, stand in awe of how "absolutely and supremely wonderful" He is. So, don't be impatient during the time of testing. The deliverance and the wonder will be well worth the wait.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
"Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." Psalms 103:5
From the moment we were conceived we began aging, growing older by the day. We may slow down the physical aging process by exercising, eating right and other natural techniques – but we cannot ultimately stop it. This mortal flesh, our outer man, is "wasting away" and moving toward decay as we await the immortal bodies promised us in the Resurrection.
Yet this scripture offers us a renewal of our youth. And we see some remarkable examples of this, especially in the Old Testament. It is said of Moses at the age of a hundred and twenty that "his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone." [Deuteronomy 34:7] Caleb had this testimony: "So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then." [Joshua 14:10-11]. Even after the flood of Noah's day, it seems we have some access to longevity and vigor.
We have all heard of the "Fountain of Youth". You can still drink from a spring in St. Augustine Florida, commemorating the Spanish explorer, Ponce De Leon's legendary search for it. Ponce's body is long gone. And however long he survived, I suggest he was looking for the wrong "Fountain".
Our Spring of Living Water, our source of youth and vigor is our God, our Father in Heaven, His Son Jesus, and His Presence and His indwelling Holy Spirit. The Way, the Truth, and THE LIFE, lives within every born again believer. Dwelling in His Presence is the fountain of renewed youth for us.
Moses spent great amounts of time in and near the Presence of God. Check it out for yourself. Moses even glowed from it, once, and it clearly affected his physical constitution. Spending time with God, in His Presence, in His Word, will renew your youth; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Brothers & Sisters, are you feeling old today? Get into His Presence; get into His Word, and be renewed once again!
Monday, December 16, 2024
"The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who keeps his way preserves his soul." Proverbs 16:17; "and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel." Mark 1:15
Proverbs says the "highway of the upright is to depart from evil". It's a highway -- a way of life so to speak. And this proverb coincides with the central teaching of Jesus -- "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." What does it mean to repent? The Greek Word is "metanoia" which simply means to change your mind about sin or to depart from evil.
Repentance is essentially a new attitude about the way I conduct my life. I don't expect perfection while remaining in this mortal body -- but a lifestyle of repentance means that I choose to live my life set apart unto the Lord, in communion with His Holy Spirit who lives in me, constantly turning away from and/or confessing my sins. Repentance does not involve rehearsing guilt, regret, or sins of the past, because true repentance and confession removes those from our conscience and the Lord declares them to be as far as the east is from the west!
Brothers & Sisters, choose the highway of the upright and speed your way through life's journey to the Kingdom of Heaven which awaits you. The enemy would love to sidetrack or distract you with the enticement of sin -- but even if he succeeds temporarily, you can always repent -- and speedily, get back on the right road --the highway of the upright.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
"Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ." Colossians 2:16-17; “Thus says the Lord GOD: The gate of the inner court that faces east shall be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day it shall be opened, and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.“When the people of the land come before the LORD at the appointed feasts, he who enters by the north gate to worship shall go out by the south gate, and he who enters by the south gate shall go out by the north gate: no one shall return by way of the gate by which he entered, but each shall go out straight ahead." Ezekiel 46:1,9
In his letter to the Colossians, Paul reveals the prophetic nature of Shabbat and the Biblical Feasts as “shadows of things to come”, whose substance is the Messiah (Jesus). My study of the feasts therefore seeks to discover their relevance to the Lord, His identity, work, and purpose for my life in relationship to Him.
The prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 40-48, lays out a detailed pattern for a future Temple that is so large, encompassing territory so vast, that it’s physically impossible to fulfill in the current environment. This material is theologically challenging and many scholars have struggled to interpret and understand the implications of a "Millennial Temple", sometimes, simply “spiritualizing” the nine chapters to refer to the "Church" in some allegorical way. Even the Talmudic Rabbis' considered removing Ezekiel from the Tanach because of the complexities and variant worship described therein. We believe this temple is literal and will be fundamental to spiritual realities during the Millennial reign of Messiah.
But I discovered something relevant to Paul's point in Colossians as I pondered the content of these chapters in Ezekiel. Ezekiel 46:1 specifies that the doors of the inner court are only opened on Shabbat, the New Moon, and the Feast Days. This Inner Court is the designated place where the King of Glory will sit on His throne. Typically, one must be summoned to see the King during the other six days of the week, but on these special days, everyone is granted the opportunity to have audience with Him.
The accessibility of the King on Shabbat, New moon, and feast days in Ezekiel's temple points to the days which, though they are "shadows" according to Colossians, are an open invitation for audience with Jesus. Why? Because they are days of rest from normal responsibilities of work, and because they also speak of different aspects of His nature and divine purposes.
And one more revelation from this chapter: verse 9 stipulates that when visiting the King of Glory, one who enters the North Gate must exit the South Gate, and one who enters the South Gate must exit the North Gate. No one must exit the same way he entered. What's the point? Enter the presence of the King and you will be changed, you will leave different than you arrived. And it'll be a "walk" a journey which will take you the whole way from one side of the inner court to the other.
Brothers & Sisters, Shabbat, and the Feast Days, are opportunities to transform your relationship with the Lord. Your audience with Him as our Sabbath rest, is wide open as you rest and celebrate His Presence. And the longer you dwell there, having once entered, be sure you will not leave through the same "gate", but will find yourself "coming out the other side" a different person. That's the real point and purpose of Shabbat!
Monday, December 9, 2024
"He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation? For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken. And they made His grave with the wicked-- But with the rich at His deaths, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His mouth." Isaiah 53:8-9 ; "and killed the Prince of life [in Hebrew, lives], whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses." Acts 3:15
An interesting parallel exists between these two passages of scripture: Isaiah 53:9 and Acts 3:15. Isaiah renders the "death" of the messiah in the plural form, "deaths" ("motav"). Acts renders the life of the Prince of Life as "lives" ("chaim"). Some scholars suggest that the plurality of the word death indicates a violent death this servant would suffer, and that making the noun plural is a way of emphasizing the terrible intensity of his experience. Jewish counter-missionaries suggest that the "death" in plural shows that the suffering servant is not an individual man, but a group of people, specifically the nation of Israel, thus denying that the passage refers to an individual messianic figure.
I like to look at this passage as a reminder that Jesus suffered death for me, personally, but also for every one else who would believe in Him. Since we all died with Him on the cross as He died to sin, it could be said that He suffered many deaths for all those He loved.
Tracing the parallel to the Acts passage we can understand why it says there that He was the "Prince of Lives". The phrase is "sar ha-chaim" in the Brit Hadashah (Hebrew New Testament), indicating a plurality of life. In His suffering of deaths, He became the Prince of lives! How many lives did He save? How many kinds of life? We'll find out someday...
Brothers & Sisters, Jesus's death was complete; a finished work of comprehensive grace; totally effective and absolutely personal. His resurrection was equally full, final and personal -- through Him we died to sin, and need no longer walk in it; and through Him we live to God, and can walk in newness of life, abundant life -- for He truly is the Prince of Life!
Sunday, December 8, 2024
"Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down." Revelation 12:10
A few years ago, I was in a debate with an atheist who had a legal background, and the Lord gave me a revelation about the tactics of the enemy. At Jeseus' first coming, his tactic was to destroy the infant before He could grow up; [Revelation 12:4-5]. After the Lord's death and resurrection, Satan continued his direct assault by attacking the church through persecution, which lasted through the first three centuries. The tactics of the enemy were to destroy any "eyewitnesses" of God's goodness.
However, the faith continued to spread all the more in spite of the bloodshed of the saints, and when the devil realized he could not destroy the move of God physically, he switched his tactics to -- "If you can't beat them, join them!" His hatred achieved less success by direct murderous violence, so he adopted the tactics of a lawyer to win his objective.
Now, when a lawyer is confronted with damning evidence against his case, he seeks to get that evidence cast out in a pretrial procedure called "discovery." The enemy applied this principle during the dark ages. Having placed his servants into the highest offices in the church, Satan substantially removed the best evidence for the truth by suppressing the Word of God, not allowing it to be read or translated into a common language which the people could understand for themselves.
Finally, in the late 14th century the Bible was translated into a common language, by John Wycliffe, and through a handful of Christian pioneers and the invention of the printing press over the next 100 years, the Scriptures became available in the vernacular of the common people during the Reformation. Then the enemy reverted to his original tactics, destroying the saints in the "Inquisition," where anyone found with the Word of God was deemed a heretic and killed.
But in legal proceedings there is yet another tactic: when a lawyer realizes the evidence against his case cannot be suppressed in "discovery," he seeks to introduce a mountain of new information in an attempt to overwhelm the juridical process and obscure the truth by hiding it in thousands of documents. Doesn't this seem like exactly what has happened in our "Information Age"? We need to understand how Satan is working in our own time, and especially in our own culture.
Brothers & Sisters, there's a saying I heard repeatedly growing up, with the acronym "KISS" -- "Keep It Simple, Stupid!" As we enter into the climax of the ages, the world is being flooded with exponentially more information, let's stay focused on the simple truth of the Gospel. Let's not allow our lives to be overwhelmed with too much information, but rather, "KISS" the message of the gospel to the world in need of His love!
Thursday, December 5, 2024
"Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch." Genesis 6:14 ; "And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die." Genesis 6:17 ;
Continuing from yesterday concerning storms; not sure we can place Noah's flood, a worldwide conflagration, in that category, but if there really is such a thing as a "Perfect Storm", that was...and Noah and his family were, anyway, prepared. And it's been said that we are in the recapitulated, "Days of Noah"; [Matthew 24:37].
"Make thee an ark of gopher (גפר) wood...". There's been much discussion about the identity of this "gopher wood". Some scholars say Cedar, some, Cypress, while others suggest an alternative reading, which once again demonstrates how the Hebrew language is used by the Holy Spirit in a suggestive and layered, even poetic manner, to point to "types" and profound spiritual truths. Whatever the species of the "gopher" wood, the similarity between the term, 'gopher' (גפר), and the Hebrew for "pitch", 'kafar' (כָּפַר), is noticeable and significant, to the point that some commentators suggest that the species of wood is not what's indicated here, but only the fact that the wood was "covered", "pitched", or "laminated" with something sticky, inside and out, to protect it from the flood waters.
But now, the spiritual point: The word for “pitch”, (כָּפַר) also means, "to cover, to cancel, to atone". The same root is used speaking of the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies, 'kaporet' (כפרת), where the blood was to be applied. The word for 'atonement' or 'ransom' is the word, 'kapara' (כפרה). It's the same word that's used for the Biblical feast of the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippurim. (יום הכפורים), the day when Israel's sins were atoned by the sacrificed lamb or goat. So, whatever "gofer" or "kafar" were in the construction of the Ark, their similar sound and meaning point to a "covering", a source of protection from the flood, which of course, was the sole purpose of Noah's Ark. But they also point to this other "covering", the "atonement" which covers sins, a reference to the "Lamb of God"...
So, Brothers & Sisters, that vessel, Noah's Ark, is a type, a prophetic reference to Jesus, our "Ark of Salvation" and His atoning (covering) work on the cross. He was our 'kapparah', our atonement, the Lamb who covered our sins. There is no storm, no flood, no catastrophe that can nullify Jesus' salvation; if your faith in Him is genuine, your sins, you yourself, are "covered".... through the "Perfect Storm", in the days of "Days of Noah", whatever.
"And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. 25 And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” 26 And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. 27 And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?” Matthew 8:23-27
This story is such a powerful illustration of testing and faith that I can't help but speak about it over and over again. How the Lord could sleep in a boat in a violent storm speaks volumes about His own self-confidence and His natural capacity to disappear from the scene so He can check how well His disciples have apprehended His miraculous power, and really trust Him. He doesn't spare them one tiny bit from the sense of real and imminent danger. The storm is ferocious, the waves gigantic, the boat really is being overwhelmed with water, nearly swamped, the situation truly is life-threatening, and He's out, quietly refreshing Himself in dreamland. Psalm 11 has an interesting related verse:
"The LORD is in His holy temple, The LORD's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men; The LORD tests the righteous...[Psalm 11:4-5a]
Jesus' eyelids sure were testing His apostles...they were closed! "Where are you?! Don't you SEE what's happening to us?! All I can see are your eyelids!!!
But maybe the Lord wanted to set us a great example by sleeping in that boat; I actually think so. He wants us to be so completely confident in His love and providential protection that we can sleep through a violent storm — with no fear, because God is in control.
Brothers & Sisters, it's been stormy lately. His eyelids are testing us. It's even true that we could die in one of these storms. But fear of death is a form of slavery [Hebrews 2:14-15]. And God wants us free of it. To live is Christ, to die is gain. Sleep easy. Your times are in His hands!
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
"And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12
Our relationship with the Lord is repeatedly expressed as a marriage. And human marriage has been expressed as a type of the Divine union of Messiah and His Bride. When a man and a woman are joined together in a marital union, the two together acquire a new level of strength according to this word. In that context, here in Zimbabwe and elsewhere, it is also said that, “A threefold cord is not easily broken.” But where is the third cord?
An answer may be derived from the Hebrew words for "man", (eesh איש), "woman", (eesha אשה), (because she was taken out of man), and "fire"(esh אש). The root letters for both "man" and "woman" are the same letters in the Hebrew word for "fire".
We also notice that the "yod" (י) in the Hebrew word for "man", and the "hey" (ה) at the end of the Hebrew word for "woman", together form the word "Yah" (יה), a shortened version of God, God's Name given to Moses. Thus, implicit in the Hebrew spelling of the two genders, when joined together, we find the "third cord", the Name of God, who identifies Himself as a "refiner's fire".
Take God (יה Yah) out of the marital relationship, and you are left with (אש, "fire"), human passion, often a fire of lust, which more than ever now is totally unable to sustain marriages, when the human "fire" dies out, and they burn and collapse. But keep Yah (יה) in the marriage, and this "third strand", binding the couple together to withstand the fires of life, will strengthen the unity exponentially!
Brothers & Sisters, marriage is under attack. We have all seen it and many have experienced it up close. Few have been spared the devastation caused by divorce somewhere in their circle of friends and family, and sadly many of those who divorce call themselves "Christians". Yet, believers, betrothed to be the Bride of Christ, and sealed unto Him by His Holy Spirit, married or not, are being refined to be without spot or wrinkle for a Divine nuptial. And human marriage is almost invariably a vessel of that refining process for those who are joined as "one flesh". If you're in a marriage like that, please stick it out, persevere, by weaving in that "third strand". Yah, with His Holy fire in your crucible marriage is burning the impurities out of you, both for the sake of your earthly union, but even much more, for your impending marriage to His Son.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
"And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female." Genesis 1:27; "The first man was out of earth, earthy; the second Man was the Lord from Heaven. 48 Such the earthy man, such also the earthy ones. And such the heavenly Man, such also the heavenly ones. 49 And according as we bore the image of the earthy man, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man." 1 Cor 15:47-49
Jesus is described as the "image of the invisible God" [Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:3], that is, God, manifesting Himself in a visible, tangible form, a human form in whom dwells all the fullness of Deity [Colossians 1:19; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16], equal with God before Creation [John 1:1-5; John 1:14], but choosing to be emptied of His glory for the purpose of incarnating as a flesh and blood human being on Earth; [Philippians 2:6-8].
The Hebrew word for image is ‘tzelem,’ within which is another Hebrew word, ‘tzel,’ meaning shadow...kind of an image within an image. It seems that God's idea was for humans to be a shadow or a reflection of Himself from the beginning. [Genesis 1:26]
However, the first Adam allowed sin and death to enter this world, thus fracturing mankind's relationship with God.
Now, through the second Adam, Jesus [1 Cor. 15:21-28], this relationship can be restored. He came to address the problem of death and repair the relationship broken by sin, which had distanced humanity from its Creator. Now, through the second Adam, we have the opportunity to bear the "image of the heavenly" [1 Cor 15:45-49], which was God's original intention.
Brothers & Sisters, what does this look like, the restoration of the image of God in spiritually regenerated human beings now, since God's intention from the beginning was for mankind to reflect His holy image and to be an expression of His nature? Now, we are presented with the "- when we do so, we are fulfilling His original intention for us -- to truly opportunity of a lifetime" to touch a world in need! The world needs to see the reflection of His love, joy, and peace radiating in our lives - image Him!
"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Hebrews 11:8-10
Have you ever considered why Abraham was called the father of faith? Why not Enoch, who was translated from this world? Or Noah, who by faith created an ark to save mankind in the days of the flood? Abraham didn't perform any miracles, signs, or wonders, which would qualify him by today's standards of spiritual performance, yet he is known as the Father of Faith, simply because he trusted in the Kingdom to come.
Abraham's faith established a pattern for us believers today. He left his past behind, turned away from everything he knew, and embarked on a journey without knowing his destination, stepping out of his comfort zone and relying solely on God’s word and guidance. This passage informs us that, in some way, God had revealed the New Jerusalem to His servant and friend. What else could it be, "The city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God"?
This eternal city is the final consummation of the Millenial Kingdom, lasting 1000 years [Revelation 20], but which will never end. If Abraham saw and waited for it, no doubt this was the inspiration that brought him through the many trials he faced--receiving his wife Sarah back from Pharoah's harem, rescuing his nephew Lot from the most powerful armies on Earth at the time, with 318 men; having to send a wife and a son into the desert; among others, including, finally the offering of his beloved firstborn, Isaac.
Yes, Brothers & Sisters, the Father of Faith had his faith tested over and over again. Maybe you can relate? But this man saw something that unwaveringly egged him on in obedience, year after year, and it wasn't even The Promised Land. It was the Eternal City, the New Jerusalem with all those amazing pearl gates and jeweled foundations [Revelation 21:10-27]. When you "see" that place, your faith will take you through anything.
Monday, December 2, 2024
"For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." Exodus 20:11
When God set apart the Seventh Day it was after He Himself had worked for six, and then rested. Shabbat is therefore, "primordial" in a real sense, something established from the beginning of time. This makes the pattern of working six days and resting on the seventh something fundamental to human existence, and something exceedingly blessed.
Resting on Shabbat serves multiple purposes. First, it acknowledges and honors the rhythm of creation itself. By mirroring God's pattern of work and rest, we align ourselves with the order He established. Second, it’s a weekly reminder that we do not have endless sources of energy in our mortal frame, but need time to recharge physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Some have wondered why I don't send out a Devotions on Saturday or Sunday. We decided this because we all need a break from the cares of this world, and from the bad or sad news my devotions inevitably report week after week. The weekend pulls our focus out of worldly affairs and allows for a different emphasis, one of relationship, refreshment and renewal of body, soul and spirit, for us and our families.
I also believe and have experienced that resting one day a week enables us to actually accomplish more in six days of work than if we go nonstop for seven days. This pattern not only boosts productivity but also enhances the quality of our work and life.
When we observe the principle of a Shabbat rest, we demonstrate our trust in God’s provision, tangibly expressing faith that God will take care of our needs even when we are not working. Our faith and reliance on Him are built up reinforcing the truth that our primary source of strength and sustenance is not our own effort but God’s goodness.
Brothers & Sisters, in a world that often glorifies constant busyness and productivity, Shabbat stands as a counter-cultural practice that emphasizes the importance of rest and reliance on God. It’s a sacred time that refreshes our bodies, renews our spirits, and realigns our focus on what truly matters — so enjoy God’s stress management program instituted from the beginning ... until Monday, Shabbat Shalom!
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