Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, "The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play."1 Corinthians 10:7

Exodus 32:4-6 And he received the gold from their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool and made a golden calf. And they said, "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!" When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it. And Aaron made a proclamation and said, "Tomorrow shall be a feast to the LORD." And they rose up early the next day and offered burnt offerings and brought peace offerings. And the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. The Apostle Paul continues his warning to the Corinthians against idolatry by referring to Israel's celebration/worship of the golden calf. Aaron's proclamation, "These are your gods (plural) O Israel" could be one of the earliest declarations mixing the worship of the true and living God, God, with idols. This is called "syncretism". defines it: " the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion." The Israelites were not abandoning the God who delivered them from Egypt, not at all! They were simply adding one to Him; a representation that they could see, touch, adore, and celebrate over. Wasn't the Apis Bull worshiped back in Egypt? So let's put God and this calf together! Thus the One True God became part of a "pantheon". This mixing of gods opened the door to a rampant and fleshly orgy. And where was this Moses, anyway? It seems that they had become so focused on Moses, and dependent upon him, they lost sight of his Source. Of course, Moses had led them out of slavery and through the Red Sea. Yet, somehow, they did fail to realize that it wasn't Moses' power that accomplished their deliverance, at all, but the power of his God. With Moses gone, seemingly indefinitely, the people demanded a replacement from his brother Aaron. Aaron did not have the conviction or character of Moses and did not take up his mantle of authority, but according to the Midrash, “Aaron, fearing they would take away his life if he opposed them,” built them an altar. A leader may be wonderful in character, greatly gifted, and full of good fruit; so much so, that we may begin to depend on him in a way which is dangerous and fail to recognize the source of his authority and blessing. In his absence, we may even discover our dependence can lead to a form of "syncretism" or idolatry. Israel's experience illustrates how dangerous this can be. They lost their connection with God and entered the awful arena of false worship. When a believer falters because a leader is absent or even has fallen, then he has misplaced his trust and is in danger of idolatry. Then too, if a leader succumbs to the pressure of a desperate flock, as Aaron did, he will participate in and even lead them in their idolatry. Brothers & Sisters, the enemy is subtle, and he understands our need for leadership maybe better than we do. One of the tests of a faithful believer will involve his/her respect for godly leaders without becoming overly dependent upon them. Our primary Source and focus of worship will be the Lord, so let's be sure our faith is fixed on the One who will never disappoint us. Leaders come and go, as all men, God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He will never leave nor forsake us. KEEP YOURS EYES FIXED!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

"Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did."1 Corinthians 10:6

Numbers 11:5-6; 34 We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at." vs 34 Therefore the name of that place was called Kibroth-hattaavah, because there they buried the people who had the craving. The Apostle Paul's admonition in 1 Corinthians 10:6 against desiring evil as they did, would seem to point to the obvious sins – lying, stealing, adultery, fornication, etc. – and following their deliverance from slavery, many of the children of Israel were certainly guilty of some of these. But this passage in Numbers describes a type of sin we don't normally consider: it was simply their desire for the foods they ate in Egypt. The daily supernatural provision of angel food (manna) for every meal had become tiresome and even loathsome to the Israelites. The memory of their tasty diet under slavery actually brought about a wave of weeping among the people as each man stood at the door of his tent representing his family which was "fed up" with God's Manna. Naturally speaking, it's not hard to sympathize with people who long to enjoy such healthy and tasty foods as fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic. Yet this complaint angered God very much. Some may wonder at His anger, and judge it to be harsh and unreasonable. Shouldn't people be allowed to expect variety and taste in their diet? Yet the sin of discontent and complaining about God's provision and lusting after the food of their slavery ultimately brought severe judgment. Yes, the quail came in great abundance, [Numbers11:31-34], but with it, a severe plague which killed all who were convicted of greed, which the New Testament calls "idolatry" [Colossians 3:5]. The place where they were buried "Kibroth-hattaavah" translates to "the graves of greediness" or "the graves of lust". Can we be content with simplicity, and the repetitive sure provision of our Lord? Or will we complain in our lust for the pleasures of this world? The children of Israel were consumed by their lusts. Tasty food in and of itself is not evil. But greed and dissatisfaction are a great offense to the Lord, and a form of idolatry. Brothers & Sisters, Paul spoke elsewhere, "I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. [Philippians 4:12-13] This weekend, may we abide in a state of contentment, abundantly satisfied with the Lord Himself and His perfect provision, humble as it might be. LEARN CONTENTMENT!

"But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness."1 Corinthians 10:5

Numbers 14:21-24 but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord-- because all these men who have seen My glory and the signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have put Me to the test now these ten times, and have not heeded My voice, they certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected Me see it. But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it. In this NT passage Paul distinguishes the multitudes of Israelites who never entered the Promised Land, in that they never apprehended the destiny which God intended for them, but, instead, perished in the wilderness. The only adults that entered the Promised Land were Joshua and Caleb. What distinguished Joshua and Caleb? A "different spirit". It is astounding to realize that so many failed to apprehend this spirit, and Paul makes it clear that this example has the most serious implications for New Testament believers. The spirit of whole-hearted commitment, apparently rare as the finest rubies, receives the inheritance, the rich rewards of the "Promised Land". What this "Promised Land" may be for those who are as faithful in the present age, we may wonder. But be assured it will flow with "Milk and Honey" just as the Land of Israel did in those ancient days, (and is again experiencing today!) Following God "with all that we had" will qualify us for the greatest eternal rewards. The great test for Joshua and Caleb involved the godly courage to face massive giants in battle. They had learned and believed in the miraculous power of God to deliver, protect, and provide for His chosen. And Caleb, because of his great faith, was able to maintain his youthfulness even at the age of 85. (Joshua 14:10-12) Brothers & Sisters, so, while these are days of tremendous testing, we have the finest examples to follow: Joshua and Caleb, whose spirit was different, whose hearts were whole, and whose faith was built on the witness of God's repeated demonstration of His miraculous power. They knew they could afford to trust God with all they had, and we can too. The Promised Land is waiting for those who will. FOLLOW THE LORD WITH ALL THAT YOU HAVE!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

"and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ."1 Corinthians 10:4

Exodus 17:-2-7 Therefore the people contended with Moses, and said, "Give us water, that we may drink." And Moses said to them, "Why do you contend with me? Why do you tempt the Lord?" And the people thirsted there for water, and the people complained against Moses, and said, "Why is it you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?" So Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, "What shall I do with this people? They are almost ready to stone me!" And the Lord said to Moses, "Go on before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel. Also take in your hand your rod with which you struck the river, and go. Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. So he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the contention of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lord, saying, "Is the Lord among us or not?" Psalm 11:4-5 The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates. The children of Israel are facing yet another test, this one, even more severe than hunger -- dehydration -- which, unabated, quickly leads to a miserable death. Yet, now, every day they are also seeing the miracles of God, who is feeding them regularly with manna, and surrounding them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Once again, they fail the test, even in the midst of their daily witness of miracles. So even though the test is more severe, the evidence for trust is that much greater. Are some of us also asking this question, "Is the Lord among us or not?" "Is He seeing what's happening to me, or are His eyes shut to it?" ("His eyelids test the sons of men..") As a pastor, I'm often faced with this question -- "Where is God?" Most often the good and true answer is, "He is testing you!" And I think of the testing the children of Israel faced in their wilderness wanderings. Over and over again, the Lord provided for their needs. This time Moses strikes the rock -- and out pours living water! Don't allow your heart to become hardened in these days no matter how severe the test. As you endure His testing He will touch your heart once again so that His spring of living water may flow through you to this dying and desperate world. Jesus, the Rock of our salvation was struck for the sins of the world, and He promised those who trust Him that living water would flow from our inmost being. And God's eyes are never really shut. So the question, "Is the Lord among us or not?" will repeat Israel's sad mistake at Meribah. Brothers & Sisters, just realize and accept that you're being tested. You will please Him with your faith and His living water will flow from you. TURN ROCK INTO LIVING WATERS!

Friday, February 22, 2019

"And did all eat the same spiritual meat;"1 Corinthians 10:3

Exodus 16:3-4 and the people of Israel said to them, "Would that we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the meat pots and ate bread to the full, for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger." Then the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not." Is there something about miracles that makes them forgettable? Or is the problem with us? After journeying for a season the children of Israel were faced with hunger -- another test. This time, naturally faced with starvation, they murmured against the Lord, AGAIN! You'd think they might begin to put it together that God truly wanted them to trust Him. Apparently not yet. The dire circumstances attacked their mass cerebral cortex (memory) and once again they went into attack mode, bitterly complaining in unbelief. The Ten Plagues, the pillar of fire, the Red Sea walk, the Egyptian chariot soup, none of these connected to the present hunger pangs. Nature trumped super-nature, and sadly, God Himself. But "God, God Elohim, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness", what did He do? He poured "angel's food" down upon them (Psalms 78:25); once again providing supernaturally! Jesus the Messiah, representing our Heavenly Father, exhorted us similarly: "For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness -- and He promised that all of these things will be added unto you! Brothers & Sisters, lack of food can and very well may be a test for us in the coming days, and it is one of humanity's greatest fears. Hunger may test us during this uncertain season. Will we meet it with faith? I am certain, myself, that the Lord's word concerning provision is and will remain sure: that if I will seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will not fail to feed me. WILL YOU PASS THE HUNGER TEST?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

"Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;"1 Corinthians 10:1-2

Exodus 14:12-14 Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying, 'Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians?' For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness." And Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." The Apostle Paul's discourse in 1 Corinthians 10 recalls the great miracles God performed for the children of Israel during the time of the Exodus. Delivered from Egypt and Pharaoh's slavery, they were dismayed to discover his maniacal rage pursuing them anew, driving them into a deadly corner and imminent destruction. Humanly speaking, their terror and panic was understandable. With their eyes they could only see the wrath of Egypt succeeding at last to utterly destroy them. In that state of mind, how might they have remembered the consecutive miracles God had wrought against Egypt which had brought them to this very place? Panic has a way of spreading through a crowd, and as it did, the children of Israel bitterly complained to Moses against the Lord. Yet in that desperate moment, with His people full of terror and miserable unbelief, the Lord spoke through His servant Moses declaring His faithfulness and mighty power to save. Stand still! – and see the salvation of God! Nothing to do but stand and be delivered by the mighty Hand...... But then, miraculously separated by fire from their enemies, the children of Israel also needed to walk, to walk by faith on a seabed with walls of water towering on both sides, trusting that the Red Sea would not come rushing down upon them! Truly they were in His hands – beholding once again, the miracles of the Lord! Brothers & Sisters, we are standing now on the cusp of eternity, and we too, like the Israelites, are facing our test. The world seems to be teetering on the edge of disaster; so much evil surrounding us, as we wonder how and when can we be delivered from this rising tide of demonic threats? Can we learn from Israel's moment of panic? Or will we succumb to the rampant fear all around us? Will we have the presence of mind, the discipline, and the faith to remember the miracles God has performed in the past? These words must speak to us: "Do not fear – stand still – and see the salvation of our God, for the Lord shall fight for us – and we shall be at peace!" Those words in our minds and hearts will inspire us to walk through this dangerous world with faith, marveling at His power to protect and bring us to safety. JUST TRUST AND WALK!

Monday, February 18, 2019

"Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!"Psalms 112:1

There's nothing we can do to earn God's love, however, if we want to experience His blessings we need to observe the qualifications that He's given us in His Word. Psalm 112 details a whole list of blessings, but the key to receiving them is verse 1. "Blessed is the man that fears (puts his trust, honors, in awe of His majesty) the Lord, and delights greatly in His commandments. (Takes pleasure in what God says and obeys Him)." Adopt that attitude toward Him and be assured, blessings are on the way! Your offspring will be mighty on the earth (vs 2), wealth and riches shall be in your house (vs 3), even in darkness the light shall shine on you (vs 4), you shall not be shaken (vs 6) in the midst of evil you will have no fear of bad news because your heart is set upon Him (vs 7). Now I don't know about you, but I want to live in the blessings of God! Brothers & Sisters, let's live a life that God will bless, honor the Lord with our whole heart, and delight in obeying Him! BE QUALIFIED!

"He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."Genesis 22:2

When Abraham is told by God to offer up his son, Issac, the word "love" is spoken for the first time in the Bible. The Hebrew word for love is "ahavah". This first mention of "ahavah", which is the very nature of God [1 John 4:8] occurs in direct connection with sacrifice, the sacrifice of a most precious and beloved son. Abraham could not have known at that time that his obedient offering would foreshadow and typify the love of our Heavenly Father who offered up Jesus, His only begotten Son 2000 years ago. Notice that in both cases love is directly connected to sacrifice -- and that the greatest love comes from God's sacrifice for our sin. The greatest love involves sacrifice; perfect love is costly. There are times when loving someone is hard -- almost impossible it seems. Yet we have this precedent, Abraham, the Father of faith, and we have Jesus the Messiah who consummated and perfected "ahavah" in the loving sacrifice of His own life. So while it's easy to love when it feels good, loving when it doesn't -- expresses the love of God and His faithful servants. The Holy Spirit, our companion and comforter empowers us to love even when it carries a heavy cost. Brothers & Sisters, love, even at the most difficult times -- realizing that sacrificial love is the very nature of God! LOVE AT ALL TIMES!

Friday, February 8, 2019

"And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave."1 Kings 19:11

The prophet Elijah, through his dramatic demonstration of the LORD's authority and power, inspired repentance in the people of Israel, calling them to exercise His judgment on idolaters by slaying 450 prophets of Ba'al and 400 prophets of Asherah on Mount Carmel. Yet this spiritual victory was followed by a severe demonic reprisal through the woman Jezebel. Her words so terrified Elijah that he literally ran for his life. The conflicts in the spirit realm are truly awesome. The moment of Elijah's greatest victory became the very context for his greatest temptation, as he was devastated, discouraged and depressed to the point of hopeless despair by Jezebel's vengeful threat to kill him. But the Lord had not abandoned His man. In the midst of Elijah's flight God sent His angel to feed and encourage the prophet for his forty day journey from Beersheva to Mount Horeb, where he undoubtedly expected protection at the mountain where Moses had first encountered God. Completely alone, Elijah takes refuge in a cave, where the Lord finds him and initiates a conversation which seems almost casual; "What are you doing here, Elijah?" The prophet begins to pour his heart out, complaining about his isolated desperate condition. God's reply is another dramatic demonstration, but this one is different and personally tailored for Elijah's discouragement. Whirlwind, earthquake, and fire are all devoid of His Presence. ….but there, in a still small voice, the prophet hears His Lord... Brothers & Sisters, perhaps unrepentant sinners and backslidden believers require dramatic demonstrations, catastrophes and devastating judgments to awaken their attention to God's presence and will. But we who love Him are invited to a more intimate relationship; one which takes place in privacy and quiet listening. This weekend could be a good time to renew yours... SPEND THE WEEKEND SEEKING HIS STILL SMALL VOICE!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes."Numbers 11:6

In the passage above, God had been sending Manna from heaven to feed them. You would think that the Israelites would remain in awe of how God kept raining down this special heavenly delicacy that was able to feed thousands and thousands of people. But after a while it just became commonplace, even boring. Every morning they would witness God's miraculous provision right before their very eyes, yet they wanted something else, something better! At times, even we can get accustomed to our blessings so quickly, can't we?! If the stars came out only once a year, everybody would stay up all night to behold them. But we have seen the stars so often that we don't even bother to look anymore! Let's be sure not to take God's provisions lightly though we see them on a daily basis! Brothers & Sisters, let's examine our hearts today, and purpose to appreciate the goodness of God's provision upon our lives. Truly, we are blessed and we thank you Lord for your goodness! HUNGRY?!?!

"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."Isaiah 57:15

I've heard so many believers ask, "How can I get more of the Holy Spirit?" As if the Holy Spirit is some kind of power or force that we can control or wield. What we should really be asking is, "How can the Holy Spirit have more of me?" We cannot control this power from on high. If we could, then we could be led to pride and strut around as if we're some kind of "Super Christian". But if we recognize that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person -- and that this Person is actually willing to live in us, we'd greatly be humbled! We must be very honored that the Spirit of God would inhabit these corrupt vessels of ours and more importantly that He would even consider using us! Brothers & Sisters, it's only when we empty ourselves that we truly become filled! Let's empty ourselves of our selfish ambitions and desires today and allow ourselves to become broken before the Lord. We need to be truly filled with God's Power if we're going to impact the world for Him! ARE YOU ON EMPTY?

Monday, February 4, 2019

"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you."Hosea 10:12

"Break up your fallow ground." In this context, the Lord is referring to breaking up the ground overrun with weeds and thorns creating a hardness to produce righteous fruit. A hard heart cannot love, and often cannot even receive it. A hard heart will block a relationship with God and with others. Whatever the cause; anger, woundedness, bitterness, unforgiveness, the result will be a superficiality in relationship, an inability to empathize, and a corruption of your motivations. You will become manipulative, deceitful, proud, and unresponsive. God's message, His word to you will be difficult to hear and you will resist it. Like a layer of rock under the shallow soil, where the rain cannot penetrate, love and truth will fail to penetrate your heart and affect your actions. Thus, a hard heart is deadly, because sin is petrified there, and the wages of sin is death. How do you break up fallow ground? How do you change a hardened heart? You start with your will. You make a choice. You decide. Your decision is to soften, in spite of the way you feel, the things you remember, or have chosen to forget. Your decision is called "repentance", a changing of the mind, a turning of the will, in the opposite direction. The power of the will to repent is astounding because it opens the door for God to heal and transform your heart; to rain His love upon you and remove bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, and hatred or any other sin that is hardening your heart. Do you want to love? Do you want to be loved? But your heart is hard? Try repentance. Test God's power and will to heal and change you. But you must be willing to mourn. " Blessed are they that mourn." Repentance will open you to the rain of tears so that the pain and bitterness can pour out of you. But you will be amazed at what happens with your relationships. Love will enter and remain in your life; God's love and love with others too. Brothers & Sisters, millions have tried it; repentance works. Make it a lifestyle, and you will live and walk in love. CHOOSE REPENTANCE!

"According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it."1 Corinthians 3:10

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. His contractor was sorry to see such a good employee go, and asked him if he would build just one last house as a personal favor. The carpenter agreed but his heart was not in it. He resorted to bad workmanship and using cheap materials. When the carpenter finished his work, the contractor came over and handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "I appreciate all the hard work you’ve done for me all these years and I’d like you to have this house as a token of my gratitude.” The carpenter was shocked! If only he had only known he was building his own house, he would have worked much harder! Now he owned a house that wasn’t built very well. We should think of ourselves as carpenters, and our lives here on earth, as our house. Each day we hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall, we must build with care! It is the only life we will ever build. And what we do here will count for eternity! Brothers & Sisters, our lives today are the result of our attitudes and choices in the past. Our lives tomorrow will be the result of our attitudes and the choices we make today! Let’s proceed with caution. BUILD WISELY!

Friday, February 1, 2019

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."Psalms 51:10-12

David is called a "man after God's own heart." Considering that he lusted after his neighbor's wife, committed adultery with her, and had her husband murdered, the Lord's description of him is remarkable. How could a man who was convicted a murderer and an adulterer also be called one after God's own heart? The answer is simple but profound: God did not regard David according to the actions of his sinful nature, but according to the deepest motivations and disposition of his heart and will; and these were revealed by David's response to the conviction which Nathan the prophet brought upon him; a conviction which brought immediate total confession and repentance, and a broken and contrite heart. This response exemplified the shepherd king's walk with God throughout the entire journey of his life. If, after David had fallen he made excuses, rationalized, or resisted the clear message of his sinfulness it would have been a totally different story. His heart would have revealed a self-justifying, self-righteous attitude with no realization of his absolute need for God's mercy. This would have defeated and defined him as a man after his own heart. But the immediacy and completeness of David's confession qualified him for the Lord's forgiveness and mercy, saving him from death and restoring him to that most treasured relationship of his life, his relationship with God. The consequences of his sin were very serious and followed David all the days of his life. But he demonstrated the genuineness of his repentance by never railing against God for the troubles which followed him as a consequence of his sin with Batsheva. David always rose up, submitted, and humbly praised God, writing wonderful psalms and pouring out his heart before the Lord. He served God and worshiped Him all his life. So the Lord God didn't reckon David's life by his fall -- but by his walk, and by his heart. Brothers & Sisters, we all stumble in many ways, but God does not define us by our failures. It's our love for Him and our honesty before Him that reveals a true walk of faith! So if you fell, you messed up, your sin got the best of you, then come clean. Make your confession. Accept the consequences without complaining, allow the Lord to forgive and restore you completely, and continue on your journey with Him. That was David's heart. His example is worthy to follow. May you also be one of those that lived their life "after God's own heart!" IT HAPPENED TO THE BEST OF THEM!