Thursday, May 31, 2012
Kuenda kudenga kwaEri nokutanga basa kwomuprofita Erisha ndizvo zvinowanikwa muzvitsauko zviviri zvokutanga zva 2 Madzimambo. Zvitsauko zvasara ndizvo zvinobata nhoroondo yamakore mazana matatu, uye tichitaura maererano nezvechinamato, zvinhu zvose zvakanga zvichiderera chaizvo, kunze wekamwe chete kana kaviri apo rumutsidziro rwakakurudzirwa namambo ainge achitonga. Mugumo oumambo hwokumusoro anouya makare zana namakumi mashanu magumo eJudha asati asvika, asi muzviitiko zviviri izvi zvinizivikanwa kuti kwaiva kurngwa kwakanga kusingadziviriki, kwaibva pakutsauka kubva kuna Mwari.
Mabhuku maviri aya amadzimambo anobata nhoroondo yeIsraeri kwamakore anoda kusvika mazana mana.
Zvitsauko gumi nechimwe chete zvokutanga zva 1 Madzimambo zvinotaura pamusoro pomwanakomana waDhavhidhi, Soromoni, mambo wechitatu weIsraeri. Kukosha kwake kuri pakuvaka kwaakaita temberi muJerusarema, panova ndipo pamoyo wechinamato cheIsraeri. Mwanakomana wake, Rehobhoamu akagara nhaka yenyika yakanga isingagutsikani uye nokuda kwoupenzi hwake, marudzi gumi akazvitsaura akazviita nyika pachavo pasi pokutonga kwomumwe aiva muchinda waSoromoni, ainzi Jerobhoamu. Nokudarowo, nyika iyi yakanzi Israeri, kana kuti umambo hwomusoro, uye mamwe marudzi maviri akasara akanzi Judha, kana kuti nyika yezasi. Nhoroondo yenyika idzi mbiri inotaurwazve nezvayo mune zvimwe zvitsauko zva - 1 ne- 2 Madzimambo. Eri muprofita anokosha, ndiye anonyanyotaurwa nezvake kumagumo kwa 1 Madzimambo.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Bhuku iri riri pamusoro pamambo wechipiri uye mambo kwaye kupfuura vose muIsraeri, mambo Dhavhidhi. Bhuku iri rinotanga muhondo uye zvichitevera kufa kwaSauro muhondo iyi. Pashure tinozoverenga nezvokurwisana kwavanakomana vaDhavhidhi pamusoro pokuti ndiani aizotevera pachigaro choumambo. Dhavhidhi ndiye akaita kuti Jerusalema rive guta guru reIsraeri.
Bhuku rokutanga nerechipiri raSamueri mabhuku anopa nhoroondo yeIsraeri panguva inokosha yokubva muutungamiri hwaivapo vachienda muutungamiri hwamadzimambo. Mabhuku aya anotora zita rawo kubva pamuprofita akanga akagadza madzimambo maviri okutanga, Sauro naDhavhidhi.
1 Samueri rinoenderera mberi nenyaya yomuVatongi richiratidza kuti kutambudzwa kwavaIsraeri, nguva nenguva, namarudzi akanga akavakidzana navo, kwakaita kuti vanhu vakumbire mambo.
Iyi inyaya yokuzvipira kumhuri, kuzvipira kuna Mwari uye nokumirayiro yake. Yakaitika panguva imwe cheteyo neyaVatongi. Mutambi mukuru ndiRute, uyo akanga asiri muIsraeri asi akanga atenda kuna Mwari, uye kubudikidza nokuwanikwa kwake nomuIsraeri ainzi Bhoazi akabva ava mbuya vakuru vaDhavhidhi uye natateguru waJesu.
"O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory." Psalms 98:1
Years ago, a young sailor went to sea for the first time. Not long after setting sail his ship encountered a heavy storm and the sailor was commanded to go aloft and trim the sails. About three quarters of the way up, the young sailor made the mistake of looking down. The roll of the ship combined with the tossing of the waves made for a frightening experience. The young man started to lose his balance. At that moment, an older sailor underneath him shouted, "Look up, son! Look up!" The young sailor did as he said -- he looked up, and regained his balance.
Similarly, when our focus is on the circumstances that we face, the waves of life, we can easily lose our balance and our direction. But when we change our focus and simply "look up", our internal spiritual compass fixed on the Lord will restore our stability, and enable us to finish the assignments we’ve been given and get to the top!
brothers & Sisters, are you feeling unstable today? Look up! The Lord will steady you. Heaven is your goal and God will provide the power and direction to bring you safely there!
"Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:17-18,21
One minister tells of a wife who came into his office full of hatred toward her husband. "I do not only want to get rid of him, I want to get even! Before I divorce him, I want to hurt him as much as he has hurt me!"
The minister suggested an ingenious plan "Why don't you go home and act as if you really love your husband. Tell him how much he means to you. Praise him for every decent trait. Go out of your way to be as kind, considerate and generous as possible. Spare no efforts to please him. Make him believe you love him. Then -- after you've convinced him of your undying love and that you cannot live without him, drop the bomb. Tell him you want a divorce. That will really hurt him.
"With revenge in her eyes, she smiled and exclaimed, "Beautiful, beautiful! Boy, will he ever be devastated!" And she did it with enthusiasm. For two months she showed love and kindness, she listened, served and reinforced. When she didn't return to his office, the minister called. "So, are you ready now to go through with the divorce?" "Divorce?" she exclaimed. "Never! I discovered that I really do love him."
This woman's actions changed her feelings. Whether it's a tough relationship, a long-time fear, or a task that seems too big for us to accomplish, sometimes we need to act in faith in order to see it conquered for the Kingdom!
Brothers & Sisters, whatever it may be, let's give it to the Lord today and ask Him to motivate us to go forth with strength and passion -- for His sake!
Bhuku iri rinopfuurira mberi nenyaya yokukundwa nokutorwa kwenyika yeIsraeri zvakanga zvine kupikisana namamwe marudzi aiva munyika yeIsraeri, namamwe akanga akakomberedza. Nyaya iyi inosanganisira kuramba vachimukira uye vasingasateereri Mwari, dzimwe nguva vachimbodzoka kuna Mwari, uye nomwoyo wake murefu unoratidzwa nokuvatungamiri vakasiyana-siyana (vainzi Vatongi),vaaimutsa kuti vatungamirire marudzi kuti arwe navavengi vavo.
Zvitsauko gumi nezviviri zvokutanga zvinotitaurira pamusoro pokutanga kutorwa kwenyika yeIsraeri pasi poutungamiri hwaJoshua. Zvitsauko zvokupedzisira zvinotaura pamusoro pourongwa hwokugoverana nyika pakati pamarudzi gumi namaviri. Vanhu vazhinji venzvimbo iyi vaifanira kuti vakundwe.
Zviitiko zvebhuku iri zvakaitika pamuganhu wenyika yeIsraeri. Zvinopiwa seMharidzo nhatu dzaMozisi dzaakapa pamusoro perwendo rwavo kubva kuIjipiti, kumukira kwavanhu uye nomwoyo murefu waMwari. Akataurazve uye akasimbisa mimwe yemitemo yomuna Ekisodho, Revhitiko naNumeri (ndipo pakabva zita rebhuku, rinoreva 'kupiwa kwemirairo kwechipiri'), uye rinosimbisa kuti vaifanira kuteerera mushure mokunge vatora nyika yeIsraeri. Bhuku iri rinopedzisira namashoko okupedzisira aMozisi, uye norufu rwake.
Zvitsauko gumi zvokutanga zvinopfuurira mberi zvichitaura nezvemirayiro yaRevhitiko. Zita rebhuku iri rinobva pakuverengwa kwavanhu kwakasiyana-siyana kana kuti kuverengwa kwavanhu kwakanga kwaitwa vasati vabva paSinai. Zvitsauko zvinotevera zvinotaura pamusoro pamakore makumi mana okudzungaira muranje, uye kunyunyuta nokumukira kwavo Mozisi naMwari.
Iri ibhuku remimwe mirayiro kana mitemo yaishandiswa pakunamata kwavaIsraeri, kunyanya pamusoro pezvibairo nebasa rouprista. Shoko rinokosha ndero'Utsene', nokuti chinangwa chemurayiro chaiva chokubatsira vanhu kuti vave noukama naMwari, uye vadaro vagoratidza Mwari muupenyu hwavo hwamazuva ose.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Chinokosha mubhuku iri kununurwa kweIsraeri naMwari kubva muIjipita uye zita rebhuku iri rinoreva kuti 'kubuda'. Pakati paGenesis naEkisodho pane makore mazana mana uye munguva iyi vaIjipita vakapinduka pamabatiro avo vaIsraeri, kubva pakugarisana zvakanaka, vakatanga kuvaitira zvakaipa nokuvadzvinyirira. Mozisi akatanga kutungamira vanhu vaMwari kubva muIjipita, achienda kunyika yeIsraeri. Pagomo reSinai Mwari akapa Mozisi Mirayiro yaizofanira kuva hwaro hwoupenyu hworudzi rutsva urwu. Iyi ndiyo yakaiswa pamwe chete ikava Mirayiro ineGumi
Sezvinoreva zita raro, bhuku iri riri pamusoro pamavambo, kana kuti matangiro epasi pose, enyika dzakasiyanasiyana, echivi, uye avanhu vechiJudha. Muzvitsauko 12-50 tinobva pakuutaura pamusoro pavanhu vose vose tichienda mberi patinodzidza kuti Mwari akabva sei mukusagadzikana kwevanhu akasarudza munhu mumwe chete, Abhurahamu. Mwari akamuudza kuti anogara munyika yeIsraeri uye nezvizvarwa zvake, Isaka naJakobho vanozivikanwa samadzitateguru eIsraeri. Vanakomana gumi navaviri vaJakobho ndivo vakava mavambo amarudzi gumi namaviri eIsraeri. Kubudikidza naJosefa, mumwe wavakomana vake, mhuri yose yandogara kuIjipita.
"The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks." Proverbs 30:26
Unless you're up on your biology, you're probably wondering, "What in the world is a coney?" I certainly was. After doing a little research, I discovered that a coney is a rock badger.
These little critters make their homes in rocks and in sides of mountains -- only venturing away from their rocky homes in the quest for food. While the badger stays within his home of rocks, he is safe from his natural predators. He stays close to home because he realizes his limitations. Badgers recognize that they do not have strength within themselves --- their strength lies in the rocks they call home.
So it should be for us as believers. We, too, must recognize our limitations! We need to be aware that like the conies, we are feeble folk! If we venture too far away from our Rock,(Jesus) -- we will become vulnerable, easy prey! But if we stay within the shelter of our Rock, we can rest in the security He provides!
Brothers & Sisters, the winds and storms of this world can shake us up a bit -- but they don't sway the Rock! Let's make sure our homes are built in the safest place there is. Let’s build on the Rock.
Monday, May 14, 2012
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."1 Timothy 6:6-10
Brothers & Sisters in Christ, as the Apostle Paul said, we came into this world with nothing – and when we leave this world, we take nothing with us. We can make the mistake of holding too dearly onto our earthly possessions, making them our "treasure", (rather than storing treasure where moth and rust do not corrode etc.)Instead, let's remind ourselves that we are stewards of God's possessions, responsible to use them with His interests in mind, to further His Kingdom with the things He has entrusted to us. With so much work to be done, let's never allow our earthly possessions to petrify us with greed or fear thus preventing the eternal work we were preordained for, and stealing our eternal rewards.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
"When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?"John 5:6
Jesus asked this man "Do you want to be made well?" Of course he did! Wouldn't you? Why did Jesus ask a question like this when its answer was so clearly obvious? It seems the Lord wanted to hear him verbalize his need.
Sometimes the obvious things just smack us in the face, don't they? On several occasions, I've found myself in this very position! Silly me -- I forgot to ask!
Brothers & Sisters, the Lord is asking us today, "Do you want to be made well?" Whether it be physical healing, spiritual, emotional or financial healing, no thing is too great or too small for our Lord! Perhaps we've just forgotten to ask Him!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
We've all heard the word "nesting" but have we ever taken a close look at true nesting in action? This is neat.
When a mother eagle starts building her nest, she begins using items we wouldn't at all expect for such a job -- sharp thorns, broken branches, rocks. Later, she places on top of it a layer of wool, feathers, and fur from animals she has killed, making it soft and comfortable for her eggs. Her eggs eventually hatch and her little ones grow to flying age. As with any creature, growing up is never an easy thing. That's precisely when mom begins "stirring up the nest." With her strong talons, she begins pulling up the thick carpet of fur and feathers, bringing the sharp rocks and branches to the surface. As more of the bedding gets plucked up, the nest becomes more uncomfortable for the young eagles. Eventually, this and other urgings prompt the little eagles to leave their once-comfortable abode and move on to bigger and better things like learning to fly and eventually making homes and families for themselves.
I think some of us may have gotten a little too comfortable in our nests. We've had all the warmth, comfort and free meals we could want but all good things come to better things, with the Lord! It's time we learned to fly!
Brothers & Sisters, let's not be bitter at the Lord for plucking up our comfortable nests. He wants us to be all that we can be! He wants us to accomplish all the things He has for us -- to reach our fullest potential -- to experience the amazing sensation of flying, even soaring, high above our problems and issues and whatever other distractions hold us back from growing up in Him. Let's take the leap of faith today.
Monday, May 7, 2012
"When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing."John 9:6-7
I read this passage and I wonder how I would react if someone mixed their saliva with some dirt on the ground and put it on my face like this. Ewww! Why didn't Jesus just heal this guy and be done with it? Why the messy prelude?
If you'll notice, Jesus did two things. First, He placed mud on the man's eyes. Then, He told him to go and wash himself in the pool of Siloam. Of course, the man willingly obeyed. If you had some gross concoction smeared on your eyes, wouldn't you? The mud actually provided the motivation for his obedience.
My point? We don't always have to understand why we find our selves muddy sometimes. Perhaps if we weren't muddy, we'd never be motivated to obey! And obedience is crucial to a successful and flourishing walk with the Lord.
Brothers & Sisters, let's not despise the mud on our face today. We all have times of trial. Let's use them for an opportunity to be obedient! God is just trying to help us see better!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you."Phillipians 4:8-9
The principle of warfare says, he who holds the high ground wins the battle!
This principle of warfare can also be applied to our lives. When we walk in integrity, honesty, purity, holiness, and love – we are maintaining the high ground. However tempting it may be, this is where we must not give in, compromise, or surrender! Because as soon as we begin giving up the high ground of character, losing the battle for won't be long before the war overtakes us too.
Brothers & Sisters, fight to hold your high ground -- strive to reach the top in your pursuit of God! Whatever the cost -- hold that high position, and soon... victory will be yours!
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