Monday, March 30, 2015
“If you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God.”Deuteronomy 28:1-2
Many Israelites were filled with uncertainty as they were about to enter the Promised Land. Ahead, they knew there were “giants” in the land, but also many other unknowns. What would they face? What would happen?
At this critical moment, Moses declared that God already had prepared blessings for them. He was ready to give them victory and overwhelming favor. But he also made clear that their actions would determine whether or not they received these blessings.
Over 14 verses, we read details of the kind of blessings they could expect if they obeyed God. But the next 53 verses describe the curses that would result from the wrong decisions. There were consequences to their actions, and blessings only would result if they made the right choices.
The principles Moses described remain true: God still promises blessings, but only if we listen to Him and diligently obey Him. In fact, His blessings will be so overwhelming that they’ll take hold of us. We literally will be overtaken with blessings. That is how much He wants to bless us!
Every day, we have important decisions to make. If we make the right choices, we will be blessed. But if we make the wrong choices, we will suffer the consequences and fail to receive God’s blessings.
Brothers & Sisters do you want God’s blessings in your life? Start by committing your life to Him. Make Jesus your Lord. Fill your life with His Word, and seek to obey Him. Seek to listen carefully to the leading of the Spirit. Then expect His blessings. And know that He longs to bless you.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
“‘You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’ When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate.”Genesis 3:4-6
Until Satan sowed seeds of doubt, Eve only had known God’s promises and His faithfulness. The devil tried to convince her that obeying God was depriving her of pleasures, experiences, and knowledge. He wanted her to believe that God was being dishonest and holding her back.
Satan convinced Eve that he offered the best way to live. By obeying the Lord, she felt she was missing out, but if she followed the serpent, she thought she could experience all that God was denying her.
Satan promised she would be transformed and be like a god. She would have incredible power and be able to make her own rules. Amazingly, Eve and then Adam were convinced by these deceptive arguments.
In similar ways, Satan continues to assault God’s people today. He particularly delights when he can deceive Believers. He wants us to think we’re missing out on pleasures and experiences God is depriving us of. He wants those things to seem so desirable that we are willing to do anything to have them—even if that means disobeying God.
How can we be prepared for these often-persuasive attacks?
First, we must make an unwavering commitment to God. This means being dedicated to knowing and obeying His Word. We must trust Him, confident that He is our Creator and that He desires to bless us with everything we need.
Brothers & Sisters if you ever have doubts, talk to God about them. When you feel tempted, don’t hide or run away, but seek Him about the specific issues you face. And remember: Pray about every thought, idea, and temptation.
“You shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite…so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the LORD your God.”Deuteronomy 20:17-18
God knew what the Israelites would face in Promised Land. He wanted them to be ready, so they could be blessed and have victory.
The Lord issued several warnings, including one specifically about the influence of the Hittites. This was a powerful nation, centered in Anatolia (modern Turkey), that controlled parts of the Promised Land that God had given to His people.
Why was God so concerned about the Hittites? Thanks to recent archeological discoveries, we know that the Hittites were religious people, with their own gods and rituals. When they came in contact with other peoples, instead of rejecting their religions or gods, they simply absorbed the new gods into their own culture. They wanted all gods on their side.
This attitude could have been seductive for the Israelites, weakening their commitment to the true God. Earlier, the Lord told them they were to have “no other gods before Me,” nor were they allowed to make or worship idols (Exodus 20:2-5). People like the Hittites would have been a corrupting influence, for the Israelites would have been tempted to be like them.
Many people today are like the Hittites, thinking there are many ways to salvation or fulfillment, and the God of the Bible is just one possible choice. Some people say they are Christians, and even think they are “born again,” yet they also embrace other philosophies, influences, or pathways to God.
Brothers & Sisters when faced with other worldviews, remember the words of Jesus: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). The early church boldly proclaimed this truth: “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
“In the fourth year of King Hezekiah…Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria and besieged it. At the end of three years they captured it…Then the king of Assyria carried Israel away into exile to Assyria.”2 Kings 18:9-11
For centuries, the Hittites were one of the most powerful nations in the world. Dominating others from their homeland in Anatolia (modern Turkey), they were on equal terms with Egypt. Then, in 1205 BC, under the crush of a series of problems, their kingdom collapsed.
The Hittites who survived resettled in small states in southern Anatolia and an area that includes modern Syria. But these states were assaulted by Assyria under the leadership of Shalmaneser I. The Hittites tried to resist but archeological evidence reveals that Shalmaneser boasted, “I cut down their hordes, 14,400 of them I overthrew and took as living captives.” He claimed to have captured 180 cities, turning them into ruins. He boasted that he slaughtered the Hittites army “like sheep.”
By the end of the 8th century, every Hittite state had been conquered. The once-mighty Hittites quickly disappeared from history.
Soon after this assault, the same Shalmaneser and his Assyrian army besieged Israel (2 King 17:3), and they eventually carried Israel away into exile. Then, in a similar way, the southern kingdom of Judah was besieged and defeated by Babylon.
As we think about the Hittites, we realize how easily the Jews could have faced the same fate and been completely destroyed. They had been judged “because they did not obey the voice of the Lord their God, but transgressed His covenant” (v. 12). Yet they survived. God was merciful to His people, for He still had a plan and a purpose for them.
Brothers & Sisters today, remember that God has a plan and a purpose for your life. He is with you, right now. Don’t fear or worry, but commit your life to Him. Let Him direct your path. Let Him remove your fears and give you His peace.
Friday, March 27, 2015
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."Isaiah 40:31
While walking through the forest one day, a farmer found a young eagle who had apparently fallen out of his nest. He took it home and put it in his barnyard with his chickens and there it stayed for years. It wasn't long before the little eagle learned to eat and behave like the chickens.
One day a naturalist passed by the farm and saw the eagle confined in the barnyard with the chickens. When he inquired about this strange sight, the farmer told the man his story. "Unfortunately," said the farmer, "the poor little guy just never learned to fly." "Still," the naturalist sighed, "he has the heart of an eagle and can surely be taught. Will you allow me to work with him?" The farmer agreed, but with much disbelief.
The naturalist picked up the eagle and lifted him toward the sky and said, "You belong to the sky and not to the earth. Stretch forth your wings and fly." The eagle, however, was confused. He did not know who he was, and seeing the chickens eating their food, he jumped down to be with them again. The naturalist took the bird to the roof of the house and urged him again, saying, "You are an eagle. Stretch forth your wings and fly." But the eagle was afraid and jumped down once again to be with his chicken friends. Finally the naturalist took the eagle out of the barnyard to a high mountain. There he held the king of the birds high above him and encouraged him again, saying, "You are an eagle. You belong to the sky. Stretch forth your wings and fly!" The eagle looked around, back towards the barnyard and then up to the sky. Slowly, he stretched his wings, and with a triumphant cry, he soared away into the heavens.
Somewhere along the line, we like this poor young eagle, were put in a lowly barn with the chickens of the world around us. We learned to live and eat from the ground and grew up believing that there was not much more to do than sit and cluck all day.
But the reality is that we are eagles! We were created to fly and even soar! God has great purpose for our lives! If we would only realize who we are in Him!
Brothers & Sisters, let's remember who we are today and stop acting like chickens! We are the head and not the tail! We are Kings and Priests! We have great things to do for the Kingdom!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
“Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.”2 Corinthians 11:14-15
How do we recognize the work of Satan and his demons? It’s a mistake to assume the devil’s works always appear dark and poisonous, violent and disgusting, extreme and shocking. In fact, the Bible says the opposite often is true.
Satan frequently appears to be the essence of goodness. He can disguise himself as a paragon of virtue, a genuine “angel of light.” The same is true for demonic spirits. The Bible calls them his “servants,” for they do Satan’s bidding and serve him.
These demons can transform their appearance to make themselves seem completely different from what they really are. Consider what this means! Think about all the ways these evil spirits can be disguised. They can appear to be workers of good deeds, positive and wholesome, warm and caring, generous and concerned, or even Godly and righteous.
Today, remember that Satan and his demons are masters of lies (John 8:44). They’re working harder than ever before to deceive and trick God’s people and the nations of the world. They’re disguising themselves in many clever and deceptive ways.
Make sure that you “do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). Immerse yourself in the Bible, and stay close to the Lord. Pray and fast. Be filled with Holy Spirit, and learn to discern spiritual truths.
Brothers & Sisters stay alert, always testing the spirits in prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you discernment. The spiritual battle is real, but God will give you victory!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
“A man is judged by what he praises and of what he boasts."Proverbs 27:21
The Bible here speaks about two important characteristics: What we praise and what we boast about. Far more than just incidental parts of our lives, these behaviors reveal a great deal about the real condition of our heart. In fact, they provide insights into our nature and even signal what we want other people to think about us.
When we praise a person, we are indicating that they have acted in ways we particularly appreciate. We praise them when we think they are worthy of honor and respect, and when we appreciate what they accomplish. When we boast, we are describing our own accomplishments that we’re particularly proud of, or ones that mean a great deal to us.
This passage states a vital principle. Our boasting and praise both give us a valuable mirror to evaluate our lives. They expose blinds and help us see more clearly what others can see about us.
Paul knew that what we boast about is a strong indicator of what is in our hearts. He urged Believers to remember that “he who boasts is to boast in the Lord” (2 Corinthians 10:17). Knowing how much he owed to Jesus, Paul declared, “May it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14).
Ask God to examine your heart and mind. What are your priorities? Who are the people who serve as models for your life? And as you think about your own life, what events and accomplishments do you boast about? What experiences or accomplishments bring you particular satisfaction?
Brothers & Sisters allow God to reveal what your boasting and praise indicate about your heart. And focus anew on boasting about what Jesus has done for you. Let your life be filled with His praises. Look for opportunities to tell others about the Gospel.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
“When the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.”Matthew 14:35-36
The people of Gennesaret saw that a man was healed just by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment. In other places and times, some, like a leper, were healed when He touched them with His hands (Matthew 8:1-3). Others, like the servant of a centurion, were healed when Jesus just spoke the word (Matthew 8:5-13).
We can imagine how some people might have wanted to reduce Jesus’ ministry to a formula. If they would have studied His ministry, however, they would have realized that Jesus Himself was the key. He healed people in many different ways.
Instead of having people focus on a formula, Jesus wanted them to look to Him for their answers. He wanted them to realize that He was God, with the power to open the eyes of the blind…bring the dead to life…to perform miracles and do the impossible.
Today, Jesus works the same way. He knows every need. He knows each of us by name, and knows every one of our problems.
Jesus is “THE way,” but He doesn’t always answer our prayers or meet our needs in the same way. He wants us to know that He can work in our lives through a variety of different methods.
He looks for people with faith, who know that “without faith it is impossible to please Him” and that He rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
Brothers & Sisters, What problems do you face today? Remember that Jesus is with you, right now. He’s waiting to hear from you. Don’t try to guess what He might do or how He might help you. And don’t be disappointed if He doesn’t do things the way you expect.
Have faith in Him, and never doubt.
Monday, March 23, 2015
“The king ordered Ashpenaz…to bring in some of the sons of Israel…youths in whom was no defect, who were good-looking, showing intelligence in every branch of wisdom, endowed with understanding and discerning knowledge, and who had ability for serving in the king’s court.”Daniel 1:3-4
This must have been a devastating time for the Jews. Their kingdom had been wiped out. Jerusalem and the Temple had been destroyed. Their leaders had been taken into exile. What would the future hold?
Yet God had not abandoned His people. In fact, through four young men, He was about to impact the entire Babylonian empire.
The king called for the most gifted of these young exiles to be brought to his court. He only wanted the best of them, the cream of the crop. Daniel and his three friends were chosen, entering “the king’s personal service.” They would receive the best education and opportunities—things they never imagined when they were taken into exile.
But God used this process to make these young men His witnesses. Yes, they would serve in Babylon, but in reality, they would be serving Him…testifying of His greatness, accomplishing His purposes, and changing the course of history. They had been prepared for “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
God still works in the same way today. He has a unique call, ministry, and destiny for each of us. We are to serve Him wherever He calls us, whether it’s in the church or the world, at home or at work.
Brothers & Sisters remember that, as a child of God, you are the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). Everywhere you go, you are His ambassador. He has a special calling and destiny just for you! Allow Him to develop your gifts and talents. “Let your light shine,” and be His witness in everything you do. Live so that others can see what God has given you, and bring Him glory.
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 2 Corinthians 5:7
Many of us don't think about it but we, as humans have such a problem with fear -- fear that God won't come through when we're in need. We want insurance -- insurance for our cars, insurance for our houses, for our health and for our lives. We want to be insured that we’ll be okay if something happens. It has become our way of life in the western world.
Now, we're not saying go and cancel all your insurance plans -- but at the same time, God wants us to trust in His provision in our time of need! As we serve the Lord in ministry, we have truly learned the meaning of "never early, never late". Every single day since we have been here our faith has been tested and time and time again, God has provided for us in ways we could never conceive -- physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and in every other way -- never early, never late -- always just when we need it.
Brothers & Sisters, we need not fear anything that is before us. God will give us the strength to endure anything that comes our way. He has our ticket!
"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."Matthew 18:4
It never ceases to amaze me how our little girl, Tinotenda is growing and developing. I remember when she first came into this world, she was so helpless and frail -- she couldn't even move her head without our help. Now, just having turned 13, she's now a grown up girl doing form one. Now she is able to run around and tumbling, jumping, singing and dancing with others!
Once, back in those days when Tinotenda was much more dependent on us, she was crying about something or another. And on this particular day, nothing would comfort her until I picked her up into my arms. I remember thinking that day, how good it was to feel needed and loved by this little one -- and how wonderful it felt for that moment, that only I could make her happy.
And this got me thinking about something.
How easy is it for us to find our identities in the things we do in this world? We're good fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, good employees, etc. Now, it's not wrong to enjoy these positions. The problem comes, though, when we feel so accomplished in these things that they become who we are. And later, when we're wrapped all up in that identity, and we don't do such a great job at it, we feel like failures.
It's much harder to find our identity as a child of God, than it is our earthly occupations. I mean -- which would you rather be, a great mom, an employee who's just earned a raise, an appreciated pastor -- or a little helpless child who must be totally dependent upon His Father for every need? But it's SO important to first find our identity as children of the living God, and then in these secondary things!
Brothers & Sisters, let's ask the Lord to help us get into a new mindset today. It will help us stay humble and care free, knowing that we are but children of a Father who will take care of it all and striving to stay dependent upon Him!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
“Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit was troubled and his sleep left him. Then the king gave orders to call in the magicians, the conjurers, the sorcerers and the Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams…‘If you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you will be torn limb from limb.’”Daniel 2:1-5
Nebuchadnezzar was surrounded by the finest minds in his kingdom. But, after a troubling dream, he suddenly realized that their opinions weren’t enough. He needed real solutions, and demanded that they provide both the dream and a correct interpretation. They tried, without success, to convince him that this was impossible.
The king had discovered a profound truth: Without God, all of us simply have opinions. Regardless of our education or experience, and no matter how gifted we might be, God alone is the source of real wisdom. Nebuchadnezzar’s real need wasn’t for wise men, but for God Himself! He didn’t need experts in human reasoning, but rather a man like Daniel, who knew the “God in heaven who reveals mysteries” (v. 28).
When Daniel provided both the dream and its interpretation, Nebuchadnezzar knew he’d found a man with real answers, the kind of person he wanted in leadership. So, Daniel was promoted, and the king “made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon” (vs. 46-48).
Today, the world is filled with problems. Many people think the answers will come from politicians or political parties, movements or government programs, or even better forms of education. However, just as in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, there is only one source for the true answer: Turn to God. He alone “reveals mysteries.” People may provide their opinions, but only God can give the truth.
Brothers & Sisters seek God for the answers you need. Fill your life with His Word. Ask Him to reveal mysteries to you. Pray for your nation and the world, that the Lord may bring Godly leaders into office.
"O LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble."Isaiah 33:2
Do you have a fear of falling or failing? The Lord is always right there to be our net -- to catch us when we fall. He is our salvation in time of trouble and provides the perfect safety net in Messiah!
Brothers & Sisters, the Lord has not given us a "spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind!" Rest in the finish work that He provided 2000 years ago, and leave your fears behind -- and in doing so, we will do great things for the Kingdom!
"The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who keeps his way preserves his soul."Proverbs 16:17 ; "and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."Mark 1:15
Proverbs says the "highway of the upright is to depart from evil". It's a highway -- a way of life so to speak. And this proverb coincides with the central teaching of Jesus -- "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." What does it mean to repent? The Word repent simply means to change your mind about sin or to depart from evil.
Repentance is essentially a new attitude about the way I conduct my life. I don't expect perfection while remaining in this mortal body -- but a lifestyle of repentance means that I choose to live my life set apart unto the Lord, in communion with His Holy Spirit who lives in me, constantly turning away from and/or confessing my sins. Repentance does not involve rehearsing guilt, regret, or sins of the past, because true repentance and confession removes those from our conscience and the Lord declares them to be as far as the east is from the west!
Brothers & Sisters, choose the highway of the upright and speed your way through life's journey to the Kingdom of Heaven which awaits you. The enemy would love to sidetrack or distract you with the enticement of sin -- but even if he succeeds temporarily, you can always repent -- and speedily, get back on the right road --the highway of the upright., let's ask the Lord to help us become disciplined in this area today. There's so much work to be done!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
“Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision…‘Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.’”Daniel 2:19-21
To the people of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar was the supreme ruler with the power of life and death. But through Nebuchadnezzar’s troubling dream, God revealed that the king was a mere human being and there was another dimension far beyond his control or understanding. Not even the wisest men in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom could tell him this dream or provide its interpretation. Even these “wise” men were mere mortals.
In contrast, Daniel was given real insight and revelation. Why? Because he sought God for the answers. He realized that “wisdom and power belong to Him.” Governments may change. New rulers may come to power. But even mighty leaders like Nebuchadnezzar had limits. God alone is sovereign. He alone can give real wisdom and reveal “the profound and hidden things.” Only God “knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.”
As we look back over history, we realize that rulers only reign for a season. They inevitably fall short and fade into history. Kingdoms will rise, but also will fall. Movements will start, but also will end. However, as Daniel explained, through every change, the real power belongs to God.
Today, the real hope for the world is not new policies or politicians, not movements or military might. Our only hope is to turn to God. He alone has the answer.
Brothers & Sisters right now, seek God for your nation. Pray that people would turn from pride, sin, and wickedness and recognize their complete dependence on Him. He alone can give us the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding we need.
"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer."1 Peter 4:7
A foreign soldier was brought before his commanding officer and accused of communicating with the enemy. He had been seen emerging from an area where their troops were known to patrol. The poor man summed up his defense in a few words, stating that he had slipped away to spend an hour alone in prayer. "Have you been in the habit of spending an hour in private prayer?" demanded the officer. "Yes, Sir," he replied. "Well" said his commander, "never in your life have you been in more need of prayer than right now. Kneel down and pray aloud so that we all may hear you."
Expecting cruel punishment, maybe even death, the soldier dropped to his knees and poured out his heart to God. His prayer revealed a deep intimacy with God. His earnest fluency, humble appeal for divine intervention, and very evident trust in one who was strong to deliver, told without a doubt that he came regularly to the throne of grace.
"You are free to go," said the officer. "No one could have prayed that way without a long apprenticeship -- soldiers who never attend drill are always ill at ease for the review."
I heard a statistic not long ago, that the average Christian only spends about seven minutes a day in prayer. We need to practice prayer in our lives that we may be able to endure when trials come our way and stand strong against the enemy and his tactics!
Brothers & Sisters, let's ask the Lord to help us become disciplined in this area today. There's so much work to be done!
Monday, March 16, 2015
“Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to Daniel…‘Surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery.’ Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts.”Daniel 2:46-48
A young man, brought to a foreign land, miraculously selected to receive the finest training, then promoted to a role of great power—the perfect ending.
But this is not where the story ends. Daniel’s promotion led to confrontations with men who considered him a rival. The king was tricked into signing a law that resulted in Daniel being sentenced to the lions’ den. Later, he was forgotten but then called out of obscurity to interpret words written mysteriously on a wall. His friends were even thrown into “a furnace of blazing fire” when they would not worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s image.
As Daniel experienced, the world can be a fickle place. We see this in business, politics, and even churches. Power and fame can be achieved but then quickly lost. Jesus Himself would not entrust Himself to others, for He “knew what was in man” (John 2:24-25).
Yet people often forget these facts, still looking to flawed politicians to solve their problems. As Daniel discovered, people often are interested primarily in their personal ambitions and careers. Only a few truly seek God and His Kingdom, craving His wisdom instead of popularity or power.
Brothers & Sisters today, like Daniel, commit yourself to serving God all the time. Stay true to His call on your life. Remember to seek first His Kingdom. Use your influence to spread the Gospel. Speak out for your faith, and don’t be silent. Be sure to vote, and do your part to honor men and women who stand for Biblical truth.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
“I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed.”Daniel 9:1-2
What difference can one person make? Sometimes we look at problems and conclude there is nothing we can do. Everything can seem hopeless! But the Bible tells us that the prayers of even one person can change the world.
Just look at the life of Daniel. Prayer was a regular part of his life (Daniel 6:10). As he prayed, he acknowledged that his people had sinned. They had been driven into exile “because of their unfaithful deeds which they have committed against You.” They had transgressed God’s law and “turned aside, not obeying Your voice.”
Daniel interceded on behalf of his people. He confessed their sins and asked for God’s mercy and forgiveness. He boldly sought God, knowing He was compassionate and would forgive.
Daniel’s prayers were answered! We know his prayers had power, because God sent the angel Gabriel to encourage him.
Daniel put into action God’s promise to His people many years earlier: “[If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
This same promise is still true for us. God answers the prayers of Believers who humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, who care about needs in their country and the world, and who are willing to pray and seek His face.
Brothers & Sisters today, God wants you to know your prayers matter, and they can change the world. Don’t just pray polite, timid prayers and give up when nothing seems to happen. Instead, pray diligently. Boldly. Without ceasing!
“It is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.”2 Corinthians 10:18
Many experts believe that self-promotion is essential to success. In fact, they proclaimed that we must promote ourselves if we want to succeed in life. What matters, they said is not talent or good work but getting credit and being noticed.
For those who don’t know God, this perspective may make sense. In fact, it can be tempting for Believers to act like self-promoters. But the Bible tells us that believing in God should change everything.
The Lord knows what is best and is ready to lead and guide us. But this means pleasing Him. Believing that He can open and close doors. Trusting in Him with all our hearts, not leaning on our own understanding. Acknowledging Him in all our ways, confident that He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Paul knew that some might criticize him, and “measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves” (2 Corinthians 10:12). But his goal was being sure that God was pleased.
As we focus on God, we realize that the most important thing in life is to please Him. To receive His favor. To seek first His Kingdom, confident that He will meet every need. Not trying to manipulate others but committed to speak the truth. Having a strong, consistent testimony. Being a good example.
All around you, people may be driven to promote themselves. To clamor for attention and credit. You don’t have to be like them. Instead, focus on serving God. Trust Him and commit your way to Him. Pray and seek His face. Humble yourself before Him, and fill your life with His Word. And be sensitive to the leading of His Spirit.
Brothers & Sisters be confident that He will provide for you. Trust Him for your career, your future, and everything you need.
Friday, March 13, 2015
“Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the LORD until He comes to rain righteousness on you.”Hosea 10:12
Farmers know they don’t break up their unplowed ground, plow the fields, or plant seeds just once. They must always be thinking about what they must do that day to lay the groundwork for a future harvest.
The Bible tells us that these principles also apply to our spiritual lives. Even as the farmer must break up the soil anew, so we must repeatedly break up the hard or stony conditions in our hearts and minds. We must plant seeds, not just once, but over and over again.
We specifically are instructed to sow righteousness and beware of spiritual “weeds” that can form in our hearts and minds. We must uproot any habits that distract us or keep us from receiving God’s blessings. Sin can gain a hold on us, bringing compromise to our lives and keeping us from experiencing a bountiful harvest.
We must constantly turn to God in humility, breaking up our fallow ground. This means repenting of known sins, becoming sensitive to His Spirit, seeking Him in prayer, living according to His Word, and speaking out when we see godlessness spread over our land.
Can you imagine what would happen if, by the millions, God’s people made a commitment to break up our “fallow ground”? If we repented and asked His forgiveness for our sins? If we prayed intensely? If we spoke up for the truth of God’s Word? If we sought the Lord until He rained righteousness on us? If we faithfully interceded for our nation and the world?
Brothers & Sisters now is the time to seek God. Don’t wait for someone else to take the initiative. Sow seeds of righteous living through what you do and say. Pray. God can heal your land!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
“…lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”2 Corinthians 2:11
Many Christians don’t experience victory because they don’t know our enemy—Satan. As a result, we are weak and vulnerable, deceived and misled, confused and uncertain. To have victory over our enemy, we need to understand his schemes.
Paul said Satan looks for ways to dominate our thoughts and influence our behavior. The devil wants us to think he has the advantages. He wants us to be afraid and worried, so we lose our joy and peace. He attempts to poison our relationships, finances, and spiritual lives, and he tries to make us question God and His Word.
We need to understand that Satan has diabolical plans, strategies, and purposes. If we are unaware of the way he thinks, he can surprise us and influence us in many unanticipated ways. He can take advantage of us and gain a foothold in our minds and emotions.
Brothers & Sisters today, remember God wants you to be victorious and experience His blessings. However, you will face lies from the enemy, so you must learn how he thinks by filling your mind with God’s Word.
Declare God’s promises to be true in your life. Ask Him to help you stay spiritually alert. Be aware of the spiritual warfare going on around you. Be bold and strong. Believe God for victory!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”John 10:10
Not only is Satan a liar, he’s also a thief! He doesn’t come to bring you prosperity, blessing, or encouragement. No! He comes “only to steal and kill and destroy.” If we want to know his real character, we must remember that he’s a destroyer! A murderer! A thief!
What does the devil try to steal? Anything that belongs to God and anything God has prepared for His children. Anything!
What does Satan desire to kill? Ultimately, each of us. He wants people to spend eternity with him. He tries to destroy the work of God and anyone who serves Him. There can be no greater contrast than to realize Jesus came that we might have abundant life!
Right now, you can know God’s desire for you by reading His Word. What does He want for your life? He wants you to experience His abundance…in every area of your life. He has given you spiritual authority and supernatural power to resist and defeat Satan. You don’t have to let the devil steal from you!
Today, look at your life and think about all the ways God wants to bless you—with health and prosperity, joy and peace, wisdom and power, health and positive relationships…and much more! Just remember that Satan wants to steal all of these things from you, and he’ll never stop trying.
Brothers & Sisters don’t let Satan win. Fight back! Know your rights, power, and authority, which you’ll find explained in God’s Word. Commit your resources wholeheartedly to God’s Kingdom. Let Him rule and reign in your life!
"but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."2 Corinthians 10:12b
An ancient legend tells of a king who walked into his garden one day to find almost everything withered and dying. After speaking to an oak near the gate, the king learned that he was troubled because he was not tall and beautiful like the pine. The pine overheard their conversation and added that she, too, was upset, for she could not bear delicious fruit like the pear tree. The pear tree heard his name and began to complain that he did not have the lovely odor of the spruce. And so it went throughout the entire garden.
Near the very edge of the garden grew a little daisy. As the king approached, he noticed her bright little face, full of life. "Well, little flower," said the monarch, "I'm glad to find that there is at least one happy face in my garden."
"Oh king," she said, "I know I'm little, and not many people notice me, but one day I realized that you if planted me here, you must have had a good reason. So, your majesty, I've determined to be the best little flower I can be!"
Our King has planted a beautiful garden. Not one of us is greater than the next. It is his His perfection.
We must come to a place where we trust that God has a reason for creating us the way He has and has planted us in just the place he desired. Comparing ourselves with one another will only make us wither. When we become satisfied in His creation (that is us), that's when we'll find true happiness".. and we will shine.
Brothers & Sisters, let's give God our all our disappointments and be determined to be the best that we can be for Him!
"For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days."Hosea 3:4-5
A prayer frequently heard at the conclusion of Orthodox Jewish services is "Ani Ma'amin" translated, "I believe." The full prayer is. "I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Mashiach; and even though he may tarry, nevertheless, I wait each day for his coming."
We know that Messiah (Jesus) did not meet the expectations of the Pharisees at His first coming because they were jealous of Him and focused on a victorious king, "Mashiach ben David", one who would rule on the throne of David, bring judgment to the wicked and restore the Temple and the Kingdom to Israel. So, to this day, Orthodox Jews anxiously await Messiah's arrival, believing he could come at any time.
Now this important prophecy in Hosea, often overlooked, speaks of a period of time for many days when Israel would be without a King, or Prince, or a sacrifice, or other religious articles -- but that in the latter days (the Hebrew literally means "the End of Days") the nation will return, and seek the Lord and the Messiah -- specifically "Mashiach ben David" -- the Messiah Son of David. This time period began with the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD and continues to the present.
But even having missed the first coming of the true Messiah, still the Jewish people nourish a continuing hope and expectation for His coming, which is included regularly in their liturgy. Enduring exile and persecution over many generations they have continued in the unwavering hope of his coming.
Brothers & Sisters, in light of this example of persevering hope among the Jewish people, how much more expectant and hopeful ought we to be who already truly know Him who is coming again for us...and for them? He who was resurrected from the dead -- Jesus, the "hope of glory"! As the earth continues to groan, and so do we, let's keep our focus where it really belongs. He is coming soon. Even so, Come Lord Jesus!
Monday, March 9, 2015
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”James 1:22-24
How well do you know yourself? And are you really being honest?
Most people consistently fool themselves and overestimate their own motives and actions. I observed that people spun stories that excused their own actions. They viewed themselves as kind, generous, and fair but applied different standards when evaluating others.
In my interactions, I see how often people think of themselves in a positive light. How easily they overlook their own flaws and justify their actions. They may be critical of others but tend to be sympathetic toward their own decisions.
They may criticize others, and assume the worst about their motives and character. But when they do the same kinds themselves, they are tolerant and forgiving, giving themselves the benefit of the doubt.
God knows this about us, and has given us directions to keep ourselves in perspective. The Bible tells us that we can reason ourselves into drawing the wrong conclusions. As a result, we can deceive ourselves. Jesus taught this principle when He warned us not to judge others, that we will be judged by the standards of our judgment (Matthew 7:1-2).
Brothers & Sisters today, remember that God is objective and that He judges you according to His perfect standards. Be careful before you judge others, and seek God’s perspective on your own life.
Remember that He has given you His Word, and make sure to evaluate your life in light of its standards. Study the Word and remember it is the “perfect law.” Put its principles into action. And ask God to open your eyes to see yourself the way He sees you.
"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."1 Peter 4:12-13
God is creating some magnificent diamonds!
A diamond is the hardest natural substance known, having been created by intense heat and pressure. I'm seeing believers becoming like diamonds, created the only way possible, through fiery trials...and then, the final precision sculpting by the Master Jeweler as He cuts them into priceless gems. I believe this is not just a metaphor, but a true "last days" vision, for, as these diamonds are prepared, and as the light of Jesus begins beaming through them, I'm seeing thousands of rays of light impacting this darkening world around us...all for His glory!
Brothers & Sisters, don't despise the discipline, the intense pressure you are currently under, the testing of your faith. Rather, as hard as it can be, try to embrace them in light of what they truly are -- the very method of God's forming you into a priceless diamond for the world to see, and be amazed at the beauty of Jesus shining bright and clear as crystal through your very life!
"Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed."Psalms 37:3
The word "verily", in this verse, is the Hebrew word “emunah”. It also means "faith" or "faithfully". When we trust in the Lord, and our trust is demonstrated by doing good, He declares that He will faithfully feed us. How will we be fed? The Hebrew word for "fed is" "roeh", which also means "shepherd". Yes, the good shepherd feeds his flock who trust Him, by leading them to green pastures, and He does it faithfully. Messiah (Jesus) is our Chief Shepherd. We know His voice, trust him, and follow His direction, so we don't go hungry.
Brothers & Sisters, we're continuing to trust in the Lord and do good; to dwell in the Land and be fed. But our deepest hunger is for the Shepherd Himself... to be nearer to Him. He feeds us, in every way. Yet His deepest longing is that we dwell with and in Him, as He said, "Abide in Me and I in you". Not only does our life depend on Him, Who is faithful, but the greater relationship He offers and desires is to be our friend, and even our Husband.
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